This skeleton is not the same as a normal skeleton.

To be precise, it is missing a piece.

This skeleton should have sunk to the bottom of the lake after death, and it has been many years.

The skeleton is well preserved. As for the meat, it may have rotted away, but the most likely possibility is that it was eaten up by the fish in the lake.

This is not the point.

The point is that this skeleton is obviously well preserved, but only the right hand is missing two fingers.

The position of the two fingers is as if they were suddenly chopped by some sharp knife. They are empty and look extremely inconsistent, as if the whole skeleton has lost some balance.


Ye Ran muttered to himself for a moment.

If this is the archaeological team that Panma mentioned, why did they lose two fingers for no reason?

Panma only killed people, but did not cut off their fingers.

The position of these two fingers is exactly the same as the position of the little brother's hair.

Could it be that.

This skeleton is actually a member of the Zhang family?

This place is the territory of the Zhang family, which is normal, but why did the Zhang family members have their fingers chopped off?

What happened?

Ye Ran stared at the skeleton for a while.

The skeleton was infested with dense water plants and slender water insects, which were extremely dense and still wriggling slightly.

It would have been fine if he hadn't looked closely, but once he looked closely, Ye Ran suddenly had an urge to vomit.

He pushed the skeleton away with a light push.

He landed on the steps under his feet.

The steps were made of stone, but they were not eroded by the lake water. There was only a layer of shallow water plants on them, which was slippery.

Ye Ran couldn't stand very steadily in the water, and tried to keep his balance. Then he looked up and looked towards the center of the lake in front of him.


Seeing the grand and spectacular scene in front of him.

He instinctively wanted to take a breath of cold air.

But this was under the water, where did the cold air come from? When Ye Ran opened his mouth, a few bubbles flew out, and the slightly cool lake water flowed into his mouth.

When he thought that there were skeletons in the lake water, and there must be more than one.

Ye Ran suddenly felt a little nauseous again.

But the scene in front of him was really shocking.

The bottom of a normal lake is usually thick with sand, silt, water plants and schools of fish and shrimp.

But what appeared in this deep lake was far beyond Ye Ran's imagination.

Although he had already predicted what was at the bottom of the lake, he was still shocked to see it with his own eyes.

At the bottom of the lake, there was actually a large area of ​​ancient buildings that were extremely similar to the Banai stilt buildings!

These ancient buildings were densely packed and had long been eroded into black by the lake water, but they were not ugly.

On the contrary, with the shaking of the lake water, it was like a flowing ink painting, with black sawdust slowly floating, which was impressive.

At the bottom of the lake, there was a large ancient village!

Moreover, the layout is very similar to that of the ancient village in Banai Village, but it is more densely packed, and it can be vaguely seen that it must have been more prosperous in the past.

This scene is very much like the CG picture in the game, and the faint light cast on the lake surface cannot illuminate the bottom of the lake.

At this time, Ye Ran was like being in a dark blue ink-wash foreign underworld, and couldn't help but watch for a few more seconds.

This group of stilt houses is vague, clustered together, and it seems that there is something in the middle.

Ye Ran swam towards the center of the stilt houses, and then he found something unusual under his feet.

There are many stone tablets without words standing near these stilt houses, all buried under the mud and sand.

There are hundreds of them densely packed!

These stone tablets stand silently, looking extremely shocking.

And deep in the stone tablets and the stilt houses, there stands a Chinese-style building with black bricks and white tiles.

This one is built quite exquisitely, and it is better preserved underwater, and it seems that it has not been corroded by the lake water.

It is obviously completely different from the architectural style of Banai.

This scene looked a bit weird and out of place.

That should be the place where the young man's family lived, the Zhang Family Ancient Building.

He wanted to go in and take a look, but he had been holding his breath until now, and it was almost his limit.

The young man only stayed underwater for a moment, then moved his long legs, swam towards him, and stretched out his hand to Ye Ran.

It seemed that he wanted to take him up with him.

Ye Ran waved at him.

In terms of physical strength, he is better than the young man now.

Moreover, in order to measure the depth of the lake bottom, he and the young man tied a thin rope around their waists before going into the water, and the fat man was pulling them up now.

With the pulling force of the fat man's rope, it was not difficult to go up, but he had been holding his breath for too long, and Ye Ran felt that his lungs were about to explode, and his vision became a little blurry and dim.

Sister Baoer was still looking around curiously, but sheThere was no intention to act alone.

Seeing Ye Ran and the little brother leave, she also swam towards the surface of the water.

The ancient village at the bottom of the lake was silent and long. When Ye Ran's body rose, he looked at the ancient village from afar and felt the light from the lake hitting him. He had the illusion of traveling through time and space.

This illusion only lasted for a moment.

Soon he and the little brother both reached the shore.


The lake surface was covered with ripples and splashes. Ye Ran breathed hard and spit out the water he almost drank at the bottom of the lake. He coughed twice.

The air in the mountains smelled so good!

So fresh!

His vision went from blurry to clear, and he seemed to be patted on the back.

Ye Ran raised his head and saw the little brother bending down.

The little brother's hair was wet, and water was dripping down along his nose, thin lips, and chin.

The water drops on his body also slid down along his strong muscles.

His wheat-colored skin and lips were actually a little red, which was rare.

However, Ye Ran guessed that it was because of lack of oxygen. The blood was filled up underwater.

The young man put his palm on his back and patted it twice.

A pair of narrow eyes just looked at him and asked:

"Are you. Uncomfortable?"

Ye Ran shook his head.

His physique was strengthened by the system twice, and his endurance was very good. He recovered quickly. The discomfort was only a momentary thing, and now he is fine.

The two looked at each other, and the young man seemed to have something to say.

At this moment, the fat man suddenly stretched out his big face, between the two of them, and asked anxiously:

"Master Ye?"

"Zhang Qilin?"

"Are you two okay?"

"Well, I see you have been down for too long, four minutes, and I think if you don't pull it up, something will happen."

"Although I didn't receive the signal from you to pull it up, I thought I should pull it up. After five minutes, it will be dangerous."

The fat man still couldn't help it.

He glanced at his and the brother's fat again.

But he didn't dare to complain, but swallowed his saliva and said carefully:

"...Well, I just measured the rope tied around your waist, and the lake is 80 meters deep."

"Are you two okay? Take a rest first, it's not good to be brave, or you might explode your lungs."

80 meters!

Ye Ran cursed in his heart. At this depth, except for Sister Baoer, it would be difficult for them to reach the bottom of the lake, let alone enter the ancient building.

Professional diving equipment is required.

Fatty obviously thought of this, and he was about to speak.

Suddenly, a strange sound came from all around.

It seemed that countless footsteps were coming from all directions.

In addition, there were dense forests all around, and it was impossible to see far away, and who was coming?

Fatty's face changed, he jumped up and raised his pistol, saying:

"Damn it, someone is coming. Fatty, I will fight him!"

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