This scene was simply shocking.

The audience in the live broadcast room screamed in front of the computer screen instantly!


"Fuck, it's so scary..."

"Late at night, in the wilderness, there are three dead people hanging above my head... Mom, I won't live anymore!"

"I choose to die on the spot."

This scene looks indescribably weird!

Ye Ran didn't look at the barrage on the bracelet again.

Instead, he looked around again.

He was very sure that there were no footprints of anyone else on the ground except the messy footprints of these three people before they died.


"What on earth could have hung them so high?"

Ye Ran whispered to himself.

"Too amazing."

Sister Baoer stared at the direction where the three people were hanging.

Her big eyes lit up with excitement!

She rubbed her hands with excitement.

Picking up the shovel, Sister Baoer couldn't wait to say:

"Let me bury them."

Ye Ran: "..."

Sister Baoer, can you be a normal girl?

Shouldn't you be panicked when you see these three bodies!

What's wrong with your glowing eyes and greedy expression!

And does Sister Baoer have to bury the bodies when she sees them?

What kind of weird obsessive-compulsive disorder is this!

He couldn't help but complain about it in his heart.

Then he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be...

Ye Ran reacted and looked up along Sister Baoer's glowing eyes.

Sure enough, he saw the backpacks behind the three people.

Bully, the supplies should not have been used in time.

They should have encountered something not long after entering the rainforest.

They stumbled all the way here, but all the bullets were used up.

They were forced to die here.

Sister Baoer licked her lips.

He said seriously:

"My supplies are almost gone."

Before departure, the program team allocated 2-3 days of supplies to each person.

As a result, Sister Baoer finished them in one day!

And they also set their sights on this group of corpses.

Ye Ran felt a headache.

However, there was really no other good way to get supplies.

Ye Ran thought about it and took out a stack of yellow paper.

He closed his eyes slightly and recited in a low voice.

"Emperor Taiwei, guard the spirit in the alchemy room."

"Create weapons and armor, exorcise evil and assist righteousness."

"Yanghe cloth body, restore Huangting."

"Heavenly talisman emperor power, deter swords and weapons!"

"With the power of the heavenly soldiers, cut off the evil."


Ye Ran's voice fell.

The yellow paper in his hand suddenly turned into a huge phantom of a heavenly soldier.

It was more than two meters tall, extremely majestic, and wearing armor.

After the phantom of the heavenly soldier appeared,

He nodded slightly in the direction of Ye Ran.

To show respect.

Then he took out a brass sword.

He slashed it towards the direction where the three people were hanging!

With a "click".

The three bodies fell heavily to the ground as if the ropes were suddenly cut.


Ye Ran exhaled.

He raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

With his current level of elementary paper figurine technique, it was still a bit difficult to use this spell to transform into a heavenly soldier.

However, in the later stage of paper figurine technique, it can even transform into the Black and White Impermanence and the Cold-faced King of Hell.

Summoning souls is no problem.

Looking up, Ye Ran met the young man's deep eyes.

Meeting Ye Ran's gaze, the young man withdrew his eyes lightly and nodded slightly at him.

Sister Baoer came over curiously and shocked.

"Ye boy, how did you do it? Are you a god?"

What the hell!

Ye Ran smiled helplessly.

He said, "Sister Baoer, you just saw it, this is an illusory shadow."

"This kind of shadow can only harm those dirty things that are invisible to the naked eye. In fact, it is not a very advanced paper figurine technique."

"I guess that there are three corpses hanging on the stone hill. It is likely that they are some kind of dirty things that are difficult for our naked eyes to detect. Otherwise, it is impossible that there are no footprints of other people or animals on the ground, so I tried it."

That's also amazing!

The eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room are about to pop out.

"Good fellow, I just called him good fellow."

"Woo woo, I originally thought that the most normal person in this three-person team was Brother Ye."

"I didn't expect Brother Ye to be so Versailles, I miscalculated..."

"Brother Ye Ran casually pulled out a piece of paper, summoned the phantom of the heavenly soldiers, and then said that this was just a low-level paper man technique."

"I always feel that he will warn us in the next second to believe in science and not always fantasize about some unfounded things that do not exist."

"Then he waved his sleeves and flew away directly under our gaze??"

"OneIn one word, absolutely!"


"Sister Baoer, be careful. "

Ye Ran watched Sister Baoer run over very flexibly and untie the backpacks of the three people.

It was similar to what Ye Ran thought. These three people were chased all the way here from the rainforest by some dirty thing.

So the supplies in the backpacks were full and had not been used.

Sister Baoer quickly took all the supplies of these people.

Blinking her big eyes, she squatted on the side and ate canned beef with a satisfied look on her face, with no image at all.

Ye Ran was speechless for a while.

And the little brother walked over silently and turned over the body.

Seeing the face of the body, the three people were stunned.

Because the death of these three people was too hideous!

They opened their mouths in fear, their eyeballs bulged out, and their facial features were distorted in an extremely bizarre way, which was the degree that would give you nightmares at a glance.

These three people had blond hair and blue eyes, and they were obviously a foreign team.

They looked a little familiar.


Ye Ran pointed at the three people and said a little confused:

"That's not right. "

"These three, as far as I can remember, were the first team to be eliminated after entering the rainforest forbidden area."

In other words.

They should have died long ago.

According to the time they died, they should have been at the edge of the forbidden area.

How could they appear here, faster than them?

Moreover, these footprints...

Could it be that they came here after they died?

This is too bizarre.

Ye Ran raised his foot and walked over.

The young man stretched out his arm and gently stopped him.

He didn't let him get close to the body.

Ye Ran was about to speak in confusion.

He saw the young man turned around and glanced at him.

He said concisely:

"It's poisonous. "


Ye Ran looked at the three bodies. Their faces turned black, and they looked like they were poisoned.

How can we explain the marks on their necks and the expression of suffocation?

Could it be that...

Ye Ran suddenly thought of a possibility.

His face changed for a moment.

He reached out to touch the windproof lighter provided by the program team.

Sister Baoer was chewing on a can of beef and took a look.

She said cutely:

"They seem to be alive."

"Look, their throats are still moving."

"It's like..."

"It's like something is about to come out."


Sister Baoer stretched out her hand and gestured at the throat of the corpse.

She said strangely:


"Why are there long things floating out?"

"What? This seems to be... hair?"

"Before they died, they seemed to have eaten a lot of hair. "

Sister Baoer had just finished speaking.

A "clucking" sound came out of the throats of these corpses.

The originally deformed mouths suddenly opened to a strange extent.

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