Forced into the Deep

Vol 2 Chapter 17: we have no chance

Returning to Qi Yun's villa in the suburbs, Xing Zhongwan looked at the familiar building and hummed, "Sure enough, the minds of those who do great things are very comparable."

No. 3 got out of the car neatly and opened the door for his boss. Secretary Qi Yun, who was sitting in the co-pilot, just wanted to help him, then quickly retracted his hand and stood by the side of the car.

Xing Zhongwan looked coldly at Qi Yun who was sitting in the car and didn't move, ignoring Qi Yun's secretary's cry for help, "Get out of the car by yourself, or just live in the car tonight."

Sure enough, as soon as Xing Zhongwan's words fell, Qi Yun turned the **** slowly out of the car, looking at Xing Zhongwan with a melancholy expression. Xing Zhongwan ignored him, "Then who, send a driver to take me back."

Secretary Qi Yun laughed until his eyes were almost gone, "You see it's too late, why don't you just rest here for the night."

Xing Zhongwan just wanted to refuse, when the number 3 on the side pointed to his face, "Boss, you should rest if you look bad."

Xing Zhongwan looked at Qi Yun who was about to speak, "Don't speak."

No. 3 took the itinerary on the phone and read it carefully, "Boss, there will be a group video conference at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. My suggestion is that you can sleep for 4 hours now. If you are in a hurry, you can go back today. You won't have time to rest tonight."

Xing Zhongwan has a very thorough understanding of the principle that the body is the capital of revolution, and has also implemented it very thoroughly. Pointing at Qi Yun's secretary, "Lead the way."

Qi Yun pursed his bloodless lips because of the pain, "Your room is still there."

Xing Zhongwan obviously didn't have the interest to listen to him and took No. 3 without even giving him a glance.

Qi Yun looked at the back of Xing Zhongwan, who did not recognize his six relatives, and couldn't help laughing. His temper was still so explosive, Wan Wan.

The furnishings in the villa did not change much. The servant took No. 3 to the guest room on the first floor. Xing Zhongwan ordered her to send a location to No. 4 to pick them up early in the morning.

Xing Zhongwan pinched his sore neck, and all the servants in this room were changed. Xing Zhongwan, who took the water from the servant, just wanted to drink, but suddenly stopped, bad memories flooded into his heart, Xing Zhongwan put the water glass on the table aside, and Qi Yun came in just to see this scene. The footsteps stopped, and the heart was complicated. If some things are wrong, they are wrong. No amount of apology will help. He personally destroyed Xing Zhongwan's trust in himself. He doesn't blame others, but at least he wants a chance to make up for it.

When Xing Zhongwan turned around and saw Qi Yun looking at him at the door, he raised his eyebrows, "I thought you wouldn't step into this place again, you shouldn't have a good impression here. I didn't expect you to still live here, in order to always remind yourself that you once Will the suffering of the people never stop the pace of revenge?"

Qi Yun's heart twitched when he heard it, and he exhaled carefully, "You know the reason, it's too late."

Xing Zhongwan yawned, "I don't know."

Xing Zhongwan doesn't want to hear the nonsense that I live here because of your breath.

Xing Zhongwan was really tired, he turned and went up the stairs. Qi Yun took two steps forward but didn't dare to hold him, "Wan Wan, you understand what I mean, I don't ask you to forgive me, but can you give me a chance to start over?"

Xing Zhong paused in his steps in the evening and turned his head slowly, the three-dimensional facial features were so beautiful under the bright light of the villa that made people tremble.

"Chance? What chance do you want? The youngest president and the most popular candidate in this election. The heir to the largest royal media group in country X. Where do you and I get the chance? Qi Yun, I don't like men, you Yes. If we can, we can barely make friends by looking at the affection of our ancestors, and don't think about the rest."

Qi Yun looked down at his trembling hands, "Wan Wan, do you remember what I said to you in Jiangnan?"

The wound hurts a lot, but not as distressing.

What Xing Zhongwan said was simply true. Qi Yun couldn't think of any other words to refute it. The obstacles between him and Wanwan were more than a little bit, but how could he find a way to solve all the difficulties, he couldn't control them? It is the heart of the night.

Xing Zhongwan put his hands on the back of his neck, and the handrails of the stairs have been renovated. It would be nice if people's memory could be reset.

"I don't even want to think about you, let alone what I said. That's it, good night."

Xing Zhong went upstairs at night, and Qi Yun raised his head when the footsteps disappeared, his face darkened and he couldn't tell what he was thinking. The secretary persuaded him to rest early, Qi Yun stared at the stairs in a daze, until his legs and feet numb, he said leisurely, "Is he fine?"

It took a while for the secretary to understand that he was talking about Xing Zhongwan, "I have a prominent family background, I don't have any pretensions, and I like to do charity work because of my popularity. I have established several charitable funds. Fierce to the point. Young mistress...he's really nice."

"I really love him, no matter what his identity is. Ordinary friends? I'm afraid that the identity of the two of us will be criticized even for being ordinary friends. Don't look at him being fierce to me, you have never seen him get angry. The appearance is scary. Sometimes I really miss the days when I was disabled. I didn't have a healthy body, but he was always by my side. I am not the current Qi Yun, and I am not the current Xing Zhongwan. "

Qi Yun held his forehead, his dizziness made him dizzy after many days of fatigue. He didn't mean to pretend to be pitiful in front of Xing Zhongwan, his body that had been under high pressure and tiredness for so many years really couldn't hold it any longer.

Xing Zhongwan opened the guest room on the second floor, but nothing changed. He opened the cabinet and hung a few pieces of his clothes inside. Xing Zhongwan walked to the window. Five years later, the scenery outside the window was still so desolate.

The heating in the room was fully turned on, but Xing Zhongwan still felt a little cold. He couldn't remember the first time he stepped into this room. He raised his head and looked at the yellowed ceiling. These workers were really careless and renovated everywhere, but they missed this room. His eyes suddenly stopped, and it was Qi Yun's room upstairs.

Xing Zhongwan's sleep has always been good. Although he resents the inexplicable one-night stay, he has always been at ease and fell asleep quickly, if not because of the sudden loud noise from upstairs... Xing Zhongwan Annoyed, he got up from the bed and came again. The one upstairs is demolishing the house?

Regardless of continuing to sleep, there was another sound of things falling to the ground. Xing Zhongwan was completely awake. Are all the people in this villa dead? Don't even go up to see such a loud noise.

Xing Zhongwan opened the door angrily, went up the stairs, but saw a few servants standing at the entrance of the stairs with no intention of going in. Xing Zhongwan frowned, "What are you doing?" Is it useful to stand at the entrance of the stairs?

The older woman dressed as a housekeeper said, "Sir won't let us in his room."

Xing Zhongwan snorted, this stinky virtue, I don't care about it. Before he had time to turn around and go downstairs, there was another loud noise. Xing Zhongwan turned around and strode over to open the door. Sure enough, Qi Yun fell to the ground and struggled a few times before getting up.

Xing Zhongwan used to stand up and saw that there was blood on the beige home clothes, he was frightened and immediately opened it, the gauze was oozing blood. He quickly helped the person to the bed and lifted the gauze, but luckily it didn't crack. If this is to be sewed again, Xing Zhongwan feels that the doctor will really blow Qi Yun out.

I looked around at the books and chairs that were rolled all over the place, and there were open files and computers on the desk. It was obvious that this person was still working.

Xing Zhongwan rubbed his temples, which were aching faintly from lack of sleep and excessive fright, "Are you dying?"

Qi Yun felt distressed, "I woke you up? I got a little dizzy and fell, but I can't get up all of a sudden..."

Xing Zhongwan touched his forehead, "You have a fever."

Qi Yun was stunned, but involuntarily put his hand on the back of Xing Zhongwan's hand, "It's all right." Xing Zhongwan pulled out and came to the door and told the servant to call the doctor.

Then he leaned against the door and folded his arms around his chest, looking at the room he was very familiar with. No major changes, just an extra desk. Sweeping across the wall opposite the window, a framed marriage application made Xing Zhongwan's eyes widen. He walked over slowly, Qi Yun, what are you doing? You even frame this kind of thing and hang it on the wall, aren't you afraid of being seen? Or are you too confident that it will not be used as an article?

"I never thought it was fake." Qi Yun's soft words came from behind. Xing Zhongwan turned around, and the pale man smiled at him. Qi Yun's very beautiful appearance made Xing Zhongwan froze on the spot, as if someone was playing drums in his head.

Qi Yun had a fever, but fortunately, he didn't take the antipyretics seriously and still looked at Xing Zhongwan. Xing Zhongwan was very entangled, neither leaving nor staying.

In particular, Qi Yun's secretary also revealed to him that Qi Yun's insomnia is very serious and he has not slept well for a long time.

The prayer in his eyes seemed to be the best sleeping pill.

Xing Zhongwan had no choice but to pull up a chair and sit beside Qi Yun's bed, and he couldn't sit still. How to fix it? He simply picked up a book from Qi Yun's bookshelf and looked like it didn't look a bit. Yawning while watching, tired.

He was reading, Qi Yun was looking at him. "Go back to sleep, I'm fine."

Xing Zhongwan was too lazy to pay attention to him. I thought I couldn't hear the grievance in your tone. I'm going to really go back and you'll be **** off in bed all by yourself. If I go out now, people all over the villa will look at me with a desperate expression, as if I have abused you, and I shouldn't send you back!

Xing Zhongwan looked a little confused, and quickly fell asleep with the book on the back of the chair.

Qi Yun quietly got up, moved him to the bed and covered the quilt.

I watched him for a long time by the bed, until Xing Zhong was asleep, Qi Yun stretched out his hand and carefully outlined his outline

He didn't dare to go to bed, but he didn't want to leave.

When Xing Zhongwan was awake, he didn't have a good face towards himself, only his gentle and peaceful appearance made Qi Yun's restless heart sink.

Holding Xing Zhongwan's hand, Qi Yun sat under the bed against his pillow, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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