The messy footprints of the little brother and Wenjin along the way are very obvious.

It can be felt that they were in a critical situation at that time, and the two of them chased back and forth desperately.

But they arrived here.

Suddenly the footprints disappeared out of thin air.

There was not even any other traces or signs left.


How is it possible?

Ye Ran looked at the ground without saying a word, and fell into deep thought.

This place is quite open. There are no trees or stone walls on both sides except for the bushes more than half a person high.

It is impossible that the two of them put on wings at the same time.

They all flew to the sky, right?

Of course, the sky is impossible, so is it underground?

Or did the two enter the imaginary space again?

As soon as this thought came out, Ye Ran shook his head and rejected it.

Now the feng shui of the forbidden land is no longer the yin and yang conservation pattern, and the independent imaginary space should have collapsed.

Could it be that they are really underground?

Ye Ran's heart moved, and he followed the last footprints of Wen Jin and Xiao Ge and walked up intact.

The next second.

Something seemed to be activated underground, and a huge mechanical sound was heard.

It was actually... really underground!

Ye Ran's heart moved, and before he could say anything, the whole ground suddenly began to collapse, and then Sister Baoer ran over, and the two fell down at the same time.


Ye Ran fell on an extremely hard object.

Taking a breath, Ye Ran smiled bitterly. This time there was no Xiao Ge and Pan Zi as human sandbags, and it really hurt to fall on it...


He stroked the ancient pattern under his body with his fingers, and suddenly felt something was wrong.


This is...

Ye Ran suddenly turned over and sat up from the thing under him, ignited the Vermillion Bird Fire in his palm, and illuminated the surroundings.

He realized that the place where he and Sister Baoer were now was a tomb.

There were lamp-shaped stone pillars placed in the four directions of the tomb, and the walls were all around, tightly sealed, with no exit.

As soon as he fell in, a smell that had been sealed for thousands of years and was hundreds of times more smelly than the underground parking lot hit him in the face.

The huge and ancient mechanism slowly turned, and their heads were sealed again.

And the huge thing he just fell down and lay on...

It was a huge gray coffin.

The coffin was smooth all over, as if it was carved from some natural boulder.

It was cold to the touch, and engraved with ancient patterns, it seemed to be in the shape of a bird.

Strangely, this coffin was larger than any coffin Ye Ran had ever seen, ridiculously large.

The width alone was several square meters.

Ye Ran's eyes stayed on the coffin for a moment.

What kind of thing would be placed in such a huge coffin?

"Ye, where is this?"

Sister Baoer blinked her big grey eyes twice, a little confused on her calm face, tilted her head, pointed at the stone coffin, and said:

"Why is there a double bed here?"

Ye Ran: "..."

What a double bed!!

Is this a coffin?

Sister Baoer's analogy is too out of place.

He looked at the coffin and instantly felt that they were not in the tomb, but in a furniture plaza.

"Sister Baoer, don't talk nonsense, this is a coffin."

"As for where we are now, I can only say that I don't know."

Ye Ran rubbed his eyebrows and returned to the topic.

This tomb is less than 30 square meters, not even as big as the portable space given by the system in his body.

After he ignited the Vermillion Bird Source Fire, he had already walked around the tomb, but apart from this huge stone coffin, he didn't see anything else.

There is no mechanism on the wall.

Where are Brother and Wenjin?

Their footprints disappeared here, which means they also came here, but why are there no traces of them?

Could it be that...

Ye Ran turned his head suddenly.

He slowly placed his eyes on the huge sarcophagus in the center of the tomb.

Could it be that Brother and Wenjin are in this coffin?

But why?

There was no time to think about the reason.

Ye Ran walked quickly towards the huge sarcophagus, shouting: "Sister Baoer, we have to open this coffin!"


As soon as Ye Ran finished speaking.

He heard Sister Baoer agree happily.

"Click, click" walked forward, the scallion-white little hand clasped one side of the sarcophagus, and suddenly exerted force to lift up the huge sarcophagus lid.

Ye Ran: "..."

He took a look at the candle he had just taken out and was about to light in the southeast corner of the coffin.

Suddenly I felt that this fake coffin opening ceremony was totally useless.


You should be like Sister Baoer.

When you see a coffin, just go up and open it.If it is opened well, this coffin is like a mobile slider phone, unlocking new knowledge anytime and anywhere.

If it is opened badly, the whole village will sit together and enjoy a buffet.

Isn't it wonderful!


Sister Baoer opened the sarcophagus, immediately reached in to take a look, and said in surprise:

"It's empty inside!"

"There are no monsters, it's dark, and there seems to be a hole?"

There is a hole?

Does that mean that the little brother and Wenjin left through the hole after opening the coffin?

Ye Ran's heart moved, and he walked quickly to the direction of Sister Baoer, just to see what was going on.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound from the sarcophagus.

Sister Baoer's expression changed.

With a "bang", the huge lid of the sarcophagus was closed again.

Blinking her big grey eyes, she said:

"Oh my god, there really is a monster in this coffin!"

Ye Ran: "..."

Sister Baoer, you have already opened the coffin.

Why do you care whether it is a monster or not?

If there is a monster, it will be too late to open the coffin first!

Before he could complain.

He heard a muffled sound from the huge sarcophagus.

It seemed that something had entered the sarcophagus from the passage that Sister Baoer mentioned.

Then, the sarcophagus shook twice.


There was a harsh sound in the coffin, as if an iron nail had scratched the glass. This harsh sound was crazy!


Sister Baoer scratched her hair. She seemed a little crazy after hearing the sound, so she picked up the kitchen knife and said:

"This is too rude. How can you scrape the board?"

"Sister, go cut its nails."

After saying that, Sister Baoer heard a muffled sound from the coffin before she could lift the lid of the coffin.

The sound was a little unclear through the huge sarcophagus, and it was even more unclear as it kept echoing in the tomb.

Ye Ran frowned. He always felt that the sound sounded very familiar.

Then, a harsh creaking sound came from the coffin again.

This sound was simply crazy!

Just as the kitchen knife in Sister Baoer's hand flashed with a cold light, the sarcophagus was suddenly pried open from the inside.

Then, a ruddy-colored.

The nails were trimmed cleanly, looked very healthy, and the big hand with clear lines holding a saber stretched out suddenly.

Panzi's ecstatic voice came from the sarcophagus:

"Great, Hei Xiazi, I finally pried it open, we are saved!"

Then came Hei Xiazi's voice:

"Stop talking nonsense, open the sarcophagus quickly, that thing is behind us and is chasing us!"

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