Forced into the Deep

Vol 2 Chapter 8: Reunion (Part 1)

Xing Zhongwan held a video conference with Zhong Gang in the office. It's been almost two years since the new company was established. Xing Zhongwan was very happy and gave Zhong Gang 30% of the shares, but unfortunately they didn't want to go back to the head office to chase Cheng Zhengzhe.

Xing Zhong angrily ended the video conference late, he couldn't push his good brother down this road. Turning over the desk calendar on the desk, it was his mother's birthday soon, and he had to go back.

Two days ago, Xing Zhengping called about her mother's birthday, and inadvertently said that Qi Yun had not been to Xing's house this year.

Xing Zhongwan put down the phone, shook his head gently and smiled. It was good, after so many years, Qi Yun finally let go.

Called the insider and asked the secretary to book a flight ticket for him. This time Cheng Zhengzhe and Xue Qing also went back with him.

Xing Zhongwan rubbed his sore forehead to open the document, and there was a knock on the door. After a while, the secretary came in with a large bouquet of roses, "Boss, the flowers are here again!"

Xing Zhong didn't lift his head late, "I'll give the secretary's office a share."

The secretary smiled and said, "Boss, it's been a month, and our secretariat can open a flower shop."

Xing Zhongwan signed and closed the document, "This is a good suggestion, I will buy you snacks with the money from the flowers."

The secretary covered his mouth and smiled, "Then I'm going out."

Xing Zhongwan waved his hand, the scent of roses made him sneeze, what these young people were thinking about all day long.

If you want to chase him, you don't even know about his pollen allergy.

Xing Zhongwan took a deep breath and got up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the clear sky outside, and was going back, it was fine...

Xing Zhongwan returned to China and picked up the plane himself from Zhonggang. There happened to be a star who was on a flight with him. The exits were all fans and reporters who picked up the plane. Xing Zhongwan was unhappy wearing sunglasses and dragging his suitcase to be crowded by the crowd. is messy. In desperation, he had to take off his sunglasses and smiled at the little girl holding a light sign in front of him, "I'm sorry, can you let me?"

When Xing Zhongwan said this, the little girl holding the lamp board looked up at him impatiently, dumbfounded for a moment, and gave Xing Zhongwan a way.

Xing Zhongwan blinked and looked over, "Thank you."

The two girls blushed, and when they recovered, they couldn't help screaming, and Xing Zhongwan was nowhere to be seen.

God, what a fairy face!

Xing Zhong got into Zhong Gang's car at night and exhaled, "Which star is this, and his popularity is quite strong."

Zhong Gang glanced at him, "Boss, forgot? You personally ordered Emma to bring it, and it's very popular now."

Xing Zhongwan suddenly realized, "It's our company? It's amazing!" He gave Zhong Gang a heart-to-heart comparison, but Zhong Gang said helplessly, "Boss, sometimes I really doubt that our branch is not your son."

Xing Zhongwan smiled, "Wherever you are, you are all your own sons. As long as you can make money, the more you earn, the better you will be."

Zhong Gang was speechless, "You are staying at my house these days. I have a house in the city center, and it is also close to the old house of the Xing family. It is convenient for you to live there."

Xing Zhongwan readily agreed, and boredly turned on the current affairs news that just happened to be broadcast on the radio. He was talking about the popular candidates for this election. Qi Yun's name came into Xing Zhongwan's ears, Xing Zhongwan was stunned for a moment, and his hand was lit up and down on the car window.

Zhong Gang looked at him sideways, "Shen Congxin is very interested in Qingyuan Capital. I have been here many times, and some cases are actually good, but President Xue told me not to have too much contact with the Shen family, so I will return them. In fact, from the perspective of the company's development, it is beneficial or harmless to have a good relationship with the Shen family. The domestic trend in the past few years... If there is no accident, Qi Yun will go up in this election. "

Xing Zhongwan snorted and said nothing else.

Zhong Gang concentrates on driving, and the boss is probably a little entangled with that guy.

"Next time, if Shen Congxin comes to the case again and it does have investment potential, let it go. We start a company to make money."

Zhong Gang nodded to show his understanding, and Xing Zhongwan had already slept on the back of his chair when he got out of the tunnel and got on the elevated.

Qi Yun was doing an examination in the examination room, and Shen Congxin went to see his attending doctor before he woke up.

"Still having trouble falling asleep?" the doctor asked while looking at the case.

Shen Congxin grimaced, "Yes."

The doctor shook his head, "The maximum dose, in fact, I suggest seeing a psychiatrist."

Shen Congxin felt bitter in his heart, "I said, I won't. And recently, my appetite is getting worse and worse. You also know his daily workload. He can't eat well, sleep well, and Iron Man can't stand it. He was injured in his early years. It hurts so much that I can't sleep on rainy days. I don't know if it's a psychological factor in the past few years, but the pain is getting worse and worse, and he doesn't like others touching him, so massage doesn't help."

Shen Congxin felt that taking care of Qi Yun was more difficult than managing the company, and he had never seen anyone who was more difficult to take care of than Qi Yun.

The doctor sighed, "That person... still haven't been found?"

Shen Congxin was even more depressed, "Now I know where people are, but I don't dare to see them."

"I'd still advise him to see a doctor as soon as possible. Some problems are not as simple as they seem after a long time. Now is a critical period. A little bit of trouble can pull him down from the top."

Shen Congxin didn't understand this truth, but he had no solution to Qi Yun.

"Doctor, prescribe some medicine, he can still sleep after taking the medicine."

The doctor handed him the prescription and said, "If you have the opportunity to take him out to see more, don't just work blindly. Proper relaxation is good for his insomnia."

Shen Congxin agreed, took the medicine and returned to the ward, Qi Yun buttoned his shirt expressionlessly.

"Big cousin, the medicine is back."

Qi Yun glanced at him and said nothing. Qi Yun is very thin. Since the car accident, his body has been thin, his temperament is cold, and he looks more and more indifferent. This year, his words have become less and less. Shen Cong was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do, but people didn't listen to him at all.

Qi Yun wasted another time, wasting his own life. Since returning from Country X, Qi Yun's eyes have never been brighter.

"Big cousin, you haven't been on vacation for a long time, we can go out to play, it's not a long time since Jiangnan, we can..."

Before Shen Congxin could finish speaking, Qi Yun had already left the ward, and Shen Congxin hurriedly chased him out, "Big cousin, I heard that in two days it will be the mother's birthday, maybe he will come back, we..."

Qi Yun's body froze for a while, then slowly turned around, the straight bridge of the nose seemed even stronger because of his thinness, and Shen Congxin's whole body was hairy at first glance. Qi Yun said nothing, turned around and walked straight out of the corridor.

Shen Congxin followed in annoyance, and now the name Xing Zhongwan has become taboo. Big cousin, if you don't come back, my big cousin is going crazy.

On the birthday of Xing Zhongwan's mother, Cheng Zhengzhe and Xue Qing both came. They bowed their heads respectfully in front of the tomb. They were all children adopted by Xing Zhongwan's mother in the orphanage, and they called her mother like Xing Zhongwan. Xing Zhengping stared at the **** tombstone in a daze. Over the years, he has aged faster and faster, and his hair has turned gray in more than a year. Xing Zhongwan stood in front of his mother's tomb for a long time until someone brought flowers. Xing Zhongwan glanced at it and knew who sent it, and he knew the words on it.

Xing Zhongwan squatted and said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you happy? You didn't quarrel with grandpa, right? I've had a good life in the past few years. I also have a career that grandpa gave me. It's not broken, but sometimes I miss you a lot, if you have time, remember to come and see me in your dreams."

The three walked out of the cemetery and smiled at each other. Xue Qing suggested that the three of them have a drink together, and everyone had no opinion. After getting into the car, Xue Qing said, "Do you still remember the big brother Gao who used to take care of us? I heard that he returned to China and opened a bar. The environment is very good. How about we go to him?"

Cheng Zhengzhe laughed, "He got married last year, and we didn't go there. We just made up the red envelope today. I remember Xue Qing, you had a crush on someone, hey, why are you hitting me!"

Xue Qing gave him a blank look, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute! You should think about Zhong Gang, who might stop you."

Cheng Zhengzhe snorted, "Xue Qing, you are famous for your crow's mouth, I don't care, if Zhong Gang pesters me again, I will say that I am with you."

"Go away! If the old lady is rumored to be with you, how can I have the face to soak up the little fresh meat, you motherfucker!"

"Hey, what's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? You can tell me clearly, apart from being older, I can't compare to Xiao Xianrou."

"Come on, with your physical strength, can you do three rounds?"

"Hey, Xue Qing, what do you mean? Would you like to make an appointment for us to try."

"Just try! I'm still afraid of you."

Xing Zhongwan supported the car window with one hand and listened to the two arguing, but his thoughts drifted to Qi Yun's bouquet of flowers.

The neat and neat handwriting on the delicate bouquet of hydrangea, Qi Yun knew that he would come back, but didn't come to him, because he didn't want to cause him trouble.

Xing Zhongwan smiled, leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes.

The voices of the first two bickering faded, Cheng Zhengzhe looked back at him, and said softly to Xue Qing, "Why didn't you say Qi Yun came? He should know that Lao Xing will come to Xing's house today."

Xue Qing frowned and said nothing. Cheng Zhengzhe said, "Do you think Lao Xing wants to see Qi Yun?"

Xue Qing raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xing Zhongwan, who closed his eyes and rested his eyes. I'm afraid only he knows this.

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