The first time was a big day for the team to play.

February 13, 2005.

Manchester City Stadium.

The second round of the Manchester derby this season is about to begin.

Yang Luo sat on the bench, quietly waiting for the game to start.

At this time, his eyes fell on a box far away, where there were several people from the Glazer family.

I don’t know if Daniel Glazer came.

How dare you think about Fiona? Let me show you why the flowers are so red!

In this game, Manchester City still arranged a 4231 formation.

Although Robben has recovered from his injury, Tuchel and Yang Luo still put him on the bench for safety reasons.

The starting lineup for this game is Cech, Maicon, Uifalusi, Distin, Evra, Xabi Alonso, Essien, Kaka, C Ronaldo, Ronaldinho and Torres.

And Yang Luo's requirement for them is to attack with all their strength!

Although Tuchel raised a little objection to this, his small voice was soon drowned in the vast ocean of Yang Luo.

There is no way, who makes him the boss?

Because they were suppressed by Mourinho in the last game, these guys also wanted to release their offensive talents in this game.

At the beginning of the game, the players in the frontcourt of Manchester City seemed very excited. Under their physical pressure, it was difficult for Manchester City to move the ball smoothly.

In the sixth minute, Essien intercepted Scholes's ball one-on-one and then sent the ball to Ronaldinho's feet.

After Ronaldinho got the ball, he faced Gary Neville and won the advantage in position with just an easy change of direction.

Then he dribbled the ball and wiped it out to the inside line, leaving Gary Neville helplessly harassing him behind him.

But Ronaldinho's strong body allowed him to ignore Gary Neville's harassment.

In just a few steps, he reached the front of the penalty area and was already in the range where he could shoot at any time.

Ferdinand had no choice but to take a step forward to block his way forward.

But he knew how powerful Ronaldinho was. Although he stepped forward to fill in the position, he did not jump too hard to avoid being passed by Ronaldinho.

But Ronaldinho did not choose to break through, but suddenly passed the ball into the penalty area and handed it to Torres.

Torres leaned on Ayala, suddenly flicked the ball, and shot directly!

The ball was played with full power, but unfortunately the angle was a bit right, and it was confiscated by Manchester United goalkeeper Carroll.

Although the ball did not go in, Yang Luo still applauded the players on the field, signaling them to continue playing at the same rhythm as before.

Carroll kicked the ball out, and the ball went straight over the midfield and into Manchester United's frontcourt.

Van Nistelrooy had the upper hand in the fight with Uifalusi, and he headed the ball to Rooney's feet.

The little tank did not hesitate and started sprinting with the ball.

But Distin and Essien came at him at the same time, which made him a little difficult to move.

He saw Quaresma coming up on the left and immediately passed the ball to him.

But Quaresma was immediately entangled by Evra, and the Frenchman poked the ball away without paying attention!

Kaka retreated to the midfield to get the ball, turned around and accelerated to get rid of Fletcher's entanglement, and began to advance towards Manchester United's hinterland!

You know, at this time, Kaka's attacking ability is also among the top three in the entire football world. Once he gets a large open area, the opponent will be uncomfortable!

What's even more frightening is that Ronaldinho is ready to respond on his left, and Ronaldo is eyeing him on the right. Both of them have the ability to tear through the defense!

For a while, the speed of Manchester United players' retreat was not as fast as Manchester City's advancement speed!

In just three or five seconds, Kaka has reached the 30-meter area!

In desperation, Ayala rushed up to block Kaka's progress.

But Kaka suddenly smiled and gently sent a straight pass!

Ronaldo on the right side inserted at high speed and caught the ball before Heinze!

With just a light trip, the unstoppable Portuguese shook off Heinze and rushed into the penalty area!

He adjusted his steps, looked at Torres' position in the middle of the penalty area, and suddenly chose to volley!

The ball hit a far corner, and Carroll hurried to the ground, but it was a little short after all!

But the ball hit the far post and bounced back!

However, the clever Torres was well prepared. He poked the ball before Ferdinand, and the football obediently rolled into the net!

One to zero, Manchester City took the lead at home!

This goal instantly ignited the Manchester City Stadium!

Yang Luo and Tuchel also celebrated with high fives.

It seems that the fierce attack at the beginning has paid off!

Ferguson on the other side was chewing gum fiercely, his face extremely gloomy.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with his team's performance!

Lineker and Alan Hansen in the studio were watching the replay of this goal.

Lineker sighed: "This ball is too fast! The whole Manchester City gave me a fast feeling today! Their offensive rhythm is obviously faster than the previous games. It seems that this should be the intentional work of Manchester City's coaching staff."

Alan Hansen also nodded: "It should be Manchester City's special arrangement to speed up the rhythm to grab a start. Now they have done it."

Lineker felt the same way: "I just don't know how Manchester City will play after scoring a goal. Will they continue to attack fiercely or strategically recover? Let's wait and see!"

And Manchester City quickly gave their answer.

They still did not slow down the pace and pressed every Manchester United ball holder, which made it difficult for Manchester United players to organize an attack.

Once Manchester City got the ball, they would immediately pass the ball to Ronaldinho or Kaka, allowing them to use their offensive ability to tear apart the opponent's defense.

This also caused Manchester United's defense to be in danger several times, but Manchester United goalkeeper Carroll's performance was still remarkable, which ensured that Manchester United's goal was not breached again.

However, in the 27th minute of the game, there was a little accident on the field.

After Xabi Alonso got the ball, he chose to pass it forward as soon as possible.

But Fletcher predicted his passing line in advance, and made a flying tackle to intercept the ball!

He passed the ball to Scholes, and the ginger head made a long pass directly to the back of Manchester City's defense!

Rooney had already inserted at high speed at this time. He squeezed Distin with his body and chose to volley directly!

The quality of this ball was extremely high, hitting the bottom edge of the crossbar and bouncing into the goal!

Even Cech had no way to deal with this ball!

In just three or four seconds, Manchester United actually equalized the score!

This moment instantly interrupted the hot atmosphere at the scene!

Yang Luo on the sidelines was stunned, and then a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Wow, you actually dared to fight back!

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