"Master Ye. What's wrong?"

The fat man was also stunned when he heard this.

The fat man was silent for a while and said, "No. We are almost dying... Isn't this a dangerous place?"

Then where is the dangerous place?

Maybe other places are also dangerous.

But the ancient building is definitely the most dangerous, right?


The fat man said, "Master Ye, we are the only ones in the Banai Ancient Building now. If we are not in danger, then who will it be?"


As the fat man said this, he suddenly thought of a possibility. He touched his chin and asked, "Could it be that the brother has also come to the ancient building? So fast?"

Old Mrs. Huo standing aside shook her head gently.

Even if it was faster, it was impossible for him to be in the ancient building at this time.

Where would the danger be?

If the target is not them who broke into the Zhang family's ancient building, then who will it be?

Ye Ran did not answer the fat man's words, but just took the Fuxi Xiantian Bagua and pondered for a moment.

He followed suit and quickly calculated in his mind.

When he saw the Bagua map, Ye Ran calculated according to the sixteen-character Feng Shui secret technique he inherited.

The result of the calculation was that the ancient building was very bad.

He was not surprised by this, and the people brought by Mrs. Huo were good at fighting, but their psychological quality was really bad, so he did not say anything.


The fat man's words just reminded him, what if the ancient building was reversed?

Then wouldn't the Bagua map also be reversed.

In other words, the position of the Yin-Yang Pisces, the center of the formation, was completely reversed.

Then all the Feng Shui needs to be recalculated. If it is calculated according to the reversed Bagua map, it is not the Zhang family's ancient building that is very bad in Feng Shui.


Based on the new Bagua map and the direction of Feng Shui, Ye Ran made some calculations in his mind, and suddenly raised his head and looked outside the wall.

According to the direction he calculated.

It was actually outside the ancient building. Above the ancient building, in the jade vein in front!

In the jade vein?

How is this possible?

Ye Ran pressed his temple hard, closed his eyes, and calculated again.

Yes, according to the location, it is indeed in the jade vein after it was gathered.

But why?

What is the relationship between this dangerous location and the suddenly gathered jade vein?

The jade vein cannot move to this place for no reason, unless...

There is a "target" desired by the thing that is controlling the jade vein at this location.

So it moved the jade vein and tried to use the jade vein to control its "target".

Is there a target in the jade vein?

What else can be in this jade vein besides Mi Tuoluo?

Why did the jade vein start to move just after they entered the ancient building?

Is it a coincidence. Or something else?

Are they being used?

Ye Ran frowned, feeling that something was connected by him, and he only needed a thread to bring it all up——

Beside him, Fatty and Old Lady Huo took the Bagua map in his hand and studied it carefully.

After hearing what Ye Ran said, Old Lady Huo seemed to understand something and was explaining it to Fatty.

Old Lady Huo said:

"Although I dare not guarantee everything about the thing that controls the jade vein, it is probably the three thousand year old dead baby."

The fat man said "Oh?" and said in surprise: "Does that thing have such great power?"

"It's hard to say. This jade vein itself is very strange. It is not a stone, but a longevity tool left over from ancient times. In other words, it is more like a kind of soil that can give birth to living things."

Maybe Old Lady Huo felt that she might be buried in the Zhang family's ancient building, so she was more tempered than ever before and explained it more clearly.

She said: "This three thousand year old dead baby is different from the ordinary Mi Tuo Luo. The ordinary Mi Tuo Luo was only raised in the jade vein for a period of time, but this dead baby was placed in a box made of meteorite jade and was nourished for three thousand years."

"In addition, after the Zhang family opened the stone box, the dead baby came into contact with a trace of life. The intelligence it possesses is probably much higher than that of ordinary humans. It is extremely powerful, has the ability to control the jade veins, and is good at calculating."

"Including our entry into the ancient building, it is probably all in the plan of the dead baby. It wants to use us to achieve some purpose-of course, killing us is also a convenient thing."

This is too damn vicious!

The fat man was horrified, "Do we have a grudge against the dead baby? No! It's not his ancestral grave that was dug. Does it have to do this?"

Old Mrs. Huo shook her head. She only guessed so much from what Mr. Ye said, and she didn't say anything else.


Ye Ran heard the conversation between the fat man and Old Mrs. Huo.

He was very clear-minded at this time.

In his heart, he said softly:

"ThenSince the dead baby has a high level of intelligence, it must have a very clear purpose. "

"It has no grudges against us, but it used us to set a trap... Then who does it have a grudge against?"

"Who does it want to use us to attract?"

"Who has been connected with the three thousand year old dead baby?"

"After the three thousand year old dead baby wakes up, it definitely has the ability to leave the jade vein. But it didn't do so, why?"

"It is waiting for someone. "

It is in Banai, waiting for someone!

Ye Ran repeated these questions in his mind, and felt that every word was bitter, so bitter that he couldn't swallow it, and his heart seemed to be filled with countless surging sea water-

There is only one person who is connected with the three thousand year old dead baby.


It knows that the little brother will definitely come to the Banai Ancient Tower.

So here, waiting for the little brother!

The blockade of the jade vein on them is just a bait that can't be more convenient.

The original target of this dead baby is the little brother! !

It waited for Ye Ran and others to enter the Zhang Family Ancient Tower, and then used the jade vein to block the Zhang Family Ancient Tower.

The little brother who came from Siguniang Mountain witnessed all this with his own eyes.

He must be anxious and try to break the jade vein.

Little did he know that the real hand of the dead baby was The section is hidden in the closed jade vein——

Since the jade vein has been completely closed and moved to the position he just measured.

There is only one possibility.

The little brother has arrived in Banai!

When the little brother sent him a telegram, he said that he would arrive in three days.

But only one day has passed since the telegram was sent.

The little brother...

Ye Ran gently touched his upper palate with the tip of his tongue.

He calculated all this, but the jade vein, which was as thick as a mountain, blocked all signal connections. How could he contact the little brother and tell him all this?

Countless thoughts flashed through Ye Ran's mind, but his body's reaction was much faster than his thoughts.

Ye Ran turned around, opened the mechanism as quickly as possible, and ran towards the fifth floor.

"Master Ye?"

The fat man was stunned, "Why are you..."

Ye Ran did not stop, but just quickly threw down a sentence.

"That position is closest to him. "



Is the young man really here?

The fat man was stunned, then thought of a possibility, and hurriedly followed.

On the fifth floor, the Zhang family's ancient building is connected to the jade vein, which is where the Zhang family created Mi Tuo Luo.

Ye Ran and others just arrived at the fifth floor.

Ye Ran quickly came to the location of the jade vein.

"Nanming Lihuo!"

Ye Ran shouted softly in his consciousness, and a surging white flame jumped in his palm, emitting a terrifying power and heat.

Thousand Machine Umbrella, Umbrella Sword.

The huge white flame was picked up by the umbrella sword, and it was chopped towards the direction of the jade vein, one sword after another-

"You wait for me where you are."

"I'll go find the young man!"

He may not be able to split all the jade veins, but...

He wants to stand closest to the young man.


"All explosives have been ambushed in place. "

"The amount has been precisely calculated, and it can blast open a 60-meter-thick jade vein while minimizing the risk of harming Mr. Zhang Qilin's body."

"This is the limit of what we can do."

The blasting expert wiped the sweat off his forehead and said to Qiu Dekao and the young man.

Now they don't have any geological measurement equipment.

Therefore, they can't know whether the place 60 meters behind is an ancient building or a jade vein?


The young man's indifferent face never showed much expression. He put on a diving suit and strode to the lake, very close to the water.

There is a flag here, which is the marked point A.

"Young man."

Pan Zi and others were hesitant to speak, and finally Black Glasses took a deep breath, with a tremor in his voice:

"You must come back alive, and bring Ye Xiaoye and the others back alive!"

"Don't worry, there's no problem. "

The young man didn't say anything, but Sister Baoer also stood at point A and made an "OK" gesture to Panzi and others.

"Prepare for blasting!"

"Prepare for blasting completed."

"The last test completed."


"Countdown to three seconds, 3,2,1..."

"Bang! !" A loud earth-shaking noise.

Countless gravel, accompanied by strong winds and lake water, rose to the sky, with a huge cloud of smoke, blocking the sight of everyone present.

"Cough cough cough..."

Xie Yuhua and the others were too close and were almost blown away. Their mouths were full of lake water and gravel, and many gravel scratched their faces, with bloodstains one after another, looking extremely embarrassed.

"What happened?! "

The first thing Panzi did when he opened his eyes was to look in the direction of the explosion. He saw huge rocks all over the ground, piled up thickly, and couldn't see the situation underground clearly.

"I'll go down and take a look."

Panzi jumped into the pile of rubble without saying a word and dug down desperately.

"Let's clear out the rubble first."

Qiu Dekao stared at the huge deep pit with his blue eyes for a while, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, he waved to his men and said:

"It seems that Zhang Qilin's strategy is correct-if you wait until the explosion before going in, you will be blocked by the rubble and waste a lot of time."

Of course, although Zhang Qilin's method saves time, it is very life-consuming.

As an old man, he strongly does not recommend it.

Qiu Dekao said to his men:

"Try to clear up all the rubble to facilitate them to leave the Zhang family ancient building-but I think the jade vein is likely to be closed again now. "

Otherwise, the rubble would not have fallen.


Wouldn't they have sent Brother and Sister Baoer to their deaths again?

Panzi's face changed. He didn't believe what Qiu Deqiao said. He just lifted a big stone and threw it aside. He didn't feel any pain when a piece of his fingernail was blown off.

"If you can't speak, just shut up."

Panzi said coldly: "Master Ye and Brother will definitely come out. I will twist your head when the time comes!"

Qiu Deqiao smiled and didn't mind Panzi's words. On the contrary, he politely made a "please" gesture and said:

"Yes, you are welcome to come."

...Mad man!

Panzi looked at him strangely and continued to move stones.


"Brother, you don't look very well. "

Before the explosion.

Zhang Qiling heard Sister Baoer beside him say something with some doubt.

He stood still and did not answer.

The itchy and painful feeling on his arm, like being bitten by tens of thousands of ants, came again. The black poison moved very slowly, but the target was extremely clear, which was his heart.

At this time, it had moved from the fingers to the elbow.

Below the elbow, there was a strange blue-black color.

The young man looked indifferent, but his heart was unprecedentedly turbulent-


After seeing the jade veins closed.

There were only these two words left in his heart.

Before they parted, they promised each other to meet alive.


Ye Ran, you live well for me.

I'm here.

The explosion sounded, but the young man didn't feel any pain. Maybe the poison was too uncomfortable, but the blast and abrasions on other parts of his body diverted his brain's attention.

He just saw a dazzling fire in front of him, with countless broken stones, rushing towards him and falling behind him.

His body fell rapidly in the explosion, occasionally pulling out the black gold ancient knife to block the jade vein on one side, calculating the best position to fall to the Zhang family ancient building-

Suddenly, these jade veins that were originally exploded, underwent some changes.

These broken jade veins seemed to have turned into countless edged mirrors, reflecting clearly, reflecting his expressionless face.


In the endless broken mirrors, the same scene happened Changes have taken place.

His indifferent face has gradually changed, and even become younger.

How is this possible?

The young man asked himself, it has been many years, and his appearance has not changed at all.

How could it change?

How did the jade vein become a mirror?

How much time has passed, why hasn't he landed yet?


Where is Feng Baoer?

He used the black gold ancient knife to accurately block a broken piece of gravel that almost hit his shoulder, and turned his head to look around.

Feng Baoer came down with him. Why did she disappear?

He seemed to be falling all the time. It was only a few dozen meters, and it would take less than a minute to land, but it seemed that there would never be an end.

Ghost Wall ? No, it's not.

The young man clenched the black gold ancient knife and pierced his palm. The blood oozing with poison continued to flow out and fell to the ground with an echo...

On the ground?

He suddenly realized that the boundless jade veins, starting from the bottom and the surroundings, were closing in on him!

With a "clang".

His black gold ancient knife was stuck in the middle of the jade veins on the left and right sides, barely preventing the jade veins from wrapping him in the middle.

Those jade veins should obviously be translucent, but now they are countless mirrors, reflecting his face, gradually getting younger and younger, until...

He became a child.

That must have happened many, many years ago.

Zhang Qiling didn't remember his childhood, but he looked at this indifferent face,With a childish and scarred face, the feeling in his heart was very clear.

Then, the mirror seemed to know what he was thinking.

It played all the scenes from his birth to his gradual growth.

From his birth to being disguised as a holy child, and then to being discovered by his clansmen, he went through the most rigorous training and became a tool for the Zhang family to explore tombs, with scars all over his body.

A very light voice sounded in the jade vein.

The voice sounded very pure, and asked him sympathetically:

"...Brother, you must be very tired?"

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