Sure enough, there were traces of giant creatures swimming on the ground, spreading forward and gradually disappearing into the darkness in the distance.

At the same time, the violent vibrations above their heads also disappeared.

The entire underground passage suddenly became extremely quiet.

It seemed that there was nothing in front of them, only darkness itself. It made people feel a little creepy.

Such silence made people feel more and more uneasy.

Panzi lowered his head and noticed the traces on the ground. He was surprised and asked:

"Fuck, these traces on the ground... did something pass in front of us?"

"Well, it seems to have been left just now."

Although Hei Xiazi was wearing a pair of sunglasses, he had excellent eyesight in the dark night and quickly noticed the traces on the ground.

"This trace..."

Panzi squatted down and used a torch to carefully illuminate it, and his face became ugly.

"Master Ye, we have to be careful. Based on my experience over the years, this mark is likely to be a snake, and a giant python!"

"Damn it, is it over yet? All the imaginary space, pheasant neck, blood corpse and other messes are here, and now there is a giant python in front."

"Isn't the owner of this forbidden area a woman? Why is she always using shady tricks!"

Pan Zi wiped the dust off his face and complained.

Ye Ran smiled in his heart.

Pan Zi was right.

The owner of the forbidden area is really a woman. But this thing has little to do with men and women, it's mainly about customs and habits.

Pan Zi sighed again and said:

"Damn, it's too tiring. To be honest, I don't want to come to this hell-level forbidden area no matter how much money I'm paid."

That's what his boss asked, and he, Pan Zi, never refuses his boss's words.

Sister Baoer heard this and blinked her big eyes cutely.

"Panzi, how about I help you exit the forbidden area?"

"It's very simple to exit. Look, just press five times on this bracelet and someone will come to pick you up."

"Wait for me outside. When I leave, you can treat me to a meal."

Panzi was stunned. Sister Baoer didn't want to help him exit the forbidden area.

She just wanted someone to treat him to a meal after he left the forbidden area!

Panzi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and shook his head quickly.

"No, no, no, Sister Baoer, I just said it casually. I am a man after all, how can I quit in the middle of the journey?"

"Besides, I think our trip to the forbidden land is about to end. If I quit here, wouldn't it be a waste of my trip? The boss will be so pissed off!"

"Don't worry, even if the forbidden land is over, I will treat you to a meal after you get out, and it will be a big meal, a buffet, and you can eat whatever you want."

Sister Baoer's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Okay, stop it."

Black glasses helplessly interrupted the two people's teasing, turned to look at Ye Ran, and asked seriously:

"Master Ye, what do you think?"

Pan Zi and Sister Baoer immediately quieted down.

Even the little brother turned his head slightly, looking at him with deep and silent eyes.

Just now, when Ye Ran's tattoo glowed, the little brother had the same look.

It was as if he was full of curiosity about him, but everything was expected.

Ye Ran exhaled lightly:

"To be honest, I saw this giant python when I was dealing with those blood corpses in the underground palace."

"According to my estimation, its length is over 20 meters and its diameter is over two meters."

As he listened, Pan Zi's eyes widened.

"Can't it be?"

"Master Ye, I, Panzi, have not read much, but don't lie to me. The Titan Python is only a dozen meters long, which is already the longest snake in the world. If this python is more than 20 meters long..."

"How can this be a python? It's simply a dragon!"

Ye Ran shook his head helplessly:

"Which of these things in this forbidden area can be measured by common sense outside? Panzi, you should know it in your heart."

"And the dragon dives deep into the abyss, and at the very least, it will hide in the rivers, and it is difficult to tame. Even if the owner of this underground palace has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, he will never imprison a dragon here."

"And there is one most important thing."

Speaking of this, Ye Ran paused. He turned his head without any expression on his face, looked at the live broadcast ball behind him, and a cold light flashed in his eyes:

"My brother and I also saw another dragon-shaped giant. Compared with it, this python is nothing."

Anyway, we will meet it later.

It's better to say it earlier and make plans early.

Ye Ran just finished speaking.

The live broadcast room that was originally full of heated discussions suddenly became quiet for a second.

Then the barrage of comments poured down like snowflakes!

"Fuck! Ye Xiaoye's eyes. A bit handsome!"

"It's handsome, but also quite scary...""Fuck, it's over. If my mom asks me tomorrow why the sheets are wet, how can I, an adult, explain it?"

"Hehe, I smiled slightly. I don't feel scared at all. I just want to go to the toilet."


Ye Ran didn't look at the bracelet.

To be honest, he was in no mood now.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and Ye Ran's eyes were once again cast into the darkness of the passage.

What... is there in there?

Ye Ran encountered many monsters along the way. Although some monsters looked very strange, they could be seen after all.

Ye Ran didn't feel any fear at all.

But the dragon-shaped creature in the darkness was just the tip of the iceberg. The powerful pressure was so strong that it made people's scalps numb.

Ye Ran had a hunch that these two monsters might be more terrifying than all the monsters he had encountered before.

They might be the ultimate guardians of the Queen Mother of the West's forbidden land!

"Fuck, let's fight them."

Pan Zi gritted his teeth and began to check his gun and magazine. He was obviously ready for a big fight.

Ye Ran said seriously, "We can't stay here for too long. Try to leave this passage under the underground palace as soon as possible."

The Queen Mother of the West is proficient in Feng Shui. Whether it is the layout of the underground palace or the layout of the mechanism, it is unique.

"It" took the elixir on the jade plate and triggered this exquisite mechanism.

But if the tomb robbers are also proficient in Feng Shui and know how to take the seven pills in the correct order of the seven stars, then will they not be able to trigger the mechanism?

Obviously not.

Those who can reach here must know some Yin and Yang secrets, otherwise, they will not be able to pass the previous few levels.

Therefore, the Queen Mother of the West added a double insurance in this mechanism.

That is the two dragon-shaped creatures!

Thinking of this, Ye Ran took a deep breath and thought of a possibility.

He looked at the young man, and it was obvious that the young man had the same idea as him.

The young man nodded silently at him, and Ye Ran looked solemn: "These two giant snakes did not appear here because they were alarmed by the collapse of the underground palace."

"They are probably designed by the owner of the forbidden area, and they are specifically targeting us!"

That is to say.

The Queen Mother of the West has already calculated all this!

She will never allow anyone to disturb her longevity plan.

The so-called double insurance, the first insurance is the mechanism that causes the collapse of the underground palace. This mechanism alone is extremely dangerous. According to common sense, the second insurance must be even more dangerous.

The danger level of the two dragon-shaped creatures is definitely no less than the blood corpse frenzy and the mechanism that causes the collapse of the underground palace.

"Just kill him."

Sister Baoer picked up the shovel.

She gently shook her long black hair, and her beautiful face showed a trace of calmness, and said: "Chop it up and make soup."


Good guy.

Sister Baoer is still thinking about eating at this moment!

Speaking of which, this dragon-shaped creature might be really good for making soup.

Ye Ran touched his chin, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

With a "click", the gun in Panzi's hand was loaded with bullets.

With a gun in hand, he felt much more at ease.

"I think Ye Xiaoye's speculation makes sense. That is to say, no matter how we go, we will encounter these two giants."

Hei Xiazi smiled lightly and said casually: "Then come on!"

"Well, let's go."

Ye Ran nodded, feeling a little emotional.

No matter how smart the Queen Mother of the West is, even if she is proficient in the operation of the numbers of heaven and earth, and proficient in yin and yang feng shui, she would never have thought that her dark underground palace would welcome such a group of real monsters.

Ye Ran felt relieved immediately and followed him.

But the little brother suddenly stopped him.

Ye Ran turned his head and met the brother's deep eyes, looking at him without blinking, and uttered two words with his light-colored thin lips.


The brother wanted him to be careful!

Ye Ran felt warm in his heart, nodded to the brother, and said with a smile:

"Brother, you too, must be alive."

In the dark, the two people clapped their palms together.

The temperature of the palms was transmitted.

High five!

This is the symbol of the alliance.

It represents the strength of the brother and Ye Ran, which has been recognized by both parties!

The five people continued to walk towards the depths.

The quiet and weirdness in the depths, the deeper Ye Ran walked, the more strange he felt in his heart.

He took a breath of cold air lightly.

No, no.

If his initial speculation was correct, these two giants were coming for them.


Why didn't these two dragon-shaped creatures attack them while they were in the underground palace and took advantage of the blood corpse frenzy?Moreover.

There is no more suitable place for attack than this passage, why don't they appear?

Now, there is only one path in front of the passage, and there is no other exit. The exit at the back has been blocked by boulders.

They have no choice but to go deeper.

Could it be that these two dragon-shaped creatures have powerful wisdom and are waiting for the opportunity?


Are there other reasons that he didn't think of?

Just as he frowned and speculated carefully, he suddenly noticed that the Panzi in front of him stopped.


The Panzi who was walking in the front suddenly took two steps back and raised his gun.

"Oh my God! That is..."

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