Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 843: Wait for your return

I have a way.

These four words are like a booster, which gradually made Xue Xi's rational return.

She took a deep breath: "Really?"

Xiang Huai looked at the girl in front of him, who had always been strong. At such a moment, she was a little panicked. If it were the past, she would definitely not ask such things.

Xiang Huai touched her cheek: "Yeah."

Perceiving that Xue Xi's mental power was extremely unstable, and the time-space around him seemed to be about to break, he waved to Huai, and time returned to its normal flow!


The explosion continued.

Radiation waves that are invisible to the naked eye are rapidly spreading outward.

Jing Fei was already flying, and at the critical moment, even if he was afraid of heights, he didn't care about that fear anymore.

It was too late for the people below to flee.

He can fly away, but he cannot walk.

At this moment, Jing Fei saw the mountain-like body slowly walking towards him.

Jing Fei suddenly seemed to have seen a savior, hope burst into his eyes, and he rushed directly in front of Xiang Huai and Xue Xi: "Boss!"

The voice was aggrieved, like seeing a parent's child.

Xiang Huai sighed, his voice low, and kicked his ass: "Why are you crying?"

Jing Fei touched a tear: "I didn't cry! I was smoked!"


Xiang Huai ignored him and continued to move forward.

Perceiving his movements, Jing Fei was suddenly taken aback: "Boss."

Xiang Huai didn't speak, his face solemn.

Jing Fei suddenly understood something, he rushed directly to Xiang Huai: "Boss!"

Xiang Huai stood still: "Huh?"

Jing Fei's voice was a little choked: "You, don't you plan to go there yourself?"

Xiang Huai's tall body is calm and reliable at this moment: "Is there any other way?"

Jing Fei clenched his fists: "But, but..."

He was so hesitating in his words that Xue Xi was aware of something, and she grabbed Xiang Huai's hand: "You tell me, what are you going to do?"

Xiang Huai sighed: "Children, there is something, I have been lie to you, oh, it is not a lie to you."

Xue Xi was taken aback.

Xiang Huai touched her hair: "I am not without abilities, I just can't use abilities casually."

Cannot use abilities casually...

Xue Xi was stunned: "What is your ability?"

Xiang Huai opened his mouth slowly, his voice full of loneliness and deepness, and he opened his mouth every word: "Capture."


Xue Xi was stunned.

Jing Fei sighed beside him.

This guy kept saying every day that he didn't know the boss's ability, but he obviously knew it.

But Xue Xi didn't understand: "What to seize?"

Xiang Huai smiled: "Come on, I will show you."

With a relaxed tone, Xue Xi nodded.

Immediately I saw Xiang Huai reaching out to the explosion place! !

His complexion was very calm, but Xue Xi could see to the naked eye that the radiation waves and radiation ions produced by the explosion over there slowly condensed into a ball, directly rushing towards the palm of his hand!

Immediately, those energy disappeared in his body.

Xue Xi's eyes widened in surprise.

She looked at everything in front of her incredulously.


Is this taking all the energy around it?

The mushroom cloud disappeared.

All the surrounding radiation is also absorbed.

Xue Xi suddenly remembered that both Jing Fei and Lu Chao once said: "The boss has the most powerful and powerful ability in the world..."

Since knowing the existence of a person with a supernatural power, she thought that time suspension was already the most powerful and heaven-defying power she had ever seen, but she did not expect that this would still exist in the world.


Two minutes later, the scene had returned to calm.

Those nuclear materials that can affect millions of people and dozens of kilometers suddenly lose their vitality and quiet down.

Xue Xi felt that everything in front of him was like a dream.

She looked at Xiang Huai in disbelief.

The man's face seemed paler than when he first saw him, but his body is still so tall and straight, and he slowly retracted his hand.

Then, Xiang Huai looked at her: "Little friend, I..."

Before he finished speaking, his figure suddenly staggered.

Xue Xi hurriedly stepped forward, trying to hold him, and as soon as his fingers touched his hand, he felt a hot temperature, which seemed to burn his skin and spew out from his body.

Xiang Huai retracted his hand: "Don't come close to me, there is radiation."

Xue Xi stood there blankly.

The cry of Jing Fei’s voice became more obvious: "Boss, you, you..."

Xue Xi realized something, she stared at Xiang Huai: "You tell me the truth, what happened to you?"

The energy burst from the burning of nuclear materials is almost equivalent to an atomic bomb!

Xiang Huai waved his hand and stood up straight again, trying to say something, but at this moment he could not speak.

Upon seeing this, Jing Fei could only choke and explain: "The boss's superpower is seizure! He can capture any energy! In order to leave the International Ability Academy, the boss once seized the energy of a nuclear bomb, if the Ability Academy would not let him go. , He could be destroyed on the spot. That’s why they let them go. After that, the boss kept guarding in Kyoto, and the rest did not dare to commit crimes because of this! The energy in the boss’s body, no one dared to challenge, because once Challenges will destroy the entire city! Such threats have become China’s most powerful military reserves."

Is a person equivalent to a moving atomic bomb?

Sure enough.

No matter what the power is in front of absolute power, it is indeed too weak.

Jing Fei sighed: "But these energies are strength, but they are also restraints! Because the boss can't use abilities casually, once used, the jade will be burned! The boss has been suppressing the riots in the body for these years, so he often reads Buddhist scriptures and feels calm. Don’t fluctuate too much because of emotional ups and downs..."

Buddhist scriptures.

Xue Xi suddenly remembered that when he first met him, this man was in the grocery store every day, hiding in the dark to read Buddhist scriptures, just like a stranger in the world, like a monk who was a monk...

At that time, I still felt bored, but now these things are all explained.

Jing Fei took a deep breath: "It took the boss four years to suppress that force and finally returned to normal. Today he suddenly seized this...his body...his body... "

"Why are you crying?" Xiang Huai was afraid that Xue Xi was worried, so he hurriedly spoke, his tone was light and fluttering: "This time it's just that the energy is a little bit big, and it takes a little longer..."

He looked at Xue Xi with a gentle attitude: "Don't worry, kids, I will be fine. It's just that the special department will rely on you for a while."

After saying this, he staggered away.

Xue Xi and Jing Fei always followed behind him.

At this moment, the energy in Xiang Huai's body was very unstable, and within a short distance, he could feel the energy in him overflowing from time to time.

They watched Xiang Huai get into a car, start the car, and drive towards the city. They can only fly in the air and follow closely.

Just now, everyone in Kyoto was ordered to hide in their rooms and not to go out, so at this moment, there are very few people on the streets of Kyoto.

Xiang Huai took a small road.

When the car stopped, Xue Xi realized that Xiang Huai had come to the basement.

When he got out of the car, his face became paler, almost transparent.

He pointed to the car and ordered Jing Fei: "Take it away."

Jing Fei's crying eyes were red, standing in the distance, saluting and shouting: "Yes!"

Xue Xi took a look and found that the seat in the car was scorched. When she wanted to see it, Jing Fei grabbed her arm: "This car has been polluted by the boss and has slight radiation."

There is radiation...

Xue Xi's eyes moistened instantly, and Xiang Huai turned himself into a nuclear substance!

Her voice trembled: "Where is he going?"

Jing Fei explained: "The basement here is all made of special metal materials, and there is boron water isolation around it. Once the door is closed, even if the boss can't control it inside and releases radiation waves, it will not leak out..."

Xue Xi knew from the bottom of his heart that things were far from being so optimistic.

She stared at Jing Fei and said, "Then how long will he stay in there?"

Does the high-intensity radiation have no effect on his body?

Jing Fei shook his head: "I don't know."

No one knows how long it will take the boss this time.

Xue Xi looked at Xiang Huai from a distance and entered the basement. He pressed the button and the metal door of the basement slowly closed.

At that moment, Xiang Huai turned around and smiled lightly at Xue Xi.

If it weren't for his pale skin, if it weren't for the sweat beads on his forehead, Xue Xi might really think that Xiang Huai was just taking a vacation.

She clenched her fist, and at the moment when the door was about to close, she suddenly shouted: "Don't worry, the special department, I will hold it for you! Waiting for your return!"


The door was completely closed.

Two people, one mile and one away, isolated from each other.

Jing Fei clenched his fists.

He knows that everyone in the world is paying attention to Xiang Huai's whereabouts. After the boss retreats, the rest of the countries will definitely look at it. Their status in the world of supernaturalists is in danger! ! !

This is why the boss didn't make a move when it first exploded.

Because no matter how much they sacrifice, it is not as important as the boss's freedom. He is locked in this basement, which is equivalent to trapping the soul of China!

Almost to confirm his guess, Jing Fei's cell phone suddenly rang at this moment.

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