Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 819: Birthday party (5) cash] Follow vx public. Public number [Book Friends Base You can also get cash!


Good lesson...

It sounded like a stern tone, but the intimacy and protection of shortcomings had already been revealed.

Mrs. Xue was stunned for a long time before she suddenly understood something. She swallowed and said directly: "You mean, Xiang Huai, is your son?"

Laughing to dad without saying a word is a acquiescence.

Mrs. Xue stood there blankly, as if digesting this fact.

Liu Yiqiu and Xue Yao, who came in with the old lady, were shocked by the news at this moment.

The three people stood there like clowns, and the four people in the room who wanted to speak well didn't know how to speak.

Finally, Ye Li first reminded: "Mom, Xixi's banquet will start soon, or you should go and see if you are ready outside?"

Only then did Mrs. Xue come back to her senses, nodded abruptly, and walked out.

When she left the room, Mrs. Xue and three others stood there. After a while, the old lady reacted: "That little white face is so big, but what does he think of that little fool? Why is the family right? That little fool takes so seriously!"

Liu Yiqiu also went crazy with jealousy, feeling that he was soaked in vinegar.

Isn't it all right?

The Xiang family and Xue family are right there!

Not to mention being unpredictable to Dad and unable to see his true thoughts. The attitude of sitting side by side with Xue Sheng gave him great respect.

Look at Lin Jing again, that kind of affection that almost has to be attached to Ye Li...

Liu Yiqiu took a deep breath and opened his mouth sourly: "Yeah, Xue Xi climbed up to such a family, no wonder staying in Kyoto and not coming back. Mom, the tone of the old sister-in-law's speech is completely different from the previous only. !"

Only after Mrs. Xue was reminded, did she react: "She was instigating me just now?"

Ye Li spoke and let a few people out.

Although it is a relief, it does mean to drive people away.

The old lady suddenly realized this, and immediately shouted angrily: "How dare she? I'm her mother-in-law! I'll go to her for an explanation!"

After speaking, I have to rush into the room again.

Liu Yiqiu was sensible once, and hurriedly stopped her: "Mom, don't go! She is now in a different status and status. If she offends Ye Li, she offends Big Brother and Xiang Jia! How can we live with the Xue family in Bincheng? ?"

The Liu family was considered a small wealthy at the beginning. Although Liu Yiqiu kept pressing Ye Li, Ye Li was a little bit jealous than her, but when a person is really strong to a certain level, others will not even have the qualifications to be jealous.

The best way now is to build a good relationship, mend the gaps before, and continue to eat meat in the future.

Although it was unpleasant in the past, she knew very well that with the father, Xue Sheng would not really ignore them.

Besides, there is no life or death feud, as long as they put their posture low enough later, the family will not be too careless.

Mrs. Xue was anxious: "Why? Do I, as a mother-in-law, have to go to please her daughter-in-law?!"

Liu Yiqiu was immersed in his fear now, and he stretched out a finger to the family casually, but he could squeeze their home.

Therefore, she did not notice what was wrong with Mrs. Xue, and nodded: "Yes, mom, if you are in front of others today, you can say more good things about the sister-in-law, and the sister-in-law has come out, you also praise her, to the big brother, Don’t always keep your face straight, smile more..."

Before she finished speaking, the old lady broke out suddenly.

She is really angry. The older she gets, the younger she feels in her heart. Especially the daughter-in-law who has been oppressed by herself all the year round, she leaped over and pressed herself.

In addition, the old lady itself has no culture. When she was in the village, she quarreled with people by her voice.

Let her tolerate now? How can it be!

She shouted directly and angrily: "Since ancient times, the daughter-in-law should listen to her mother-in-law! And let me praise Ye Li, what do I praise her? It is her, my son who instigates all day, and strays with me! My **** son is also A careless, something born from my intestines, now I dare not listen to me! I knew that when he was born, he should be strangled to death!"

The voice was a bit loud, and Liu Yiqiu hurriedly grabbed her arm: "Mom, don't say that! Take back what you just said! Now the status of elder brother and sister-in-law is different, you..."

The old lady pulled her sleeves back directly and shouted at Liu Yiqiu angrily: "Why is the status different? Where is the difference?! Isn't it because of that fool? If there is no such fool, he would be nothing! The one in it is the fool, not him!"

At this point, she suddenly thought of something: "Yes, it is the little fool that Xiangjia is fond of. If there is no little fool, then the eldest and the eldest daughter-in-law will have to make a living under me!"

As soon as she said this, she was almost crazy, and suddenly rushed to the door and pushed open the door directly.

At this moment, Xue Sheng is discussing with Dad Xiang on the men’s topics, such as the national football, while Lin Jing is discussing with Ye Li about her dress today, which seems a bit too boring...

In a happy atmosphere, the old lady rushed in.

The scene in front of her made her feel even more dazzling.

Why did these two people fly on the branches and become phoenixes?

They are not worthy!

Thinking of this, the old lady shouted directly: "Mr. Xiang, Mrs. Lin, don't be fooled by Xue Sheng and Ye Li! Xue Xi is not their daughter at all!"

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