Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 796: Lu Chao, fault me! !

"I know the reason for this."

As Xiang Huai drove, staring ahead, a sharp and dark light flashed in his dark eyes: "Because your ability is enough to make any country, any organization, to you."

Xue Xi was stunned.

It's like the special department will open the door to her, but it's actually trying to win her. That mysterious organization is like that.

Xue Xi blinked and suddenly asked: "If the mysterious organization gives me too good things, don't you worry that I will be moved?"

"will not."

Xiang Huai opened his mouth, "There is one thing, they can't give it."

Xue Xi was puzzled: "What?"

Xiang Huai suddenly turned his head and smiled charmingly: "I."

Xue Xi: "..."

She snorted and turned her head away.

Xiang Huai also asked, "Children, am I right? They have money, can they give you me?"


"You would die without me~"

Xue Xi:! !

She couldn't help but twitched her mouth, and looked at Xiang Huai: "So the first time I met, I asked you to be my boyfriend, and you directly agreed. Is it because of this?"


Xiang Huai looked at the car seriously, not daring to look at her, but smiled on the corners of his lips: "I said love at first sight, do you believe it?"

Xue Xi: "I don't believe it."

With her character who loves to read, how could anyone fall in love with her at first sight?

It should be to get her, Xiang Huai sacrificed Hue, but then...

There is still love for a long time.

Like her, so too.

In the beginning, Xiang Huai was found because of the "not falling in love, she would die." The original intention of being with Xiang Huai was just to save her life, so she had no right to blame Xiang Huai.

The two have been in contact for a year and a half, and they know each other's personalities very well.

Xiang Huai drove the car and suddenly turned his head to look at her, his expression gloomy and unpredictable, "My kid, I'll ask you a question."

"Well, you said."

Xiang Huai opened his mouth: "If, I mean if the special department doesn't have me, would you still join?"

Would you like to join?

Xue Xi thought about this issue seriously.

At the beginning, she joined because of various events. It was not her heart. After all, when Jing Fei invited her, she refused.

and after?

After discovering that the almighty boss teacher is the boss of the special department, she does have a sense of belonging to the special department for this reason.

In the final analysis, it is still possible to join, but not to join.

Xue Xi shook his head: "I don't know."

Xiang Huai smiled: "Yeah."

Xue Xi was taken aback: "Why do you ask this question?"

Xiang Huai looked forward, so that Xue Xi couldn't see his eyes. He only felt that his side face was sharply contoured, with a sense of heaviness. He seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he only said something. Three words: "Nothing."

After he said this, he stretched out his hand and rubbed her head.

At this moment, Xiang Huai's cell phone rang suddenly.

He answered, and Lu Chao's voice came from the other side: "Boss, there has been a crime committed by a supernatural person in Bencheng! Everyone in Bencheng has rushed past! This person is in a mysterious organization, are you coming?"

Xiang Huai's eyes sank, "Send me the address, what's the situation now?"

Lu Chao opened his mouth: "That person's ability is dreaming. He can give some guidance to the business tycoons in Bencheng and interfere with the business operations of Bencheng. We also found dreamers to invade those people’s dreams. I found him. Now this person has entered the mall and we are following."

Xiang Huai nodded: "Yeah."

When he hung up the phone, Xiang Huai was thinking about the people of the mysterious organization. When he suddenly came to Bencheng, the girl next to him suddenly said in a chilly voice: "Just now Little Huya said that there is a kind of ability that is a dream?"

Xiang Huai's neck felt cold and his body froze.

Lu Chao, fault me! ! !

[Seeking next monthly pass]

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