The crack is very small.

In addition, the light in the passage is too poor, so it is actually difficult to detect.

Although the fat man looks big and strong, he is very careful.

He soon noticed the crack.



Ye Ran was startled and immediately said:

"No. Fatty, don't get close."

"There is something in this rock!"


The fat man scratched his head.

He was a little confused. What could be in the stone?

Just like there are plants in the soil and fish in the water.

They all have suitable conditions for growth.

A Sun Wukong can even jump out of this stone!

However, he just thought about it in his heart.

The fat man promised Ye Ran verbally.


He quietly took out the flashlight and shone it at the crack.

"Not bad."

The fat man's voice suddenly rose, and he said with appreciation:

"Brother, the quality of your jade vein is really good! If there hadn't been a crack in the granite, I really wouldn't have discovered that the jade wrapped in the rock clothing was so good."

"With this quality, you can dig out a piece the size of a palm and sell it for a good price without processing!"

The fat man spat on his palm, wiped it on the granite in front of him, and muttered:

"This damn place, there is nothing to eat or drink. It would be great if there was some water. The rock seeps water, and the jade inside can be seen more clearly."

As the fat man said this, he looked in the direction of the granite in front of him.


Seeing a faint black shadow reflected on the granite.

The fat man was stunned for a moment.

Muttered to himself, "I... have lost weight?"

Why does the shadow he reflected look tall and thin, as if it is particularly slender?

The fat man's doubts only lasted for a moment.

Soon, a strange sound came from the huge granite.

It was the sound of the stone cracking!

Two huge granites once again cracked a tiny gap visible to the naked eye in front of the fat man.

At the same time, the black shadow in the stone seemed to become larger and clearer.


The fat man was stunned for a moment and raised his hand to rub his eyes.

But soon, he reacted.

Cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

How could this shadow be his reflection?

It was clearly something in the stone! !

And he only blinked.

This thing was much closer to him.

It was actually getting closer to him! !

"Damn it."

The fat man reacted very quickly, raised his hand to take out two daggers on his waist, and sweat was left on his forehead. His tone was full of strong vigilance:

"Master Ye, you are right, there is something in this stone!"


Ye Ran shouted in the direction of the fat man.

The combat power of the thing sealed in this jade vein.

But it is different from the monsters they encountered before!

At the same time, the granite in front of Ye Ran also made a bursting sound, and cracks appeared one after another.

A loud "bang"!

The broken granite and the jade in the jade vein exploded, blasting out a channel of debris! !

This channel itself is extremely quiet, and you can even hear the echo when walking.

At this time, loud noises exploded one after another, and countless broken rocks splashed in the air.

Then, a series of black shadows escaped from the broken granite and surrounded them!

Ye Ran reacted very quickly, dodging the broken rocks in front of him. Then the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand turned into an umbrella sword, ignited a ball of Suzaku Fire, and slashed in the direction of the black shadow!

Illuminated by the Suzaku Fire.

The full appearance of the "black shadow" appeared in front of everyone.

These black shadows look extremely strange.

The skin is green like bronze rust, the face is long and pointed, the limbs are very long, and the height is very tall.

It has no pupils, only whites of the eyes, and moves very fast.

At this time, Ye Ran slashed with a sword.

The black shadow reacted quickly and turned to dodge his attack.

But it seemed to be burned by the Nanming Lihuo.

The dark figure suddenly opened his mouth and let out a sharp roar, the sound was extremely high decibel and extremely unpleasant.

The dark figure stretched out his extremely long nails with a cold wind with a fishy smell, and grabbed him fiercely!

"Master Ye, be careful!"

The fat man seemed to be worried about them. After exchanging two moves with the figure that came out of the passage, he turned around and ran to find them.

"The power of this thing will gradually increase."

The fat man said breathlessly:

"When this thing first came out of the granite, its movement speed was not so fast. Now it is getting faster and faster, and its strength is also increasing!"

"Fatty,Get out of the way!"

Ye Ran turned to look at him, only to see that the figure came behind the fat man in an instant, raised his finger with a ferocious face, and was about to pinch the fat man's neck.

He didn't care about much, raised his hand and threw the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand. The umbrella sword made a crisp sound in the air, passed by the fat man, and accurately nailed the dark figure's heart.

With a "clang", the figure was directly pierced through the chest.

It was nailed hard on the granite!

Even the umbrella sword was three-quarters into the stone , enough to prove how much strength Ye Ran had used in a hurry just now.

The figure twitched twice, and a stream of black blood flowed from his heart, dripping on the ground. He was motionless and died just like that.

The weakness of this thing is indeed in the chest.

Ye Ran understood in his heart, and the fat man also took a breath, took out the gun, and fired at the hearts of these figures.

With a "bang".

A large amount of rocks and jade fell from above Ye Ran. Exploded.

Ye Ran looked up and saw a long crack in the granite above his head, and a rusty green face with only white eyes slowly stretched out from the crack, looking at him steadily.

There were more and more of these things.

And they came from all directions!

Ye Ran did not have the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand at this time, so he pushed the Nanming Lihuo to the extreme. At this time, the Suzaku tattoo on his body was brighter and more dazzling than ever before, as if the Suzaku on his back came alive and spread its wings to fly!

These figures seemed to be very afraid of the flames in his hand and did not dare to approach rashly. In addition, he used the magic pupil technique to the extreme, and these ghosts seemed to feel extremely painful and kept screaming.

At the same time, there was another loud noise above the passage.

More "figures" came out.

But this is not the most important thing.

The granite above the passage cracked again and again, and it could not withstand the huge impact at this time and was about to collapse!

"Ye Ran! "

A deep voice mixed with a loud noise came, and then Ye Ran felt a strong force coming from behind him. The young man who had been fighting side by side with him suddenly turned around and pressed him against the wall behind him that had not yet cracked!

The next second.

The scene in front of Ye Ran suddenly went dark.

It was not because of the dim light.

It was because the young man's black gold ancient knife blocked behind him, and then faced him, supported his arms by his side, and lowered his head.

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