Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 852: Guardian

With these words, Xue Xi flew from a distance and landed directly.

Seeing her, Jing Fei's eyes moistened instantly!

He shouted: "Sister Xi!"

Then he rushed over, feeling aggrieved like a child who saw his parents: "These people are too hateful, you must help the boss find face!"

Xue Xi: "...oh."

Jing Fei wiped his tears, only then realized that his behavior was too damsel, so he coughed and said: "Sister Xi, why are you here?"

Speaking of this...

Xue Xi coughed.

Originally, seven people and one cat had left the Abnormal Academy and planned to return to China.


I came out too quickly and forgot to take the money.

So a few people went back to ask for their luggage, but a new problem appeared!

When they came, the special department took the special channel directly and sent a few people by helicopter. They did not apply for passports and visas at all.

And country M only recognizes those certificates, and the ID card can no longer be used.

Xue Xi could fly back by himself, but what about the others?

No way, everyone asked Xiaoxiao to call the special domestic department, and then they knew about this competition.

Several people are excited to watch the show.

Xue Xi was anxious to go home: "Either you go and see, I'm back."

When you go back, you can go to the basement and look at Huai.

In the Academy of Supernaturalists, she couldn't even make a phone call, and she hadn't spoken to Xiao Bailian for half a month.

After speaking, she planned to fly.

But at this moment, Gao Yanchen's words caused Xue Xi to stop: "Will there be a lot of supernatural powers in the martial arts competition?"

Xue Xi's footsteps stopped suddenly.


Many abilities are equivalent to many abilities, which means she can learn many abilities.

This kind of opportunity must not be missed.

As a result, Xue Xifei's direction changed directly, and he came here.

Then, when she flew into the air, she lost her way. She could only hold her mobile phone and contact Gao Yanchen again. The commander came here.

Then I heard the group of people who didn't have long eyes, cursing Xianghuai here?

You can scold her, but you can't scold her little boy!

So Xue Xi came down!

After she talked to Jing Fei, people in several distant countries started a new round of mockery:

"Hahaha, how short of talents is Huaxia? It sent a woman over!"

"Is this going to let us pity and cherish jade, not willing to do it?"

"Hurt, we used to treat Xiang Huai with pity and pity, for fear that he would be beaten and cry, and he would be coaxed. This time there really is a woman, how can we do it?"

Jing Fei was anxious: "What's wrong with the woman? Isn't your mother a woman?!"

"We didn't let our mother fight? Can a woman do this kind of fight?"

"Hahaha, we have to understand China, this is intended to use the beauty plan?"

"This little beauty is pretty good-looking, just as good-looking as this ice beauty, and Xiang Huai's little white face is also good-looking! Are the people of China are all supernatural beings selected by their looks?"

"Speaking of this, Xiang Huai took a look at me before, but when I looked at his face, it became even worse..."

"I also really want to spend the night with Xiang, he should be below..."

These people use their own language, and they speak more and more excessively there.

Jing Fei couldn't understand, and asked, "Sister Xi, what did they say?"

But as soon as these words came out, I saw that Xue Xi's face was cold and fierce I had never seen before!

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