Suhang, Jinshan Temple.

Inside the Daxiong Treasure Hall, the atmosphere was extremely tense and filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Jinshan Temple has been passed down for thousands of years, and has developed to this day, and it is already one of the top leaders in the entire Buddhist sect, and its status is extremely high!

Although there is no ceiling-level combat power in the temple, its reserve is no less than any ceiling-level combat power!

In other words, even if they need to fight with the ceiling-level combat power one day, they are not vain!

Because of this, even the state has to give them a little thin face in many cases!

However, not long ago, Fahai, the contemporary host of their Jinshan Temple, was actually killed on the spot in front of the whole world!

This is an unacceptable thing for all the monks of the entire Jinshan Temple!

“No matter what the price is, this one named Chu Chen must die!”

“Yes! Must die! No matter what kind of strength he has, no matter what kind of backers he has behind him, even if the family base of Jinshan Temple is exhausted, we will take revenge for Xiaofa, and if this revenge is not repaid, our Jinshan Temple will definitely become the laughing stock of the whole world!!! ”

“Little Fahai is too pitiful, he just wants to get rid of the demon, there is nothing wrong, he actually took his life for this!!”

“Senior uncles, senior brothers, junior brothers, the poor monks would like to express their position here, Xiao Fahai’s enemy, even if there is only one poor monk, even if he takes the life of the poor monk, the poor monk will report it!”

“Poor monks are also !!!”


“Little Fahai is really too pitiful!!”

“That one named Chu Chen, the poor monk does not share the sky with him! Fahai is kneeling, he actually wants to kill everything! ”

“Fahai is the most talented Buddha of our Jinshan Temple in the past thousand years, we must avenge the Fahai!!”

“Hurry up and give the order! Directly into the forbidden place!!! ”

“That’s right, I can’t wait to enter the forbidden land and go to that Chu Chen to take revenge!!”

“A few old Buddhas, just waiting for your order!!!”

In the magnificent Daxiong Treasure Hall, all the senior monks who were calm and relaxed on weekdays, but at this time, they were a little frizzy, scrambling to stand up and speak one after another, and their emotions were very excited.

The Daxiong treasure hall is about to become a vegetable market.

These high-ranking monks in robes and holding tin staff have basically had contact with Fahai, are familiar with Fahai, and like Fahai quite much, so Fahai’s death makes them unable to calm down, and they want to avenge Fahai immediately!

However, for this meeting, they actually only have the right to participate, not the right to decide!

Although their status is already very high, looking at the entire Buddhist sect, they are also important figures.

However, in the Great Hall at this moment, there is still a higher status existence!

That is, those who sit on the main seat directly in front of the Daxiong Hall and are revered as the old Buddhas!

The so-called old Buddha, that is, in the Jinshan Temple, has successfully become a Buddha, and has the highest status and the highest practice.

There are not many of them, and if they are counted, they are only seven.

Seven old Buddhas, although the strength of each of them is not comparable to the combat power of the ceiling level, but they have passed the trick with the old heavenly master of Dragon Tiger Mountain, and they are still qualified.

Moreover, if the seven old Buddhas join forces and use some formations, then even if they have ceiling-level combat power, they will not be afraid!

“Let’s be quiet first.”

At this time, on the main seat directly in front of the Daxiong Treasure Hall, a senior monk with white eyebrows and white beards, but wearing a simple cloth robe, spoke: “Guys, don’t worry, this revenge of Xiao Fahai must be repaid, otherwise, we might as well close the temple at this time, but the problem is, how to report, when to report, Lao Gu of course knows, you are all very angry now, but we can’t be carried away by anger, you have also seen with your own eyes, the green-haired swordsman who killed Fahai is very strong.” , just with momentum, let the Lie Kong sit this super ancient supreme creature submit, such a powerful strength, in Lao Gu’s opinion, can already be regarded as a ceiling combat power, so we must make a perfect plan, otherwise, we will not only be unable to avenge the law, but also increase casualties! ”

Ceiling combat power!

Hearing this word, the entire Daxiong Treasure Hall couldn’t help but be quiet.

Most people have never seen the combat power of the ceiling, but they know the horror.

Since even the old Buddha opened his mouth and thought that Chu Chen had ceiling-level combat power, there was naturally a certain basis!

“Perfect plan?”

“What is a perfect plan?”

“Our Jinshan Temple, can we still be afraid that he will be alone?”

“Old Buddha, I’m willing to take the lead and try the depth of that green-haired swordsman!”

“I would like to too!”

“Old Buddha, with all due respect, this time, our Jinshan Temple really can’t afford to delay! “Forbidden Land Adventure” is a live online program, Xiao Fahai was killed in front of the whole world, that is, now, the whole world is waiting for our Jinshan Temple to react, if we Jinshan Temple drags on, what will the world think of us? At that time, it will not only be the face of the Golden Mountain Temple that will be lost, but also the face of the entire Buddha Gate!! ”

“Lei Yin Temple, White Horse Temple, Shaolin Temple, everyone has sent notices, and they are willing to help at any time!!!”

“Let’s do it directly, old Buddha, can’t let the whole world see the jokes of our Jinshan Temple!!”

“Laofo, I know your concern, yes, that green-haired swordsman is indeed very strong, if we rashly attack it, we may lose a lot, but, Laofo, have you ever thought that now you have reached the point where you can’t think about losses!” None of those present are afraid of death, if there is a loss, let’s lose us old men, as long as we can avenge Xiaofa, as long as we can save the face of Jinshan Temple, the poor monks are willing to die in the front! We, Jinshan Temple, must express our position immediately! If we don’t say anything immediately, what will outsiders say? They will say that the contemporary host of Jinshan Temple was killed because the enemy was too strong, and Jinshan Temple chose to shrink!! ”

“Yes, it will definitely be like this, and the poor monk is also willing to die at the front!!”

“Laofo, let’s be impulsive once!!”

“Don’t we have the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array? Although using the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array to deal with that green-haired swordsman is a bit overkill, but the times have begun to change, and it is time for the world to see the strength of our Buddha Sect!! ”

“Yes! With the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array!! ”

“As soon as the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array came out, that green algae-headed swordsman called him a futile !!! even if he had six heads and eighteen arms”

“Laofo, give the order!!!”

“Implore Lafo to order!!”

“Can’t wait! Can’t wait!! ”

“If you want to sacrifice, let the poor monks sacrifice, the old Buddha !!!!”

The more the monks spoke, the more excited they became.

And their current mood is actually very understandable.

As one of the top forces in the world, Jinshan Temple has been almost unprovoked by almost no one in the past thousands of years.

Even the state is polite to the monks of Jinshan Temple.

They have long been used to serving shelves.

And now, a Chu Chen appeared, who couldn’t help but disrespect them, and also killed their contemporary host!

How could they not be angry?

Now, even if they knew in their hearts that it was not Chu Chen who was wrong, but Fahai, they would definitely find Chu Chen to settle the account!

At such times, it doesn’t matter whether it’s right or wrong!

The fist is the last word!!

Seeing that the senior monks were about to lose control of their emotions, the seven old Buddhas sitting on the main seat directly in front of the Daxiong Treasure Hall all had a somewhat ugly face and frowned.

As the seven most senior and powerful beings in Jinshan Temple, their knowledge is also the most extensive.

Those monks don’t know the horror of ceiling combat power, they know.

Those high monks did not know the horror of the ultra-ancient supreme creature sitting in the air, they knew.

Therefore, they know very well that Chu Chen’s strength is definitely not easy to solve!

If it weren’t for the fact that they had already forged a mortal feud, these seven old Buddhas would definitely not take the initiative to make enemies with a strong man of Chu Chen’s level no matter what.

But now that the feud has been forged, the issues that should be dealt with must also be addressed.

The seven old Buddhas looked sideways at each other, you look at me, I look at you.

Finally, through eye contact, their opinions finally came to an agreement.


The seven old Buddhas stood up in unison.

And see him

They got up, and the entire Daxiong Hall suddenly fell silent.

“You’re right!”

One of the old Buddhas, as a representative, spoke: “Now, it is no time to calculate the loss!” ”

“Blood debt and blood repayment!”

“Everyone, make a little preparation, get up immediately, go to the Divine Bay Valley Forbidden Land, and ask that Chu Chen for an explanation!!!”

Hear the words of the old Buddha.

In an instant, the entire Daxiong Treasure Hall boiled directly.

“Good !!!”

“Lafo wise !!!!”

“From this moment on, let the world know that our Jinshan Temple is not a !!!! to mess with”

“Blood debt and blood repayment!!!”

“Laofo, I’m willing to take the lead!!!!”

“I’m willing to !!! too”

“For the sake of Jinshan Temple, for the sake of Xiao Fahai, let that Chu Chen enter the reincarnation !!! at all costs”

“And that Ten Thousand Demon Snake Mountain, let them be buried with !!!”


“Duhua Ten Thousand Demon Snake Mountain is Xiao Fahai’s last wish, and we will also fulfill it!!”

“Little Fahai, you go all the way, the next road, we old things will finish for you!!”


After the hustle and bustle.

Soon, one by one, the monks left the Daxiong Hall and returned to their respective residences, ready to start a big war.

The seven old Buddhas came to a drawing room behind the Daxiong treasure hall.

There was a man in a dragon-patterned white robe, who looked to be in his thirties and looked quite young, and had been waiting here for a long time.

It sat on the main seat, looking at the phone with interest, even if the seven old Buddhas entered the door, they did not look away.

And what the mobile phone displayed at this time was Chu Chen’s live broadcast room.

“Dragon knight.”

After the seven old Buddhas entered the door, they all bowed their hands towards the white-robed man with dragon patterns.


The gaze of the white-robed man with the dragon pattern never left the mobile phone screen, but he nodded slightly and said, “Ru and others really don’t listen to advice.” ”


Hearing the words of the white-robed man with the dragon pattern, the faces of the seven old Buddhas couldn’t help but feel a little ugly.

The true body of this white-robed man with a dragon pattern is not a human, but a dragon.

Like the Flame Sky Seat in the Forbidden Land of the Divine Bay Valley, it is also one of the super ancient supreme creatures.

It has a deep relationship with Jinshan Temple.

Many of the means of Jinshan Temple are related to it.

Just like the Heavenly Dragon tattoo on Fahai’s body, it is with the help of its power!

Jinshan Temple can develop to this day, and it is indispensable for its protection.

Not long ago, it was in a state of retreat and sleep, and suddenly sensed that there was a catastrophe in Jinshan Temple, so it suddenly appeared and descended to Jinshan Temple.

The video previously taken by the majority of netizens is also the scene of its exit.

After descending to Jinshan Temple, it directly told the seven old Buddhas not to act rashly, otherwise, Jinshan Temple would be in chaos.

But just now, in the assembly, the seven old Buddhas still ordered that they should raise the temple to enter the forbidden land of Shenwan Valley and find Chu Chen to settle the account.

“Dragon knight, you don’t know something.”

“Now this situation, at all…”

One of the old Buddhas was about to open his mouth to explain, but was interrupted by the man in the white robe with the dragon pattern: “There is no need to explain to this knight, this is Ru and other his own choice, and it has nothing to do with this knight, but for Ru and other opponents this time, this knight is quite interested.” ”

Hearing this, the seven old Buddhas were all stunned.

And the man in the white robe with dragon patterns also took his eyes off the mobile phone screen for the first time and looked at the seven old Buddhas.

“Dragon knight, what do you mean??”

The seven old Buddha looked at the white-robed man with the dragon pattern stunned.

“This time, this knight will go with Ru and the others to meet the green-haired swordsman for a while.”

The white-robed man with dragon patterns glanced at the seven old Buddhas, and then returned his gaze to the mobile phone screen: “Just with the momentum, let the Liekong sit and submit, this knight wants to feel for himself, how terrifying his three-headed and six-armed form is!” ”


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