After Ye Li finished shouting this sentence, Xue Sheng also shouted: "Yes, Xixi, leave us alone! Go!"

Ye Lai seemed to be getting better, but he remained silent.

Song Wenman staggered and almost fell to the ground when he was pushed forward, but even so, he was still shouting: "Xixi! Go!"


Four people, all miserable.

These made Xue Xi clenched his fists, and a touch of scarlet slowly climbed into his eyes.

She looked at Fang Yi: "Despicable!"

Fang Yi sneered: "In order to catch you, this is nothing!"

Xue Xi was about to take a step forward, Jing Fei opened his mouth: "Sister Xi, you go! She dare not kill ordinary people, as long as she moves her hands, she can't stay in the world of supernatural powers! She! Will become the target of all abilities to hunt down!"

Xue Xi bit her lip.

What Jing Fei said, she knew, but Zheng Zhi was dead, and if no one else said it, Fang Yi could only kill it.

She was so heartbroken, how could Xue Xi dare to trust her? !

Sure enough, Fang Yi frowned and picked up the pistol directly.


She quickly shot Xue Sheng in the knee, and then pointed the gun at Ye Li's temple again. She said madly, "Xue Xi, catch it!"

Jing Fei shouted angrily: "Fang Yi, you are crazy!"

Fang Yi sneered: "I am not crazy, but you are crazy! You are all crazy for such a person who will destroy the world in the future!"

"Xue Xi, I count three. If you still can't come, then I will shoot! There are four people here, you know, I can do it!"

She took a deep breath: "Three,!"


Xue Xi's voice has never been so sharp!

She watched Xue Sheng fall to the ground, but crawled towards Ye Li little by little, trying to protect her mother Ye Li...

She looked at her grandpa ignorant, but was so scared that she squatted down.

She watched her grandma holding her grandpa, coaxing him not to be afraid...

These four people once gave her family affection that she had never expected.

But now, they are implicated by her...

Looking behind her again, her friends surrounded her, because there was a little friction with the people Fang Yi had brought, so everyone was hurt.

Even Qin Shuang, a friend whose ability is forbidden, has a dagger in his hand, using all her strength to protect her, but the blood is dripping on his arm...

This is family, friendship...

She slowly opened her mouth: "I give up resistance and follow you."

This is what Fang Yi wants, and she is overjoyed: "Then raise your hand and come over slowly!"

Xue Xi raised his hand and walked forward step by step.

"Sister Xi!"

Friends behind him were calling her.

But she did not look back.

Xue Xi walked towards Fang Yi step by step.

Fang Yi's eyes showed cruelty.

She counted in her heart, as long as Xue Xi is no more than 100 meters away from her and within her controllable range, she will shoot and kill people immediately!

Seeing to be successful-

"Xixi! Don't!"

Ye Li was too close to Fang Yi, so close that she could hear her fierce heartbeat, she suddenly realized something, and screamed, knocked Fang Yi away with her shoulder, and then stood in between Fang Yi and Xue Xi!

"court death!"

Fang Yi was furious and shot directly!

The bullet went towards Fang Yi's temple.

Xue Xi's pupils widened suddenly, and she could almost imagine that blood would splash out after the bullet penetrated the temple.

Her mother will die like this! !

No! !

Between the sparks and flints, Xue Xi gently stamped her foot.

[To be abused tomorrow. For the sake of adding more change, vote for the monthly vote? It's not a few days before the ending, don't bear it. Let’s make a monthly red envelope in this chapter~]

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