Ceramic Stadium.

8 o'clock in the evening.

At this time, all the players of Villarreal stayed in the locker room, quietly waiting for the start of the game.

About the tactical arrangement of this game.

Carlos has just emphasized it to everyone again.

The only difference from the previous tactics is.

Li Chu has absolute autonomy.

Absolute autonomy, to put it bluntly, means that Li Chu can play however he wants in this game.

Even the whole team has to cooperate with Li Chu!

For Carlos' arrangement.

Li Chu is naturally very grateful.

Li Chu has always respected the old man in front of him.

Because since he came to Villarreal, this old man has been fulfilling his promise to himself.

The team is indeed centered around Li Chu's technical and tactical arrangements.

Li Chu is naturally grateful for such a coach who gives him absolute freedom.


Regarding this game, although Carlos and the whole team said that he should let go and play.

But Li Chu still made a decision in his heart, and he would just follow the usual training.

Li Chu didn't want this game.

Because of his relationship, some unexpected situation occurred and caused the team to lose points.

At this time.

The sound of the fans singing loudly in the stadium also came into the locker room.

"Li Chu, Li Chu! You are the prince of the Ceramic Stadium! Your heart is always golden! As long as you are here, we don't worry about the team's failure! You will lead the team forward, forward, forward!"


This sudden singing also made Li Chu stunned.

This is obviously not the team song of Villarreal.


It can float from the stands to the locker room.

It means that almost all the fans in the entire Ceramic Stadium are singing this song now.

Without Li Chu knowing.

At this time, the Villarreal fans at the scene were singing loudly their impromptu self-composed "Li Chu's Song"!

Although some fans have sung for Li Chu before.


On the one hand, it was not unified, and on the other hand, it was not as smooth as today's song.

And today.

The song of Li Chu sung by all the fans now.

It was created by the crazy Yellow Submarine fans organization and handed over to several other Villarreal fan associations in advance so that everyone could contact them in advance.

The lyrics are very few and the content is very short.

But at this time.

Sung by tens of thousands of people together, it is also very imposing.

Very quickly.

At the referee's prompt.

The players of both sides came to the player channel and were ready to enter the field at any time.


Before leaving, Carlos grabbed Li Chu.

"Li! This is for you! You will stand in front of the opponent later!"

Looking at the captain's armband handed to him by Carlos.

Li Chu was also a little surprised.

"What are you doing? Hurry up!"

Looking at the teammates around him, they all had smiles on their faces.

Even the captain, Asenho, took the initiative to help Li Chu put on the captain's armband on his arm.

Li Chu really didn't know about the team's move in advance.

At this time.

After seeing Li Chu successfully put on the captain's armband, everyone cheered.

I have to say.

Such a scene.

Really touched Li Chu.

"Thank you! Thank you everyone!"

In the end, Li Chu could only use thank you to express his inner excitement.


The players of both sides came out.

When Li Chu represented the team and walked out of the player tunnel first.

The entire Ceramic Stadium directly gave a thunderous cheer!

Especially after the fans noticed that Li Chu was the captain on the field today, the cheers became even louder.

The DJ on the scene was also excited.

"Oh oh oh oh~ Look! Today our prince is the captain of the team! Brothers, are you ready? Let our prince see the gifts that everyone has prepared for him!"

After hearing what DJ said.

Here in the south stand of the Ceramic Stadium.


All the fans raised the small cardboards in their hands.


A huge portrait of Li Chu wearing the No. 7 jersey of Villarreal, composed of thousands of people, appeared in front of everyone.

And the directors on the scene also focused the camera on this scene, and were reluctant to leave for a long time.

That's not all.

When the fans in the south stand just put down the cardboards in their hands.

The fans in the north stand opposite alsoRaised the cardboard in his hand.

This portrait in the north stand.

The protagonist is still Li Chu.

But unlike the south stand, the portrait in the north stand shows Li Chu celebrating with his right hand raised high!

This is the celebration action Li Chu often uses after scoring a goal!

At this moment.

Li Chu, who has already arrived in the center of the stadium.

Instantly became the focus of the entire stadium.

Everyone else, including the referee of this game, looked at Li Chu with envy.

And the person involved, Li Chu.

At this time, he didn't care about the eyes of others at all.

Instead, he looked at the north stand and the south stand with a touching face.

Because these two portraits are actually secret gifts from two fan organizations of Villarreal!

But I didn't expect that the two sides collided!


The contents of the two paintings are still a little different.

Otherwise, if even the contents of the portraits are similar, it would be a bit embarrassing.


See that the other party has shown their gifts.

So the fans on the north and south stands raised their cardboards again.


On both stands, the huge portrait of Li Chu appeared in the Ceramic Stadium at the same time.

Yan Country.

In the live broadcast room of CTV5 channel.

At this time, the host He Wei almost cried.

Originally, the Li Chu song created by Villarreal fans specifically for Li Chu made He Wei feel proud.


When the huge portraits appeared on the north and south stands, it still hit the softness deep in He Wei's heart!

Who the hell said that Yan people are not good at football?

Who the hell said that Yan people can't produce good players? !

Open your dog eyes and see clearly!


What is happening on the Ceramic Stadium? !

In the stadium.

After the fans on both sides put down the cardboards in their hands.

The director locked the camera directly on today's protagonist - Li Chu.


At this time, Li Chu looked a little embarrassed.

Because he had just faced the sudden gift from the fans.

Li Chu was obviously completely unaware.

So after seeing the fans prepare such a special gift for him.

Li Chu could no longer control himself.

At this time, he couldn't help crying.

With tears on his face, Li Chu put his hands together and raised them above his head, constantly expressing his gratitude to the entire stadium!

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