The singing voice was extremely hoarse. As soon as the voice fell, a strong smell of blood came from all around.

Ye Ran felt something suddenly pressing on his body and head. It was even heavier than the diving suit, which made him a little breathless.

Looking down, the black and blue diving suit disappeared at some point, and the flippers were gone.

Instead, he was wearing an extremely heavy red robe, with wide sleeves, embroidered with dragon and phoenix patterns, and extremely fine stitches.

He was wearing a pair of bright red embroidered shoes.

Something was pressing heavily on his head. Ye Ran subconsciously raised his hand to explore, and was immediately shocked.

The thing was cold to the touch, the texture was not very hard, and the shape was extremely complicated, especially the long whiskers on the left, which easily hooked his fingers.

——No, that was not a long whisker.

Ye Ran quickly realized that it was a phoenix crown made of pure gold!

The place where his fingers touched was the long phoenix tail.

There was also a red veil that blocked most of his vision. He could only vaguely see the scene under his feet while walking.

Why was he wearing this thing on his head?

And the strong smell of blood seemed to come from him.

Ye Ran walked forward mechanically, but his eyes stayed on the fluttering wide sleeves and the corners of his clothes. What he was wearing was a wedding dress!

And the red color of this wedding dress was extremely unusual. It didn't look like the dyeing of the fabric. On the contrary, it was thick and sticky, like flowing, revealing a breathtaking smell of blood.

Although the veil was heavy, the texture was very silky. The fabric flew around as Ye Ran walked. He took the opportunity to take a glance and noticed that red candles with big red characters of happiness were burning everywhere in the ancient building.

The firelight was erratic like bean sprouts, and laughter and jokes came from all around.

The sound sounded both close and far, as if it was close to my ears, but I couldn't hear a word vaguely.

Ye Ran's fingers moved slightly.

He wanted to lift the veil to see what the scene was like in the ancient building at this time.

But he didn't have time to move.

A hand with distinct joints stretched out from under the other wide sleeves, and the slender fingers pressed his hand silently.

The finger felt cold, clearly belonging to the young man!

Ye Ran's throat moved, and he was about to ask him what was going on.

The laughter in the hall suddenly quieted down again.

Then, the hoarse singing sounded again.

"The newcomers are in place--"

"The newcomers come forward and offer incense--"

The young man walked forward slowly.

Ye Ran was supported by him, so he could only move forward. He took the opportunity to move a little bigger. When the curtain fluttered, he looked into the ancient building again.

He and the young man were walking in the crowd at this time.

And the group of people inside the ancient building can be said to be extremely weird.

Many people knelt on the ground motionless, but they kept laughing. The laughter did not sound creepy, and even had a bit of a sense of laughter to relieve the situation. However, with the kneeling action, there was an indescribable weirdness.

There were also dozens of people walking in front of him and the young man, wearing black clothes, with white cloth belts tied around their waists, men on the left and women on the right, like leading the way.

Ye Ran just glanced at it.

The group of people seemed to notice it immediately, turned their heads and looked in his direction.

At the moment when the veil returned to its original state.

Ye Ran quickly captured their faces.

His brows were slightly frowned.

He noticed something extremely strange.

Since entering the ancient building, all the people he saw...

had no faces!

Those who were kneeling on the ground seemed to have their faces completely pressed against the ground, but they laughed but never raised their heads.

As for those who were leading the way in front, it was even weirder.

When they turned to look at Ye Ran, Ye Ran also saw their faces.

These people were all without exception.

Their facial features were all blurred.

It was like a thick glass that had been rained on. Although the distance was not far, it felt blurry and distant, and it was not real.

The young man pulled him forward.

Then, three incense sticks were stuffed into Ye Ran's hand.

What to do?

Ye Ran was also confused, and he couldn't see what was happening in front of him, so he pushed the incense sticks forward randomly.

There was a table in front of him, and there seemed to be something on the table.

When Ye Ran pressed, he just pressed into a pile of burning and soft things, and the smell of blood was mixed with the smell of incense ash.

Then, a gong sounded in the distance.

The hoarse singing voice was always not far away, and it sounded again at this time.

"The deacon is here, and the concierge is waiting."

"One gong sound, praying for good luck and eternal peace.”

“Two drums, heaven and earth bless the newlyweds.”

“Three drums, the auspicious time has arrived, lights and decorations are hung, auspicious stars are shining, please invite the bride and groom to the wedding hall——”

Then, the laughter of the crowd seemed to rise again.

Amid the vague laughter, a clear opera voice suddenly rose in the front of the hall!



“Finally, the peach trees in the east garden and the willows in the west garden have been moved to the same place today.”

“From now on, the room will be filled with charming words and sweet voices, like water cut by a knife, inseparable.”

“I finally waited for the water from the Bodhi willow branches, and sprinkled them to become a pair of mandarin ducks in the world. ”

“Today we are married in the bridal chamber, and we will never worry about the flowers and the moon—”

The voice was long and sharp, with an indescribable strange breath. The voice was far away and near, and in a blink of an eye it reached Ye Ran's ears, sweeping over with a cold breath!

Ye Ran reacted very quickly, raised his hand and pressed the Thousand Machine Umbrella behind him, and only heard the other party laugh coldly, as if he had noticed Ye Ran's action.

But the other party was still not in a hurry, and continued to sing:

“Today is the wedding, the play has begun.”

“The gongs are on all sides, and the play cannot stop—”

“Guests from all directions, one side is a human.”

“Three sides are ghosts, and four sides are gods—ah—ah! "

The sound of gongs and drums rang out again, and the sound of footsteps came from the stage.

The Zhang family members who were leading the way in front retreated one after another, retreating behind him and the little brother.

The blurred faces kept shaking, and these people knelt down together in the direction of the stage and worshiped!

Guests from all directions.

One side is human, the third side is ghost, and the fourth side is god...

Who is standing on the stage at this time?

Who can sing such a big play, singing for ghosts and gods?

Ye Ran raised his hand, lifted the heavy red curtain in front of him, and looked in the direction of the stage.

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