There is no need to hold a meeting for one person alone.

So Li Chu suddenly yelled at the top of his lungs, attracting everyone's attention.

"The game is not over yet, let's score another goal!"

Although Li Chu wore the captain's armband, he only had one way to convince everyone, which was to raise his arm and say to score another goal.

Some people were willing to listen, such as Wu Sanshi and Mei Dong. They were the direct responsible persons for this demand, and of course they hoped to make up for their mistakes.

Some people didn't think so. Some players thought that it was not that easy to score a goal just by saying it, not to mention that there was one less player. Although they lost now, they only lost one goal difference. If they attacked again, they would be beaten by more players.

When the goal difference was calculated, it would be a pity if they didn't have an advantage and couldn't qualify.

Li Chu didn't care about so much. He would unite as many people as possible. In short, it was time to fight to the death.

However, Uzbekistan was also very good. Seeing that they were ahead again, the coach immediately replaced a forward with a defensive player, who was an old acquaintance of many players.

Ismailov, who played for the Yanchao Asia-Pacific team.

There were still more than ten minutes left, and they set up an iron bucket formation. With the current level of the Chinese national football team, it was not so easy to break the iron bucket formation.

Especially now that the quota for substitutions in the game has been used up, and there is no high center forward on the field.

If you want to break the iron formation, you can't grab the ball when you pass it in.

Wu Sanshi is a small man who is only 1.71 meters tall and is not good at heading.

In addition to the goalkeeper, the tallest player on the field is Messi.

Hao Ge asked Li Chu to go to the front line, and he sat in the midfield to pass.

Li Chu agreed. Anyway, Uzbekistan has completely retreated now. There is no need for so many people in the midfield.

In the next few minutes, the Chinese national football team pressed Uzbekistan.

But although they were kicking around Uzbekistan, there were few truly threatening attacks. Basically, they could only rub against the outside and could not get in.

The ball was passed in and then headed out by the Uzbek players, many of whom were tall and strong.

Wu Sanshi and Li Chu were like two little chickens inside, surrounded by a group of big men, and they could not play at all.

After the football was broken out this time, Hao Ge got the ball without stopping it, and passed it directly to the side, intending to use the second attack to attack again before all the Uzbek defensive players were in position.

But Jiang Peng on the side saw the ball being headed out and ran back directly, without thinking about continuing to attack.

The two did not expect to go together, and Jiang Peng could not catch up if he wanted to move forward. He ran two steps symbolically and spread his hands.

Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful again.

However, at this moment, suddenly a red figure rushed to the side quickly.

The ball was not slow and had already rolled out to the baseline. There were also players from Uzbekistan chasing the ball, but they were instantly overtaken by the red figure.

"It's Li Chu! He hasn't given up yet, he's chasing the ball!"

At this time, the football was very close to the edge of the baseline.

Li Chu threw his whole body out to save the ball.


Li Chu kicked the football, and the football was almost at zero degrees, flying to the center of the penalty area.

At this time, Li Chu's body flew out of the court due to inertia, and hit the billboard, making a loud noise.

This ball was also beyond the expectations of the Uzbek players.

They thought that this ball was definitely out of the baseline, and Li Chu would definitely not catch up, but they didn't expect that Li Chu could accelerate again in the last step of the sprint.

And even if the ball was saved, it might not be dangerous, but they didn't expect Li Chu's flexibility to be so good that he could pass the ball with that awkward movement, and even kicked the outside of his foot.

Therefore, an arc bypassed the Uzbekistani defensive player at the front point and the Uzbekistani goalkeeper standing at the front post.

Wu Sanshi at the back point used a very irregular action. He raised his leg and kicked but didn't touch the ball. He hit the ball with his face bone and pushed the ball into the net.

"3:3! Wu Sanshi scored! He made up for his mistake, but the biggest credit for this should be attributed to Li Chu. He didn't give up. He was two positions behind the Uzbekistani player, and he chased him and gave up all his center of gravity!

He saved the ball! He even hit the billboard hard. Let us all pray that Li Chu will not be injured because of this ball!"

He Wei's tone was very complicated. On the one hand, he was excited. He didn't expect that the national football team could still rely on the score alone in adversity. Watch the national football team and comment on the national football teamOver the years, this kind of scene is really rare.

On the other hand, they are worried that the shadow of Li Chu hitting the billboard just now is too big, everyone heard it, and the billboard was obviously deformed.

After all, Li Chu ran too fast and couldn't stop the car at all.

Goals are good, but Li Chu's performance in these two games also fully proves that the national football team is two different teams with or without Li Chu. If Li Chu is injured, it will not be good news for the national football team or Real Madrid.

The team doctor ran quickly with a bag and started to treat Li Chu on the sidelines.

At this time, Li Chu was also a little drowsy. He ran too fast just now, almost at the speed of a 100-meter sprint. Li Chu felt that his sprint speed just now, if he was clocked, he might be able to run 100 meters in less than 10 seconds.

So it was normal that he couldn't stop the car in the end.

Fortunately, he has a steel-like will. This skill has a passive effect that reduces damage, otherwise Li Chu would definitely end up hitting the billboard.

At this time, Coach Shi showed off his IQ again.

"I deny that Li Chu is very capable, but he is not smart enough. Although this ball helped the national football team to equalize the score, it is not worth it because the injury affected the following games and even affected his career."

At this time, many fans also watched the moment when Li Chu collided with the billboard through slow motion playback.

"Fuck, Li Chu is too hard. Such a big player is so hard. It is a sharp contrast to a certain clown."

"Is this old man still alive? Does he know that many people will scold him for saying this?"

"You don't understand. He has mastered the traffic password. Black and red are also black and red!"

"There is traffic, but MA is gone."

"Have you ever considered that Mr. Shi probably doesn't care about his relatives at all."

"I'm really worried. Li Chu must not get hurt."

"The collision was too heavy. I guess he can't hold on. Last time, that guy also hit the billboard and was carried away on a stretcher. Look at the slow motion. Li Chu hit his head."

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