Even if Nicholas and the boss have an old relationship, it is obligatory to face the righteousness of the country.

In Huaxia, the most powerful person at present is Ace, but the ice cube face is still young, and the force value is not comparable to the older generation!

Could it be that their Huaxia, is it really bad? !

Nicholas didn't stay long, before leaving, he went to see Xiang Huai... outside the basement.

Across the basement wall, his mouth was very poor: "Xiang, you can't hit me now, right?"

Xiang Huai: "...Believe it or not, I'm going out now and bombing your country M?"

Nicholas laughed loudly: "Then you China is over too! It will take at least five or six years for you to be able to control the power."

Xiang Huai didn't speak.

Nicholas sighed. Before leaving, he patted the big iron door in the basement: "Xiang, come out quickly. If you don't come out, I'm very lonely by myself."

Xiang Huai sneered: "It sounds like you are the first without me."

Nicholas raised his eyebrows: "I used to let you, and we didn't really compare it. I am no worse than you in terms of speed, strength or other aspects."

What he awakened was the vampire ability.

All the senses of the body can be fast to the extreme!

This has a great advantage in the competition.

Xiang Huai smiled: "Then I hope you don't be beaten by my kids and run all over the court."


Nicholas wants to say that your kid has gone to the Abnormal Academy, it is impossible to attend the tournament.

But when Jing Fei asked him to come, he said that Xiang Huai didn't know about it, and then silently suppressed the words: "Xiang, go."


After the news of the tournament went out, all countries called to express their condolences.

The person in the Supervisor Management Department of Country F said: "Hey, we will not be merciful this year."

People from Country H said: "Without Xiang Shuai, do you still have anyone? Do you need us to lend you a hand? It would be shameful that there will be no one in the first 11 China."

People from Country E said: "There is only one Xiang Shuai in China, and the rest are rotten in the mud!"

People from country G said: "Sick man of East Asia!"


Jing Fei yelled at each other angrily every day, but the scolding was useless.

Everything speaks with strength.

Several people had a headache, but they didn't dare to tell the boss that he could not let him worry about the outside while healed his injuries. Besides, he couldn't come out. Knowing it was futile.

Ace did not speak even more. He practiced on the playground all day long. It looked like he didn't give up the certificate and didn't give up.

Lu Chao complained to Jing Fei with a headache: "The entire playground is an ice rink! His ability to control ice is very strong, and the time can be condensed to a very short time. But when you encounter a master like Nicholas, you can’t find anyone. What can he do there?"

Jing Fei took a deep breath, only to find it in vain.

Could it be that Huaxia's fate has really come to an end?


International Academy of Supernaturalists.

Seven people and one cat, under the leadership of the small flame Gao Yanchen, has become a master of the school.

"What do you look at? Look again and dug your eyes!"

Seven people and a cat were walking on the way to the canteen. A white man not far away glanced at them, and Yu Da threatened.

Gao Yanchen raised his eyes, and before he looked over, the white man had run out of sight.

"It's boring." Gao Yanchen stretched his waist. During this period of time, he hit the school's invincible hands, and no one trained him.

Feng Yan touched his head: "Don't be so irritable."

Gao Yanchen said "Oh".

The black cat sighed: "You can't bring your mobile phone in, too annoying! I don't have any Gongdou dramas, life is too boring!"

Fang Fang and Cen Bai have no sense of existence.

Laughing is the most painful, hanging his head: "The food here is too unpalatable, and at the beginning, I said unlimited, I was very happy, but they actually posted a label the next day: This cafeteria only smiles. Laughter limit! What does this mean? It's too much! I can't eat enough every day! The hunger biscuit that I sent is too unpalatable, vomit..."

Crowd: "..."

Everyone went to the cafeteria, and the cafeteria staff saw them and suddenly jumped.

The auntie who was cooking was so scared that she quickly changed the spoons, because these people wanted the most spoons each time, and the rest was for laughs.

After eating, everyone continued to fall asleep.

Xue Xi suddenly said, "Or, shall we go?"


Gao Yanchen asked everyone what they were saying: "Sister Xi, all abilities are gone, how can I go?"

Xue Xi: "Who said no?"

She stretched out her hand, and a small flame appeared there.

The medicine for suppressing supernatural powers, from snacks to large ones, is too small for her to give, it doesn't work at all.

The rest:? ? ?

Xiaoxiao continued to ask: "Sister Xi, in that case, why don't you leave earlier?"

Xue Xi: "...I don't want to break his record."

Public:? ?

Xue Xi: "Besides, don't you guys have fun?"

Public:? ? ? ?

Which eye do you see that we are happy? !

Everyone twitched their mouths one after another. Look at me, I look at you, and finally everyone shouted, "Leave today!"

[I ask for a monthly pass, I haven't asked for it for a long time. . . It's the last month, the top six will do~ I love you! 】

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