Forced Chivalry
Chapter 5
late at night.
Elder Zhang Quan, after a tiring day, returned to his residence and sighed, finally lying on the bed.
Although he has been martial arts for many years, he fell into the root of the disease when he fought with people in his early years.
I didn’t feel anything when I was young, but now I’m old and bloody, and I’m not as energetic as I used to be.
For a whole day, he was in Tuen Mun, with an autopsy, and wanted to investigate the truth a few days ago.
But the day was busy, and there was nothing to gain, and it was exhausted.
“I don’t want to accept the old.”
Zhang Quan sighs.
Peng peng peng!
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
“who is it?”
Zhang Quan asked to get up and asked.
Peng peng peng!
The knock on the door was a little short.
He brows slightly wrinkle, walks over and opens the door.
The door was empty and there was nothing.
His eyes were suspicious, came to the yard, and swept back and forth, still no discovery.
Zhang Quan frowned deeply and returned to the room again.
Just lying in bed soon.
Peng peng peng!
The knock on the door sounded again.
“Who is it?”
Zhang Quan got angry and sullen.
浠栧啀娆°C墦寮€鎴 棬锛屼緷鐒 棬锛屼緷鐒 rudder disease chain 浣曞姩闱欍 変
浠栧 涓桠鎯 涓桠鎯 锛岀洰鍏夋壂灏勶纴 锛岀洰鍏夋壂灏勶纴 锛岀洰鍏夋壂灏勶纴 shouted 锛 滃埌搴曟槸浣曟 滃埌搴曟槸浣曟 滃埌搴曟槸浣曟 瀹靛皬锛宼 瀹靛皬锛宼 瀹靛皬锛宼 瀹靛皬锛宼 瀹靛皬锛宼 瀹靛皬锛宼 瀹靛皬锛宼 瀹靛皬锛宼 纴鍧 纴鍧 纴鍧 纴鍧 纴鍧愬缑鐩达纴纴変簨涓変簨涓€
闄(一)瓙涓┖钻¤崱镄勶纴婕嗛粦涓€鐗囷纴娌°C湁涓濇silhouette 銆
Zhang Quan 鐪夊ご绱х毐锛屽啀娆¤蛋锲炰简鎴块棿銆
杩欎竴娆 粬鍏 粬鍏 笂鎴 棬锛屽苟娌 棬锛屽苟娌 湁韬哄湪搴娄笂锛岃 湁韬哄湪搴娄笂锛岃 屾槸灏嗗疂鍓戞姄鍦ㄤ 屾槸灏嗗疂鍓戞姄鍦ㄤ 屾槸灏嗗疂鍓戞姄鍦ㄤ 嬩腑锛屾潵鍒 嬩腑锛屾潵鍒 嬩腑锛屾潵鍒 嬩腑锛屾潵鍒 嬩腑锛屾潵鍒 嬩腑锛屾潵鍒 嬩腑锛屾潵鍒 嬩腑锛屾潵鍒
Time is slow.
After half an hour.
Zhang Quan 鐤戞儜璧锋潵锛屽彂鐜版病链夊纾宁革纴灏嗗疂鍓戞斁鍦ㄤ简妗屼笂锛屽啀娆¤汉锲炲簥涓娿€
Peng peng peng!
鏁 棬澹 棬澹 啀娆 搷璧 搷璧 搷璧 纴镐ヤ 纴镐ヤ 纴镐ヤ 纴镐ヤ € € € €
Zhang Quan 澶ф掞纴鐩掞纴鐩存帴鍐蹭
链ㄨ川澶ч棬琚粬涓€鍙岃倝鎺岀洿鎺ラ渿纰庯纴浠栧鑻嶉鍙岃倝鎺岀洿鎺ラ渿纰庯纴浠栧鑻嶉鑸墤鍒鑸墤鍒櫌澶栵纴鐪櫌澶栵纴鐪櫌澶栵纴鐪厜€鍒╋纴all around 皠銆
绌鸿崱钻$殑锛屽彧链夌粏寰殑铏福澹like €
Zhang Quan complexion sank
浠栧 ammonia瑕佺寮€闄(四)惤锛岀鎶ortress Lord 銆
But it is at this time.
Zhang Quan 鐪 涓 锷纴鐬棿鍐蹭 锷纴鐬棿鍐蹭 锷纴鐬棿鍐蹭 锷纴鐬棿鍐蹭
浣嗗垰涓 杩涙埧闂 杩涙埧闂 纴鑴氭澹 镞 镞 镞 镞 镞 镞 € € €
Zhang Quan 镄勮劯鑹 搴曢槾娌変笅鏉ワ纴 搴曢槾娌変笅鏉ワ纴 coldly snorted 锛屽ぇ姝ョ寮€杩欓噷銆
Quan 阒佃寮傜殑浣庣瑧澹 阒佃寮傜殑浣庣瑧澹 Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan殑涓殑涓€涓嫔寲涓哄共灏灏纴鐩纴鐩帴浠帴浠镙借镙€掋€
Zhang Yuan 杩 糠绯婄硦镄勪粠镌 糠绯婄硦镄勪粠镌 °Cvi 涓 琚惖 琚惖 掞纴澶栭 鏁 鏁 鏁 敚镄勫 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 ヤ ヤ ヤ ヤ ヤ ヤ ヤ ヤ ヤ屽洖 ′ ′ 湪鏁 湪鏁 湪鏁 湪鏁 湪鏁 湪鏁 湪鏁 湪鏁 唴銆 唴銆 唴銆
Yan Zhang
Zhang Yuan 杩 糠绯婄硦锛屾弶浜嗘弶鐪 糠绯婄硦锛屾弶浜嗘弶鐪 shoulder
Little Huan 涓 鑴 鑴 鑴 杩涙潵锛宻 杩涙潵锛宻 杩涙潵锛宻 杩涙潵锛宻 ted 杩涙潵锛宻 ted ted ted ted Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan
“Another incident happened.”
Zhang Yuan 涓€涓嬫竻涓嬫竻掞纴浠庡簥涓婂潗璧凤纴鎯婂0阆掳细鈥滀粈涔堜簨锛熼毦阆揿张链変汉琚潃浜嗐€傗€
灏忔涓 鑴 鑴 Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Zu Zu Zu嗭纴闄や 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 夊崄鍑犱綅 夊崄鍑犱綅 夊崄鍑犱綅 夊崄鍑犱綅 夊崄鍑犱綅 夊崄鍑犱綅 夊崄鍑犱綅 夊崄鍑犱綅 夊崄鍑犱綅 夊崄鍑犱綅 夊崄鍑犱綅 夊崄鍑犱綅灏 傗€傗
Dry corpse!
杩欎袱涓瓧鐪煎垰涓 鍑 鍑 幇锛孼 Yuan 灏 Yuan 灏 墦浜嗕 墦浜嗕 墦浜嗕 鍐烽 鍐烽 鍐烽
闾f伓楝 伓楝 鏉ユ潵澶崭粐浜嗭紒
杩欎竴娆★纴灞呯劧鐩存帴灏唀lder 閮界粰骞粰骞
“I went to see.”
Zhang Yuan 鎱屽 umbrella. Chain 瀷锛屽悜镌 澶栭 澶栭 澶栭 澶栭
灏忔鎱屽 锽婇 锽婇 锛 滃杺锛屼綘锲炴潵锛屼綘涓嶈杩囧幓锛屼綘涓 滃杺锛屼綘锲炴潵锛屼綘涓嶈杩囧幓锛屼綘涓 滃杺锛屼綘锲炴潵锛屼綘涓嶈杩囧幓锛屼綘涓 滃杺锛屼綘锲炴潵锛屼綘涓嶈杩囧幓锛屼綘涓 滃杺锛屼綘锲炴潵锛屼綘涓嶈杩囧幓锛屼綘涓 y y y y y y y y y yワ紒鈥
浣哯hang Yuan 镞╁ 镞╁ 镞╁ 璺戜
浠栧 涓€“€“Gong 璺 璺 璺 纴涓冧笂鍏笅锛屽緢蹇 纴涓冧笂鍏笅锛屽緢蹇 纴涓冧笂鍏笅锛屽緢蹇 涓 涓 鍏 鍏 叿灏镐綋锛屼粠 叿灏镐綋锛屼粠涓 涓︷櫌瀛愪腑璧 涓︷櫌瀛愪腑璧 涓︷櫌瀛愪腑璧 涓︷櫌瀛愪腑璧 涓︷櫌瀛愪腑璧 涓︷櫌瀛愪腑璧 涓︷櫌瀛愪腑璧
Zhang Yuan 娌°C暍鐪熸鎺ヨ繎锛岃€屾槸绂诲缑寰堣翻屾槸绂诲缑寰堣
杩欎簺骞 镄勬 镙 镙 镙 镙 拰鍑犲ぉ鍓崭竴妯 竴镙 竴镙 竴镙 竴镙 竴镙
骞 宸 宸 宸 宸 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 忔槸鏅掑 忔槸鏅掑 €
鍙堟槸闾d 鎭堕锛
鈥凄amn it, 鍐嶅憜涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹歞ead end 涓€鏉★纴涓嶈锛岃€佸瓙瑕佺户缁Н鏀掑姛寰枫傗€
Zhang Yuan bites the tooth.
浠栨厡蹇栾浆韬悜镌€mountainside Seto 缁妶镆 €
Fortress Lord Long Tian 佸ぇ鎶ゆ硶€佸ぇ鎶ゆ硶Wang Lie 槾娌夛纴鐪嬬潃Zhang Quan 銆佸 閮 閮 閮 袱浣峞 袱浣峞 镄勫 浣掳纴姘 浣掳纴姘 浣掳纴姘 浣掳纴姘 浣掳纴姘 浣掳纴姘旀寚閮 寰楀彂锏 寰楀彂锏 寰楀彂锏 寰楀彂锏 寰楀彂锏
鈥滆姝荤殑锛屾湁浠€涔堜簨鎯呬笉鑳借涔堜簨鎯呬笉鑳€old man 帴鏉ワ纴闱炶杩欎箞楝存帴鏉ワ纴闱炶杩欎箞楝 绁熺锛佲€
Long Tian 镙囩嫚镫犳愧鍦ㄦ瀛愪笂锛屾€掑枈璧锋潵
鍏朵粬浼楀elder 涔熼兘鏄痗omplexion sank 锛屼竴瑷€涓嶅彂銆
鈥淔ortress Lord 锛孲ix Doors 镄凛onstable Tie Zhang 涓嶆棩灏辫鍒 锛屾垨璁镐粬浼氭湁锷炴硶 锛屾垨璁镐粬浼氭湁锷炴硶.鈥
浣峞€浣峞lder started talking 銆
Long Tian 镙囨皵镄勮劯鑹 闱掞纴镣 闱掞纴镣 鈥沧垜 鈥沧垜 鈥沧垜 Black Hawk Fort 鑳 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒浜浜殚涓潃浜嗘垜浠偅涔埚殚涓潃浜嗘垜浠偅涔埚cipcip 锛屾垜涓€瀹氲灏嗕粬鎶扑綇锛岀灏镐竾娈碉紒鈥
澶ф姢娉昗ang Lie 鑴歌壊鍙桦 enough 锛屽 鐒跺徆鎭竴澹 鐒跺徆鎭竴澹 鐒跺徆鎭竴澹 鈥淔 鈥淔 鈥淔 鈥淔 鈥淔 鈥淔 鈥淔 鈥淔 鈥淔 鈥淔 Lord Lord Lord Lord 锛屾亹镐曚簨鎯呮 锛屾亹镐曚簨鎯呮 锛屾亹镐曚簨鎯呮箞绠 鍗曪纴灏 鍗曪纴灏 鍗曪纴灏 曟槸涓 曟槸涓 浜涢潪浜哄姏 浜涢潪浜哄姏 浜涢潪浜哄姏 浜涢潪浜哄姏 浜涢潪浜哄姏 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳
鍦ㄥ満elder 鍏ㄩ兘鏄韩韬竴暗囥€
“Protector Wang, what do you mean?”
They were shocked to look towards towards Wang Lie.
The Long Tian standard is also complexion changed, saying: “Do you mean the demon?”
Wang Lie nodded and said with a heavy tone: “Remember the Iron Leg Gang three years ago? How did they die?”
The elder in the face turned white and instantly silenced.
Iron Leg Gang, together with their Black Hawk Fort, is known as the two biggest gangs in Fangyuan Baili. The squad in the gang is a whirlwind, extremely powerful, and within a hundred miles, no one is afraid.
But such a powerful gang, but suddenly died within half a month!
The gang went up to the Gang Lord and went down to the helpers, all of whom died.
This incident was shocked for a while!
At the time, Six Doors’ Constable Tie Zhang had personally seen it, saying that there was a demon swearing, so that they strictly kept secrets. As for the things behind, they don’t know.
But now, think about what was going on, they are still a little uneasy.
“It shouldn’t be. Iron Leg Gang’s people are all self-deprecating, and these people at Black Hawk Fort are sucked into corpses, and the cause of death is different!”
A ruddy complexion, chubby elder said.
Wang Lie smiled and said: “The means of the demon is not what we can imagine. He can let people hang directly and die, or they can suck blood and die. This is strange.”
Everyone was silent for a while.
Long Tian marks the teeth: “Tonight, don’t turn off the lights, fill the torch with the mountain road, I must find the murderer, even if it is a demon, I have to cut off his one!”
All the elder nodded.
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