Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 869: Don't go!

Huaxia University, 19th floor of the Activity Building, inside the Everyday Action Club.

"Little staid is dead?"

Xue Xi looked at Ji Silin incredulously, and she clenched her fist tightly.

Although Zheng Zhi was very hostile to her before, the two of them got along very could they...

Wu Tu stood next to him and said, "Now, the special department and the International Superpower Organization are searching for you all over Kyoto. It is only a matter of time to find this place! Sister Xi, let’s go, leave here, and return to the super organization. ..."

Back to the super organization...

Xue Xi narrowed his eyes and looked at Wu Tu: "Are you a member of the super organization?"

Wu Tu scratched his head and sighed, "Yes, I am Ye Xiao."

He looked at Ji Silin and frowned: "He didn't agree with Ji Silin's philosophy back then, so he left the super organization and came to Huaxia University to wait for you..."

Ye Xiao...

The little Wu Tu turned out to be Ye Xiao, one of the three guardians!

Behind Wu Tu, members of Yu Da, Fang Fang and other associations stood there. Yu Da said: "Sister Xi, you can't go. If you leave, you will abscond in fear of crime. The crime of murder will be taken seriously!"

Wu Tu said angrily: "But if you don't leave, those people will kill Sister Xi!"

Xue Xi's head faintly hurts, and the mist in her eyes is a bit denser than before, but she can still see clear eyes...

Ji Silin also sighed: "Girl, staying here is just annoying for the special department. Come home with me. The super organization is your home, no matter who you are, no matter what you become in the end. Looks like, the super organization, will never despise you..."

He lowered his eyes.

Knowing that these are inappropriate, but I can't help but say: "If you hadn't been taken away by Xiang Shuai back then, you wouldn't be where you are now..."

If the abilities have been suppressed, there will be no compensation.

Then, the group of people couldn't find her.

Xue Xi shook his head: "Could it be that I can hide for a lifetime?"

Xiang Huai ran to the school and opened a grocery store at that time, which meant that she had been found. After that, he was not discovered by anyone, so Xiang Huai must have done tricks to help her hide her whereabouts.

If someone else finds her first, then both parents will be affected.


As soon as this thought came out, Xue Xi suddenly said, "My parents..."

Wu Tu comforted: "Don't worry, the special department will not affect ordinary people with the affairs of the supernatural person."

As soon as these words fell, Ji Silin spoke: "Special departments will not, but some people will."

Someone will...

Xue Xi's pupils narrowed.

At this time, her mobile phone rang, she answered, and Jing Fei's voice came from the other side: "Sister Xi, where are you?"

Ji Silin, Wu Tu, Yu Da and others stood in front of her.

But in her private heart, her feelings for special departments are the strongest.

Xue Xi lowered his eyes: "Huaxia University."

Jing Fei: "...Zheng Zhi is dead. Fang Yi insisted that you killed it, Sister Xi, are you coming back now or are you escaping?"

The entire Kyoto is surrounded by supernaturalists.

Escape is the first choice to save your life.

But if she escaped, she really couldn't come back again.

Xue Xi tensed her chin, "I'm not going."

Jing Fei was silent for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, Sister Xi, I will help you fight for a chance to meet in the suburbs to clarify everything and help you clarify!"

The special department will not arrest Xue Xi because even if Fang Yi says it is terrible, Xue Xi has not committed a crime so far.

Xue Xi nodded, her eyes firm: "Okay."

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