Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 879: Condor

"Xiang Huai, what are you doing?!"

Ji Silin roared: "You have taken her superpower away, what else can she do?!"

Wu Tu was also shocked.

The princess who has no superpowers, what are they trying to protect? !


He and Ji Silin looked at each other, and they all looked at Xiang Huai together.

Xue Xi's suspicion of killing Zheng Zhi hasn't been cleared yet. At this time, he was deprived of super powers, and he became a weak person without the power of a chicken, and then let the special department to knead it!

When the two were worried, they thought of something and rushed forward to try to break the seizure.

But before he got close, he was disturbed by a strong wave and took two steps back, and he could stand firm.

They looked at Xiang Huai in shock...

Xue Xi closed his eyes, shook his hand, and he did what he wanted.

While Xiang Huai looked at the two of them, and suddenly sneered: "You think I found the kid, but didn't immediately kill them. Why?"

For what?

Xiang Huai lowered his eyes: "Just for today, for all the powers in her body."

With this sentence, the capture is complete.

Without hesitation, he threw Xue Xi to Jing Fei, and then the whole person suddenly rose into the air!

Xue Xi, who had been robbed of all his abilities, finally slowly recovered his sanity at this moment.

When she opened her eyes, she was supported by Jing Fei, but she saw Xiang Huai clearly.

This is... Jing Fei's "flying" ability!

He was standing in the air at this moment, looking condescendingly, he slowly said: "My capture ability can only capture five superpowers at the same time. If more than one is exceeded, one will be destroyed. So, I am not a copy, and Not the most powerful. But now... I have captured Xue Xi's ability, but I have already learned so much... This is my strength and my purpose!"

"As for you..." Xiang Huai lowered his eyes and looked at Xue Xi, "For me, it's just a prop!"


Xue Xi's eyes widened suddenly: "Xiang Huai! You, you lie to me!"

Xiang Huai did not answer this, but said indifferently: "I remember, I once told you, in the world of supernatural beings, don't trust anyone!"

He glanced across everyone present and said, "Tell you a secret."

"Of course, this secret, at this moment, is not important anymore, because I am so strong that it is impossible to be hurt by others."

He looked at Jing Fei and Ji Silin, and slowly said, "I am a bald eagle."


For a while, the audience was quiet.

Both the special department and the people in the super organization were shocked.

The leader of the super organization, Condor, disappeared after being seriously injured.

None of these people who remain today have seen the true face of a condor.

But how could the condor be Xiang Huai? !

Jing Fei's eyes widened too.

This is impossible……

The vulture is calculating to harm all mankind, this person cannot be Xiang Shuai!

But before everyone could react, Xiang Huai flew straight away, leaving only one sentence: "Xue Xi, it's useless for you and me now."

It's useless!

Therefore, he left Xue Xi here and left!

At this time, Jing Fei suddenly recovered: "Catch, catch the vulture!"

Unfortunately, no one dared to step forward.

The people from the special department and the super organization stood there, each shocked and speechless by the news.

Ji Silin looked at Xue Xi, he seemed to understand something, and waved: "Go!"

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