When Bale rushed towards Villarreal's backcourt with the football like a supercar that had reached its fastest speed.

C Ronaldo and Benzema also ran together.

BBC's speed.

Like three white arrows, they were advancing from the left, middle and right at the same time.

Seeing such an exciting scene.

All the Real Madrid fans at the scene also followed the adrenaline rush.

Starting from Bale's speed.

The sky above the entire Bernabeu has been echoing with the huge cheers of Real Madrid fans.

Villarreal's backcourt.

At this time, except for goalkeeper Asenjo.

Only Jokic was left behind.

The two brothers looked at the Real Madrid front three menacingly.


After looking at each other.

Jokic could only run towards Bale who was dribbling the ball on the right.


When the Monkey King's speed increased.

No one in the world can stop him!

It's not a skill.

The Great Sage simply passed the ball.

Facing Jokic who was coming forward.

When the two were about to touch, Bell kicked the ball about 5 meters behind Jokic.

Then he rushed towards the ball.

When Jokic just turned around.

He could only watch Bell get the ball again and rush towards his own penalty area.

Seeing Jokic was thrown away by Bell.

Asenho had no choice.

He came to the near corner of the goal as soon as possible, ready to fight Bell.

It's not that Asenho didn't want to leave the goal.

But there were Benzema and Ronaldo in the middle and left not far away.

There was only one result of choosing to leave the goal.

That is, Bell just had to transfer the ball.

Then the remaining two people would face an empty goal.


Bell cut in from the right side of the penalty area with the ball.

When he came to the penalty area, he saw Asenjo who was ready. Bale finally chose to shoot by himself. Actually, if Bale chose to pass the ball at this time, Asenjo, who was already standing in the upper left corner of the goal penalty area, would not be able to react. However, Bale ran out of this opportunity himself. Now he chose to shoot by himself, which is understandable. Facing Asenjo, Bale finally chose to push the ball to the far corner of the goal. However, Asenjo, who had stretched his body as far as possible, finally touched the ball with his right leg. Seeing that the single-handed ball was just so close, Bale also showed an incredible expression. Just when Asenjo breathed a sigh of relief, "Bang!" With a muffled sound, the football finally hit the Villarreal goal. Asenjo turned his head and saw that Ronaldo had already run towards the corner area to celebrate! 41st minute of the first half.

After waiting for a long time, Real Madrid finally took advantage of Villarreal's chance to get a set-piece in the frontcourt.

A quick counterattack was launched.

From Casillas's fists knocking the ball away to Ronaldo finally kicking the ball into the goal.

The whole process took only 8 seconds.

I have to say.

The unique quick counterattack brought by Mourinho to Real Madrid appeared again!

On the sidelines.

After seeing the ball go in.

Carlos also waved his hand helplessly.

This ball.

How to say it?

If you want to blame your own players.

This really can't be blamed entirely on them.

Because when the team gets a set-piece in a good position in the frontcourt, it is natural to fight for it with all their strength.

So when Musacchio, who is 193CM tall, and Gasper, who is 188CM tall, ran into the Real Madrid penalty area to compete for the header, it was naturally understandable.


The team that was originally attacking.

Only 8 seconds later, it became the team that lost the ball.

Carlos could only smile bitterly.

This kind of powerless attack.

It can only be said that only Real Madrid with the BBC combination in the world can play it.

No matter which other team is replaced.

It is impossible to complete such an attack within 10 seconds!

Very quickly.

The football was kicked out of the center circle by Villarreal again.

For the ball just lost.

So the players of Villarreal were very upset.

Because no matter who it was.

It was originally a good opportunity for their side to expand the score.

It turned out to be a goal opportunity for the opponent.

In the face of this ball loss,When, they will be very unhappy.

Very quickly.

The football came from the backcourt to Li Chu's feet near the center circle.

Slowly carrying the football and moving towards Real Madrid's half.

Facing the opponent's grab.

Li Chu once again showed his delicate footwork.

Watching Alonso and Di Maria double-teaming forward.

Li Chu first used his body to resist Di Maria who came forward.

While protecting the football with his back.

He was also controlling the football with his feet.

He stepped on the football with his left foot and pushed it back.

The football avoided Di Maria's outstretched foot.

It also came to Li Chu's right foot.


The right foot was lightly pulled with the outside of the foot.

The football came to the right side of Li Chu's body.

It just avoided Alonso's gun.

At the same time.

Carrying Di Maria with his body, he turned around and came to the right to catch up with the football.

Facing this lightning-fast change.

Di Maria obviously didn't think of this.

When Li Chu's body was no longer supporting him, Di Maria instantly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

And Alonso on the side was also frozen in place because of Li Chu's high-frequency foot changes.

This scene.

Everyone was stunned.


There was a warm applause from the stands of the Bernabeu.

Li Chu's move just now.

It was like a magician's performance.

Naturally, all Real Madrid fans couldn't help but give him warm applause.

For Real Madrid fans.

Just now, this kind of stop, turn, get rid of, and pass.

A smooth action.

How long has it been since I saw it in the Bernabeu?

The last person to do this.

It was still the football elf with a mouth full of buck teeth from Barcelona!

For a moment.

In the eyes of many people.

The boy who was dribbling the ball towards the front court of Real Madrid at high speed.

The figure of the former king of Barcelona gradually overlapped.

When I thought that this boy dancing on the green field was actually a "family member" who came out of their own youth training.

At this moment.

From the stands of the Bernabeu.

The words of Real Madrid fans calling Li Chu home were heard again!

"Prince of the Bernabeu! Li! Go home!"

"Li! Come back quickly! The Bernabeu will always be your home!"

"Li! Li! Li! Incredible Li! You are the pride of us Meilingge!"

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