In the end, this attack was resolved by the goalkeeper.


The goalkeeper was obviously quite dissatisfied with his team's defense.

So he shouted loudly again.

Remind Santos to be more active in defense!

In the subsequent games, Bilbao identified Santos here, as if to tell you clearly that Santos is the defensive weakness of Real Madrid.

After sprinting to the right again and again, Bilbao finally reaped the rewards.

In the 27th minute of the game.

Bilbao's players broke through from the right again with the ball.

Although Real Madrid's players have consciously stood further to the right, they can provide support in the first time.

As a result, when Santos was broken through again, Bilbao's players were very smart to make a large-scale transfer.

Because Real Madrid's back line was attracted to the right.

So the defense on the left was much weaker.

When Real Madrid's players followed the ball to the left, it was too late.

A cross from the left.

In the end, it was still Bilbao's No. 9 player who easily scored another goal in a one-on-one duel with the goalkeeper.


On the sidelines.

Zidane was about to be furious at this time!

He had reminded all the players before the game.

When facing Bilbao's attack.

You must pay attention to assisting defense.

Because Zidane knows very well.

There is a clear gap between the ability of Real Madrid players and Bilbao players.

At least.

When the defensive ability of Real Madrid players is compared with the offensive ability of Bilbao, the gap between the two sides is not enough for Real Madrid players to succeed in a one-on-one.


Now the players on the field are too amateur.

A zone defense cannot be done, at least assisting defense needs to keep up.

However, these two goals were lost.

The players did not follow Zidane's instructions.

"Assist defense! Pay attention to assist defense! Have you all forgotten the pre-match training?!"

After hearing Zidane's voice, Li Chu finally understood.

There is a problem with Real Madrid's defense!


After communicating with several teammates near the center circle, when Real Madrid served the ball again, Li Chu took the initiative to come to the position of the back midfielder.

This position.

is Li Chu's choice after thinking.

When Bilbao came back again, he habitually found Santos again.

When Bilbao's players successfully broke through Santos again, Li Chu came up to defend immediately.

Bilbao's players obviously didn't take Li Chu seriously.

They tried to break through Li Chu by breaking through Santos.

As a result, the football was easily intercepted by Li Chu.

At this time, Li Chu was a little unhappy.

Although his defense was only 57, his interception was at least more than 70.


The most important thing is that with his talent on the offensive end, Li Chu has a better grasp of his opponent's psychology.

So even though his defensive attributes are not good, he is definitely a high-end player in the youth team.

Li Chu intercepted the ball.

He quickly brought the ball to the midfield.

Behind him, his own defender had already moved up to the original position.

That's right.

At this time, Li Chu thought of Poppa's performance in Juventus.

Why did Poppa, who had interceptions and assists, perform so well?

First of all, Poppa's interception was quite good.

Secondly, when Poppa participated in the attack, the flaws revealed by his own forward movement were often made up by the big guys behind him.

With Li Chu's active retreat to defend.

Real Madrid's defensive loopholes were finally plugged.


Without Li Chu's transmission and organization in the midfield, during this period.

Real Madrid's offense had no color at all.

At this time, Zidane was also a little anxious.

But there was no better way.

There was only one Li Chu.

If it is used on defense, then offense will naturally be sacrificed.

Let's wait and see.

But Li Chu didn't think so at this time.

When the first half of the game was about to end.

Real Madrid got another chance to attack.

Originally, Bilbao's players were advancing, but when the ball came to Real Madrid's half again, it found Santos again.

After seeing Li Chu come up to defend, the player who received the ball chose to pass the ball immediately.

After many contacts in the first half, all Bilbao's players have realized that Li Chu is not easy to mess with.

Originally, they wanted to attack around Li Chu.As a result, the pass was weaker in a hurry.

It was directly intercepted by Real Madrid.


Attack and defense changed.

Real Madrid players rushed to Bilbao's half at the first time.

Bilbao was still sprinting towards Real Madrid's penalty area the moment before, so naturally, they reacted a beat slower at this time.

When the ball came to Bilbao's half.

After receiving Jack's pass, the striker shot at a too straight angle.

It was directly hit by Bilbao's goalkeeper's fists.

As a result, the ball flew in front of Li Chu who had just come up.

Not far behind him was Bilbao's chasing player.

At this moment.

Li Chu had no time to adjust.

Facing the falling ball.

His right leg slammed the ball hard.

Fairy from the sky!

The ball instantly turned into a white light.

When everyone caught up with it again.

The football was already in Bilbao's goal at this time.

It was spinning on the net!


Real Madrid finally scored a goal at the end of the first half!

Zidane on the sidelines was also very excited at this time.

Li Chu!

It's Li Chu again!

When the players were at a disadvantage, Li Chu stood up.

He took the initiative to become a back midfielder and participated in the defense.

And when the score was behind.

In the end.

It was still Li Chu who saved the team!

At this moment, Zidane felt that this small stage of the youth team was a bit of a waste of Li Chu's talent.

In the audience.

Real Madrid fans can finally cheer at this time.

In the previous time, the performance of the Real Madrid youth team was really bad.

If Li Chu hadn't moved back to participate in the defense, Real Madrid might have been penetrated by Bilbao before the end of the first half.

Many spectators who came to the scene to watch the game excitedly.

This time, everyone came for Li Chu.

After all, Li Chu's excellent performance in the last game was spread by word of mouth among Real Madrid fans.

Everyone knew that a super star finally appeared in Real Madrid's youth team.

Not only did Kate, a talented player who completely defeated Sevilla, lead the team to a comeback victory in the last game.


The fans who had been waiting for a half-time.

When the first half was about to end, the super rookie Li Chu that everyone had been thinking about.

Finally broke out.

What surprised everyone was that.

Li Chu's goal.

It was actually a very difficult one!


There was warm applause from the stands!

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