For Future Emails, My Golden Finger Is Myself

Chapter 284 Besieging Love Saint’S Projection

【March 2024.

After twelve draws in a row, he drew "Ace of Spades: Worship God".

I can no longer get the inheritance from paying homage to the Second Master Guan.

The skills obtained by the previous brothers who tried "God of Wealth", "Land", and "Kitchen King" were relatively useless.

The degree to which this god worship card is inherited is affected by the degree of incense in the statue and the degree of piety in worship.

Am I not pious enough?

Card [A] seems to require piety.

Previous jump master cards also had similar restrictions.

It's okay for several other gods to say that I'm not pious, but how could I not be pious to the "God of Wealth"?

I have been so devoted to him since I was sensible, so why did I give him the thaumaturgic skill of "Money Dart"?

This is an insult to my faith.

This time, I chose the popular "Guanyin Empress".

Take a shower and change clothes, cast your cards, and kneel down devoutly.

Acquire the secret-level skill "Sending a Child".

Use it on two targets to make them 100% pregnant the next time they have sex, regardless of gender.

Hiss... How can this skill be classified as a secret skill based on the last six words? I feel sorry for it.

This skill can only be used once a month, and the restrictions are very large.

In December 2024, I fished out Martin using a first-class spiritual creature as bait.

He has plotted against me several times and it's time to make him pay the price.

The 10th Action Team fights with Martin and other nine strong men from the Free League in the Pacific.

As the only legend of the Free Alliance, he is the strongest man on the American continent.

Martin does have a couple of tricks up his sleeve.

After fighting for half an hour, Martin was killed by me over the Pacific Ocean.

This battle shocked the global professional circle.

All parties in Daxia have kept a low profile.

The name of Daxia Mad Dragon is powerful all over the world.

With the death of Martin, the Free Alliance fell from the altar and completely withdrew from the ranks of superpowers.

Professionals from all walks of life flocked to New York, hoping to get a piece of the pie.

I obtained the first-class source spiritual objects [Heavenly Gu Altar] and [Poseidon’s Wrath] that Martin carried with him.

Wei Wusheng also took the opportunity to sneak into New York.

March 2025.

I entered the British Isles with the 10th Squadron.

Wang Jue also had a hand in the plot against me.

Although Grand Prince Smith has entered the legend, his strength is slightly inferior to Martin.

But at this time, we are on Wang Jue’s territory.

The entire British army was mobilized, and Smith was not afraid of anyone's challenge.

Even if you enter the legendary realm, the most advanced thermal weapons can still cause some damage.

Nuclear weapons, antimatter annihilation bombs, etc.

In addition, Wang Jue's base also has a large formation at the bottom of the box and many powerful source spiritual objects.

I'm really not sure about killing Smith here.

But equally, if Smith does not bow his head, he will never leave the British Isles in his life.

I talked with Smith for three days and three nights under the headquarters building of Wangjue Organization.

In the end, both sides took a step back.

I gave up Wang Jue's compensation.

The Wang Jue organization needs to be used by me in four months, and it will take action with all its strength.

The two parties signed a dimensional contract about not harming each other during this operation.

The grievances between us have been wiped out.

April 2025.

I stepped into organizations such as Buluo, Maize, and Rose, and made those who besieged me pay the price.

For my plan, I spared their lives.

Subsequently, I signed cooperation contracts with organizations such as Giant Bear, Four Divine Birds, and White Elephant.

At this point, I have united more than thirty organizations and are waiting for his arrival.

2025, July.

Tamamo Mae's arrival came as expected.

Well prepared, I led thirty-two professional organizations to gather on Kyushu Island in Japan.

Four legends, eighteen epics, and five hundred extraordinary late-stage powerhouses.

Thirty-two aircraft carriers carry thousands of various types of laser weapons and high-energy particle weapons.

One space-based weapon, one hundred and twenty megaton-yield nuclear bombs, and eighteen antimatter annihilation bombs.

When Tamamo Mae came, there was no organization like the Dark Palace to respond with formations, it was purely forced.

However, there is a supreme god in the Gao Tianyuan realm who has opened the way for her, and the difficulty of descending is lower than that of Elder An Miyazawa.

Before coming, the soul projection of Love Saint appeared first.

He was protecting Tamamo Mae.

Mythical soul projection can only be achieved by the Supreme God.

If it were a mythical powerhouse, all the preparations I made would be of no use.

Fortunately, he is not.

This is just a soul projection, and the stored energy is limited and can be consumed.

In the confused eyes of Love Saint, hundreds of laser cannons descended.

Then particle cannons and nuclear bombs came one after another.

Other professionals might be able to dodge easily, but not him.

Because the cracks in the sky have opened, Tamamo no Mae begins to descend.

All technological weapons have no effect on him.

But the expression of the projection of Love Saint who opened the space barrier was also ugly.

Using power in this world consumes a lot of money on him.

After lasting for more than ten minutes, the power of Love Saint's soul projection fell from the mythical realm.

The ultimate strength cannot maintain the spatial barrier and cannot ignore these weapons.

Love Saint uses his own strength to resist the attack of hot weapons.

At this time, the antimatter annihilation bomb was released.

In one round, the power of Love Saint was knocked down to its peak.

One hundred and twenty nuclear bombs were released one after another within thirty minutes.

The projection of Love Saint fell to the early stage of legend.

At this time, Tamamo-mae descended successfully.

Faced with the siege of the most powerful force in the world, Love Saint's soul projection still killed three epics and seriously injured one legend before dissipating.

The realm of the Supreme God, even if it can only exert the power of the early stage of the legend, is not something that we people can resist.

Before disappearing, his eyes locked on mine and he opened his mouth to say something, but he was just a shadow and could not make a sound.

But looking at the shape of his mouth, I knew what he was saying was: "You have my scent...the wonderful power of time and wonder I killed you several times but didn't die...just wait for me."

This sentence appeared more than once in my brother’s previous emails.

But this time, he seemed to take me more... seriously.

Tamamo Mae was severely injured, gave up her body, and escaped with her soul.

The latest "Gene Development Technique" has begun to be put into use in Qianlong.

The power of the Qianlong organization has grown by leaps and bounds.

In 2025, I took over the Qianlong organization.

At this time, Qianlong was already truly the number one force in the world.

Qianlong is divided into six.

Yi Qianlong, responsible for the training of the new army camp.

The Two Truths of Listening are responsible for maintaining law and order within the territory.

The Three Great Walls are responsible for dimensional development.

The Four Heavenly Gates are responsible for the research, infiltration and information transmission of the global mythical realm circle.

The Five Dragon Souls are responsible for matters related to the Global Professional Alliance.

The main purpose is to unify the global professional circle and prepare for future resistance to the mythical realm circle.

Six Blades secretly cultivates a group of forbidden arts professionals who focus on instantaneous bursts of power.

Using methods such as accumulating energy, burning potential, and sacrificing life in exchange for strength as the core, we will cultivate a group of masters who can fight for their lives against the Lord God of the mythical realm in the future.

The Qianlong organization has become invincible and there is no need to compete with all parties.

Just one Dragon Soul branch is enough to suppress the whole world.

In 2027, I reached the pinnacle.

The global professional circle is in the dragon's soul bag.

I began to screen out geniuses from around the world, recruit them into Qianlong, and train them with the latest techniques.

In 2029, I stepped into the mythical realm...]

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