Seeing the expression of shock on Wen Jin's face, Ye Ran quietly took a step back.

He looked at Wen Jin and smiled slowly.

Wen Jin is a very interesting person.

Seemingly weak, but actually meticulous and cunning, she can greatly exceed everyone's expectations.

That's right. People who are not cunning enough can never survive in the forbidden area for so many years.

If Ye Ran remembered correctly, before he and his brother arrived at the Queen Mother of the West's alchemy room, he saw Wen Jin's notes, and Wen Jin had already left at that time.

Even if Wen Jin inherited the Queen Mother of the West's memory, she only remembered that the elixir was in the alchemy room.

Since he and his brother were already in the underground palace, they would definitely go to the alchemy room.

What's so strange about going to the alchemy room and taking the elixir?


Wen Jin knew in her heart that something else would take the elixir?

Could it be that the one who manipulated An Ning to take the elixir was not someone else, but Wen Jin who left them a note and pretended to leave early?

How did she do it?

What Wen Jin had just said to him seemed perfect.

But if a person can say something perfect and flawless in a chaotic situation, this is the biggest flaw.

Wen Jin did not tell him the truth.

At least, not the whole truth.

"It's not what you think."

Seeing Ye Ran's expression, Wen Jin seemed to realize that her first reaction had a flaw.

On her pale face, it was as if a mask was breaking.

Wen Jin's expression was extremely complicated at this moment. She slowly turned back to look at the little brother who was communicating with the ancestor of the Zhang family, as if she was weighing something.

After a while, she sighed, bit her lip and said:

"Yes, I do know some things... But I'm sorry, there are some things that even if I am not a human or a ghost, I can't tell you all."

"I can only tell you for sure that the thing that wants to take the elixir is not me."

Who is that?

Is it the consciousness of the Queen Mother of the West?

Or was it the "it" that Wenjin had mentioned, the one that followed them all the way?

Ye Ran wanted to ask again.

But Wenjin had already turned around and walked to the side of the throne.

Her voice was very soft, almost whispering, as if she was afraid of disturbing the little brother who was communicating with the ancestors of the Zhang family.

Wen Jin bent down, and her pale fingers gently stroked the red earthenware jar. Then she smiled bitterly, as if she had made up her mind, and said:

"Forget it, since this elixir is in your hands, I can rest assured."

"In fact, even if I don't tell you, you should be able to guess the origin of this elixir."

"According to the memory of the Queen Mother of the West in my mind, she is a descendant of Fuxi."

"Fuxi has already completed the experiment of human-snake symbiosis, which can effectively prolong human life...although in a form that is neither human nor ghost."

"But, that is only to prolong life. The Queen Mother of the West wants more, she wants eternal life."

"Do you know why there are countless pheasant necks in this forbidden area? Because this thing has a very long life, so long that it is unimaginable."

"It's a pity that humans who merge with pheasant necks have no memory. can only grow and revive through molting. "

"Queen Mother of the West wants to live forever and preserve all her memories, so she thought of a way and formally conducted an experiment. "

"This meteorite jade was discovered here by the ancestors of the Zhang family more than 4,000 years ago. It is said to have a magical power that can make people immortal."

"Queen Mother of the West followed his advice, crushed the meteorite jade into powder, and then used the corpse-eating king in the red earthenware jar to make an elixir. Sure enough, she could preserve her memory. After taking the elixir, she fell asleep in the meteorite jade. "

"However, the remaining elixirs have undergone a lot of experiments, and most of them are highly toxic test products or semi-finished products. "

"My friend A Ling and I took semi-finished products."

Luckily, the one that Wen Jin ate was closer to the finished product.

Because it carries the memory of Queen Mother of the West, she knows that coming to this forbidden area may find a way for her to continue to live.

She fought against fate for many years, but in the end she still couldn't escape the result of entering the meteorite jade.


They all misunderstood the earthen jars on the ground.

They were not sacrifices at all.

They were the raw materials for the Queen Mother of the West to refine elixirs!

Presumably, the Queen Mother of the West failed countless times, so she needed a large number of corpse-eating kings, so she used the human head earthen jars as food to keep the corpse-eating kings captive.

Ye Ran was secretly surprised.

Wen Jin didn't look at his expression, and continued:

"Once we leave the meteorite jade, we will experience different degrees of corpse transformation, and gradually become a monster called a forbidden woman."

"So... I don'tMaybe I'm out. Maybe Queen Mother of the West will kill me after she resurrects, maybe she will turn me into another monster, who can tell? "

Wen Jin shrugged and said:

"But at present, her consciousness can't do anything to me, and I can only coexist with her and the ancestors of the Zhang family in this meteorite jade with her memory. "

"That's all I can say."

Wen Jin looked at Ye Ran deeply and said:

"For the rest, maybe my brother will choose to tell you in the future, maybe you and my brother will see it with your own eyes in the future..."

"But who can tell what will happen in the future?"

Wen Jin sighed and suddenly smiled.

Her smile fell into Ye Ran's eyes, gradually becoming blurred and distorted.

Before fainting.

Ye Ran heard Wen Jin leaning close to his ear and whispering:

"Child, I'll give you one last piece of advice."

"'It' will always follow you."

"Be careful. "

Wen Jin mentioned it so many times.

Who is it?

Why does it keep following them? What does it want?

Also, who fed Wen Jin and A Ling the red pill in the underwater tomb?

Could it be "it" too?

Ye Ran opened his mouth, he wanted to ask more, but Wen Jin's face in front of him gradually became extremely blurred, his blood was boiling violently, his head was in great pain, and he stretched out his hand towards the little brother.

Seeing that the little brother had completed the communication with the ancestor of the Zhang family, he stood up and walked towards him.

Ye Ran had an unbearable headache, his eyes went black, and he lost consciousness.


"Wake up, wake up. "

Ye Ran heard a voice in his ear, a little noisy, and couldn't help frowning.

It seemed like something was pressing on him, very heavy.

Ye Ran coughed twice, opened his eyes unbearably, and faced Panzi's big face.

Panzi had a face full of stubble, two dark circles under his eyes, and looked extremely haggard.

Seeing that he woke up, Panzi laughed:

"Master Ye, you are finally awake. Black Glasses and I took turns to give you artificial respiration these two days. We are almost exhausted!"



Is it the kind of artificial respiration he thought of?

Ye Ran's eyes went dark in an instant.

Black Blind Man, Panzi, give him artificial respiration?

Is he dreaming?

He must be dreaming.

Forget it, let's continue to faint.

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