For Future Emails, My Golden Finger Is Myself

Chapter 334 Reversal, Zhao Zishuo Has Already Seen Through Everything

"Go and find out why Old Liu joined the canteen as a chef.

Or was there a pusher for his promotion to head chef?

Pay attention to everyone in the official high-level who has had contact with Liu Liu in the past month. "

Yi Yan remembered the phone call just now.

Feng Si seems to be Lao Liu's benefactor.

He was given a job and his son's medical bills were paid.

"Let's check what diseases Lao Liu's son has had? The cost of treatment..."

Before Yi Yan finished speaking, Cai Xiaoyou said the result:

"According to his current status, he does not have a son."

Yi Yan: "..."

Damn it, these cult leaders are really cunning.

"He came to work in the cafeteria two months ago, and he came in through an interview.

As soon as you come in, you are greeted by the chef, who is said to be very good at cooking.

The people who interviewed him were...

Liu Liu became the head chef half a month ago.

Because the previous head chef was exposed for taking kickbacks.

The person who exposed the previous head chef was Wu Shouquan, the current dishwasher in the back kitchen, and the person who handled the matter was..."

I became the head chef half a month ago, which coincides with the emergence of the Four Evil Paths of Belief.

The clue was most likely half a month ago.

Sure enough, Cai Xiaoyou then concluded:

“The person involved in these incidents is Minister Zhang Erhe of the ** department.

He happens to live in Building 7 of Wuyue Mansion.

There is also a son, Zhang Yafeng, who is 25 years old and unmarried. He is arrogant and domineering and likes to use swear words.

It fits all of Captain Yi's descriptions of Feng Si. "

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Yi Yan is sure that Feng Si is basically the same guy.

The cult of faith has just developed, and they still don’t hide it deep enough.

As night falls, the city gradually turns into a sea of ​​lights.

Street lights and building lights filled the sky, twinkling in the black night sky.

Stars were falling like rain, and the moon was rising in the sky.

Lao Liu didn't go anywhere. He just ate instant noodles and lay on the bed playing with his mobile phone in a rental house not far from the administrative building.

eight pm.


There was a knock on Lao Liu's door.

Yi Yan, who was in the shadow under the bed, could already feel the scent of the visitor.

Outside the door is a shadow dancer of the Shadow Path, at the pinnacle of spiritual level.

This should be an alternative to Feng Si's request to spy on Qianlong.

"Xiao Sun... come in, come in." Old Liu opened the door and carefully looked behind Xiao Sun.

He was afraid that someone was following him.

As one of the cult leaders, Lao Liu is very cautious in doing things.

Of course, this is also one of the reasons why Feng Si has been so arrogant recently.

Xiao Sun walked into the room and sat down casually by the bed.

Don't ask why you sit on a bed instead of a stool.

The problem is that the rental house is too small and can only fit one bed.

"Master, what do you want from me?" Xiao Sun asked.

This master is not a spiritual master, but a culinary master.

Yi Yan had already discovered that Xiao Sun was one of the apprentice helpers in the kitchen today.

I don’t know how many followers Lao Liu has developed in the kitchen.

Old Liu said: "Zhao Zishuo has something to do today. You can go to Qianlong's place to monitor him all night."

"Master, you can just call me for this kind of thing." Xiao Sun said flatly.

Isn't it a waste of time to ask him to make a trip?

Lao Liu smiled coldly and said, "Your phone number is registered with your real name. You don't want to be implicated by me in the future."

Xiao Sun immediately sat up.

The lower levels of this cult are not as cautious and sophisticated as their leaders.

Xiao Sun’s current identity information is all true.

If Qianlong wanted to investigate, he could find out all eighteen generations of his ancestors.

"Master is still thoughtful." Xiao Sun immediately changed his attitude, flattered Lao Liu, and then murmured:

"I really envy Brother Zhao. His strength has improved so quickly and he can still travel for the organization.

The world is so big and I want to see it too. "

Old Liu was stunned when he heard this: "What business trip? Zhao Zishuo!"

Yi Yan, who was under the bed, also felt something in his heart.

No, I was deceived by that bastard Zhao Zishuo.

Xiao Sun explained: "I went to the dormitory to fish at noon today...well, to take a rest and found Brother Zhao packing his luggage.

I asked a lot, and he said, Master, you have something to arrange for him to go on a business trip. "

Xiao Sun also realized that something was wrong.

"Cio! This bastard must have discovered something and ran away without telling me."

Lao Liu suddenly realized that Zhao Zishuo had discovered something unusual with the power of the evil god.

But he found out that he deliberately didn't tell him.


They, the rats in the ditch, are connected with each other, and they can only survive if they stick together.

Is there any reason for him to hide it from him and run away immediately?


The danger was all around him at that time, and Xiao Zhao didn't dare to show any signs of weakness.

"It's over!"

Lao Liu suddenly let out his breath and slumped down on the bed, looking closely at his own shadow.

The shadow under the bed spread out, and then slowly rose from the ground.

Xiao Sun was so frightened that he backed away.

"Haha, Zhao Zishuo tricked him into underestimating him." Yi Yan appeared in front of Lao Liu:

"You're not lazy either. At least you guessed me."

"You...Yi Yiyi..." Xiao Sun was too frightened to speak.

“I admire you, I admire you, Qianlong Yi lives up to his reputation.

Are you actually a master of the Shadow Way? This was indeed beyond my expectation. "

Lao Liu no longer took any chances.

Yi Yan must have followed him since then.

Zhao Zishuo found out that Yi Yan was not following him, so he dared to escape.

Then Yi Yan must have discovered everything in the basement, and there was absolutely no chance that Old Liu would survive.

"Haha, I don't dare to touch the way of shadow. It's just a small trick to imitate."

"Give me a decent way to die. I'll do it myself. I don't dare to ask you to do it yourself."

Yi Yan shook his head, giving him no hope at all, and said:

"You've come to this point, and you're still playing tricks on me. The extraordinary stage of the Way of the Insect is called Insect Chrysalis.

She sheds her skin seven times and transforms into a butterfly from a cocoon.

You are now the extraordinary 17th bridge and have shed your skin at least three times.

It should have the abilities of silkworm cry, ant power, insect shell, and suspended animation.

The Way of the Insect is considered a Tao with relatively comprehensive abilities.

Even if I cut you in half now, you can still be revived slowly. "

"You!" Old Liu changed his color and said in horror:

" do you know so much."

Yi Yan said from the underworld: "Qianlong's number one magic stick, what's so strange about him?

If you have anything else to explain, I will consider keeping your body intact. "

"Haha, no..."

Both Lao Liu and Xiao Sun had their heads blown off by Yi Yan, and the gap between them could not be bridged by fighting.

Although the combat power of the Way of the Insect is pretty good, Lao Liu of the Extraordinary 17th Bridge couldn't stop Yi Yan's move at all.

After killing the two men, Yi Yan notified the people in the office to come and deal with the aftermath.

He turned into a shadow and rushed towards Wuyue Mansion.

The advantage of Shadow Jump over Michael Wings is that it makes no noise while traveling.

The speed of Michael Wings breaks the sound barrier, and the sound of its flight is comparable to that of a supersonic fighter jet.

Zhao Zishuo ran away, and Yi Yan originally planned to let him go so that he could catch big fish.

The fourth goal is what he wants to solve tonight.

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