Forced into the Deep

Chapter 50: The deceased has gone

Xing Zhongwan went down the mountain, got into the car parked on the side of the road, lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. Xue Qing looked at his half-faced face hidden under the sunglasses, and clicked the watch on his wrist, "Should we go?" Xing Zhongwan said to himself with a cigarette in one hand and the car window in the other. , "People, the most afraid of obsessions, the most difficult thing is to let go."

Xue Qing slapped him on the forehead, "Be awake and want to become a monk! I have no way to tell you, my sister is still pointing at you to give me retirement!"

Xing Zhongwan couldn't hold the cigarette in his sore hand, "Sister, this is made of meat. I don't have a steel helmet on my head. You're going to have a concussion when you chop it down. You don't know how strong you are!"

Xue Qing started the car, "It seems that his brain is not broken. It's still the Xing Zhongwan I know."

Xing Zhongwan was stunned for a moment, then cut and closed the car window, "There are so many little girls in the world, they would cry without me."

Xue Qing glanced at him with disgust, "You can pull it down."

Xing Zhongwan crossed over and hugged her and said thank you softly.

Xue Qing patted him on the back, laughed and said a fool.

Qi Yun's surgery went smoothly as expected. Xing Zhongwan had a few chats with Professor Gao and the answers they got were very gratifying.

Xing Zhongwan watched Qi Yun, who was still in a coma, through the glass window at the door of the ward. Lying there quietly like an enchanted prince. He has changed a lot in a short period of time. Xing Zhongwan touched his pocket and found that he was no longer smoking. As soon as he turned around, there was an extra pack of cigarettes in front of him, Xing Zhongwan took it and nodded to Chen Ying, "Smoke one at a time?"

Xing Zhongwan leaned against the white wall of the smoking area with a cigarette in between, Chen Ying loosened his tie, "I want to say sorry to you, I didn't think carefully about the photo."

Xing Zhongwan waved his hand and said he didn't mind. Chen Ying looked at the young man with beautiful eyebrows and almost sharp eyes, hesitant to say anything.

"I'm leaving when Young Master Yun's eyes recover. The chairman transferred me overseas. Maybe I won't have the chance to see you again in the future. I want to tell you something."

Chen Ying straightened his back, "Master Yun, he really cares about you. He is very happy with you. Needless to say, that kind of happiness can be felt through his eyes. I used to worry that you would become his. Weakness, but now I understand a little, you are his hope."

Chen Ying said this sentence, and the whole person became a lot decadent. In his years of knowledge, he really never thought that Qi Yun would fall in love with a man. This fact caught him off guard, but he had to face it. Meeting again, Xing Zhongwan's change made Chen Ying flustered, he felt that the young master might lose this man.

Xing Zhongwan put out the cigarette in his hand, took off his jacket and put it on his hand, "No one should be anyone's hope, everyone is fickle."

Xing Zhongwan opened the door and went out. Only Chen Ying was left in the narrow space. At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

"Chen Mi, the chairman is critically ill."

Qi Yun woke up the next morning. He opened his mouth and moved his hand slightly beside the hospital bed, as if he was looking for something. The nurse bent down and listened for a long time before realizing what he said was late.

Xing Zhongwan entered the ward and held Qi Yun's hand. At that moment, the person on the bed became quiet.

Xing Zhongwan approached Qi Yun and whispered in his ear, "The operation was successful, you can see it after a period of recovery, take a good rest, and sleep whenever you want."

Qi Yun moved her lips and said in a very soft voice, "I...want to"

Xing Zhongwan sat up slowly, knowing that Qi Yun had fallen asleep again.

Taking out the hand he was holding, Xing Zhongwan took out a box from his pocket and put it on the head of his bed.

I got up and kissed Qi Yun's gauze-wrapped head. Sister Fairy, you will be fine. As for us, we will never see each other again.

Xing Zhong left the ward late, and Xue Qing was waiting for him. He grabbed his shoulder and said, "Hey, go back and get your hair done and go find that teacher Tony."

"Is everyone who does styling is called Tony?"

"You think too much! Don't let yourself go, go back to work, think about the little beauties who are waiting for you, big boss, you should go back to business!"

Xing Zhongwan's slender arms folded behind his head, "We're going home."

Turning his head to the side and smiling at Xue Qing, it was a dream.

When Qi Yun woke up again, Xing Zhongwan had already left the country.

It's obvious that the headache is unbearable, but the heart is inexplicably aching. Qi Yun knew that there was someone beside him, but it was not late. He asked in a low voice, "How about late?"

After a while, Chen Ying said, "Young grandma has something to go back to Jiangnan, and she will come back when she is done."

Qi Yun was stunned for a moment, but no sound was heard. Chen Ying knew that it was wrong to lie to him, Xing Zhongwan left, Qi Yun would know about it sooner or later, but definitely not now.

Chen Ying left the ward, and when someone saw him, they walked up to him and whispered, "I can't find young mistress."

"What about flight information?"

"The name of the young mistress was not found. All overseas flights have been checked, but none. Including all foreign lists, there is no young mistress's name. As for other deeper content, we do not have this permission."

Chen Ying had a headache, he suddenly felt that Wan Wan was a fictional character.

Before he came to the hospital, Shen Qinghong had told him that once the child disappeared, none of you should go to check it out.

Chen Ying glanced at the ward worriedly, what should I do? If Qi Yun knew that Wan Wan was gone, he really didn't dare to think about it.

Qi Yun woke up in the middle of the night, soaked in sweat. The little nurse on the side asked him if he was uncomfortable, Qi Yun raised his hand and touched the gauze on his head, then his eyes, "It's late." The hoarse voice was full of moisture, and the nurse went out and called to stand outside the door. Chen Ying.

"Master Yun? What are your orders?"

"What about the evening?" Qi Yun repeated, Chen Ying said, "The young lady went to Jiangnan."

"What about the evening?" Qi Yun didn't seem to listen to Chen Ying's answer.

"Young mistress has gone to Jiangnan." Chen Ying said again.

"What about the evening?" The hoarse voice became more and more humid.

"Master Yun!" Chen Ying knelt in front of the hospital bed, "Young Mistress has gone to Jiangnan, he..."

Qi Yun raised his hand to cover his aching heart, "I left late, I dreamed that he was gone. At this time, he won't leave me to Jiangnan unless he doesn't want me anymore."

Chen Ying's mouth twitched, pinching herself tightly,

"Master Yun, Mistress, he really..."

"He's gone, he's really gone..."

In the quiet ward, Qi Yun's deep voice kept repeating these words, Chen Ying couldn't bear to turn his head away, no matter what he said at this time, it would be futile.

After that night, Qi Yun seemed to have changed into a different person, quiet and silent, everything out of control was like Chen Ying's fantasy. Qi Yun's eyes recovered well, and he could see some images vaguely. They never talked about Xing Zhongwan again, but there was something Chen Ying had to give to Qi Yun.

The bracelet was repaired very well, and the golden phoenix pattern skillfully covered up the cracks in the past, as if it had never been broken again. Qi Yun stroked the pattern on the top, carefully and carefully.

"No wonder he had a bandage on his hand last time and it was abruptly broken. He was in so much pain."

Qi Yun muttered to himself, as if he was just talking to himself.

"I thought I could wait until the day he told me his name."

"I want to see what he looks like. I really want to. When I was blind, I fantasized about what he would look like countless times, but now I don't even have the chance to verify."

Chen Ying wanted to comfort Qi Yun, but what to say, no amount of comfort could compare to Xing Zhongwan.

"We searched all the information about entry and exit, but we couldn't find the young lady."

Qi Yun didn't say anything, Chen Ying turned the ****, "Master Yun, the chairman is dying, I beg you to see her one last time."

Those who are silent and repressed are about to suffocate.

Qi Yun put his right hand on the Buddha bead on his left wrist, "What's his name?"

Chen Ying raised his head in surprise, Qi Yun's cold and white face was blank, "What's his name?"

Chen Ying said three words silently.

Qi Yun said, "Go out."

"Yun'er, it's a pity that the child is a boy. If it's a girl, the grandmother will definitely ask him to be your daughter-in-law." This is what his grandma often said jokingly.

In the hospital back then,

"Your aunt Xing is not in good health. You will take your brother to play later."

"Sister, you are so beautiful."

"Yun'er, how could you just shake off your brother's hand, how impolite."

"He called me sister. I don't look like a girl. I don't like him. He's dirty and disgusting."

Xing Zhongwan and his mother met their grandma before they left, and Qi Yun went out to meet them on behalf of his grandma.

"Yun'er, have you seen Aunt Xing and brother? Grandma is dying. I really want to see them again before I die."

The young man suddenly remembered that he threw the dim sum into the trash can, and he had no intention of looking back to see the child's eyes, which was a bit desolate that did not belong to his age.

In Jiangnan Qiyun asked Xing Zhongwan, "Have you seen me when I was a teenager?" He covered it up.

The dirty little boy looked at him with love on his face.

"Sister, you look so good-looking, I have grown up, will you marry me?"

Qi Yun couldn't stand up straight from the heartache, his eyes were red, he covered his eyes, but there were still traces of water seeping out from between his fingers.

The Xing family has always been crowded, Qiyun, Qiyun, why didn't you think that Wanwan would be Xing Zhongwan.

How can there be someone who is inexplicably so kind to you, a body that even hates himself, and he has been taking good care of it for so long. He left without leaving a word. He said that deception can't be forgiven, he knew it, he knew it all, why didn't you ask me a single question, it's okay if you just scold me twice, it's better than you go away quietly.

"Look at the child's eyes and know that he is a good boy. Yun'er, he is a good boy. It's a pity. Even if we can't get married, it's a pity that we can grow up together. It's a pity." what.

Qi Yun couldn't sit still in distress, he bent down, his wrists were red from pinching, leaving marks one by one.

The pain in his heart made him unable to bear it any longer.

what! what! what……

ah... ah... ah...

His neck seemed to be strangled, unable to pronounce a sentence.

The hoarse cry was intermittent, and the unspeakable pain was deeply embedded in every word.

The shouting alarmed the bodyguards at the door, Chen Ying stopped the person who was about to rush in, and then there was a forbidding cry from inside.

Chen Ying scattered the bodyguards, and the little nurse did not dare to go in with the tray, so Chen Ying waved to her. The little nurse looked inside worriedly, sighed, and turned away.

The ward soon regained its tranquility, Chen Ying knocked on the door, Qi Yun sat in the wheelchair with his back to him, his thin back collapsed, as if his whole body had been taken away, and his hoarse voice could not feel a trace of anger.

"Take me to see Shen Qinghong."

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