Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 881: His last tenderness

Xiaoxiao was standing at the door at this time, and she was holding the little white cat, who had been lacking energy.

That day, after Fang Yi threw Xiaobai down on the wall, he carried it out, threw it in the backyard, and found a place to bury it.

After the black cat left, he smiled and dug out Xiao Bai, and found that although he was dying, he still had a breath.

Smile and start taking care of it.

But Xiaobai's bone had been broken, and now he had no ability to take care of himself.

Its small one, lying in the arms of the smile, is staring at the black cat at this time.

The black cat's eye sockets were moist, and suddenly weeping.

When she thought that Xiaobai was dead, she told herself that all of this was a fake, an ordinary white cat, how could she really like her.

She would not like ordinary cats.

She is a wise cat.

But at this moment, goodbye Xiaobai, she whimpered, and threw herself into the arms of a smile: "Xiaobai! Xiaobai!"

Seeing that Xiaobai was not dead, Fang Yi's eyes flashed viciously.

She looked at the black cat again, and suddenly understood something: "That day, this white cat actually came out to die for you? Huh!"

The black cat stretched out its sharp claws, pounced on Fang Yi, and slammed her face, "You bad woman!"

Fang Yi was scratched on her cheek, and she didn't care.

She was injured in her knee and was unable to walk on a chair at the moment.

Jing Fei and the rest of the people in the special department all looked at her incredulously: "Zheng Zhi is your brother! He has had delicious and easy-to-use things since he was a child. The first thing that comes to mind is you! He is like that. A staid person, he has never broken the rules in his life, and the only time it was for you! You, how can you do it!"

Fang Yi lowered her eyes: "Really? For me, then why did he betray me after this woman appeared?!"

She pointed at Xue Xi angrily: "He had a meal with her, and he disliked her in various ways, but in fact he helped her in all manners! He betrayed me!"

Tears also rolled down her eyes, "Besides, you will only believe me when he is dead. He is also helping me when he is dead..."

Fang Yi's only friend and only relative in this life is Zheng Zhi.

Unfortunately, until now, Ah Zhibai is dead.

Her conspiracy was still leaked. If she had known this, she would not kill A Zhi, she would kill Xiaoxiao and Jing Fei!

"I'm going to kill you!"

Jing Fei clenched his fists.

Although you are always angry with the other party when you do things with Xiao Gu, the friendship will last forever, and it will not be because of the other party's stubborn temper.

Between friends, shouldn't they just tolerate and tolerate each other?

Fang Yi sneered: "Okay, kill me."

She raised her head and opened her mouth proudly: "Kill me, you people who are injured will have no treatment."

"Xiang Shuai is gone, in the entire special department, I alone can heal this ability."

She looked at Xiaobai again: "There is also this white cat. His bones are all broken. Even if he still has a breath, he will not live long. Kill me, but no one can cure him! "

In a word, both Jing Fei and Black Cat stopped their movements.

Everyone looked at Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai "meow": Hei Hei, don't worry about me.

He has been just an ordinary cat.

He is not worthy of black.

The black cat stopped all his movements.

Her claws made a long mark on the ground, her whole body was arched, and the hairs all over her body stood up.

But in the end, he slowly recovered his calm, but looked at Fang Yi: "Please, help Xiaobai."

Fang Yi sneered: "It's not impossible for me to save her. However, you also know that the power of healing, saving ordinary people, needs to transfer the pain to the person with the power. He is a cat..."

The black cat immediately understood what she meant: "Turn to me!"

Xiaobai gave a sharp "meow": No! Black, no!

The black cat didn't look at him.

Xiaobai wanted to struggle, but the bones all over his body broke, making him unable to move at all.

Fang Yi snorted: "Okay!"

She looked at Jing Fei: "Then you have to take care of me. After all, saving people is a contribution to the special department. Also, I have to transfer my leg to someone else!"


This ability is too powerful and tempting.

No matter which country you are in, talent is scarce.

Fang Yi said: "I want to stay in the special department. I can promise you not to leave this department, but you are not allowed to detain me or restrict my eating and drinking. Of course, I can promise to help people in the special department heal the injuries. kind?"

Jing Fei clenched his fist tightly.

China is bound to have a big battle with the World Supervisors Association in the future.

Fang Yi's words are indeed correct.

But she is obviously a bad woman, why did she do bad things and not get retribution?

Is it just because of this power? !

When Jing Fei didn't speak, Fang Yi took it as his acquiescence.

She triumphantly looked at Xue Xi, who was always standing next to him without saying a word: "Did you see it? Even if I kill someone, I will be treated better than you!"

"And you, Xue Xi! It's just a tool! Without abilities, you are just an ordinary person now!"

"Hahaha, I knew that Xiang Shuai was using you, so why should I be jealous of you in the first place!"

"Xue Xi, do you regret it now? Falling in love with such a cold-blooded man...I love him too, so I ended up miserably, but you will only be worse than me! Hahahahaha..."

Xue Xi ignored her.

She lowered her eyes, as if thinking about something.

Ridiculously, there came an exclamation: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, what's wrong with you?!"

Everyone turned their heads, and saw Xiaobai vomiting blood vomiting.

The black cat suddenly jumped in front of Fang Yi: "Help him!"

"Okay." Fang Yi said, "Then you kneel down first and beg me."

kneel down……

The black cat looked at Xiao Bai, then at Fang Yi.

His paws flared out and put them away, and finally walked to Fang Yi, his front legs bent.

Fang Yi's eyes are bright, these people, in the end, they still have to bend their knees in front of her!

However, at the moment when the black cat was about to kneel, her hand that had been cold and white suddenly picked up the black cat, and then the girl who had never spoken said, "You don't need to kneel."

Fang Yi looked at Xue Xi suddenly, but saw her approaching her coldly.

Fang Yi was taken aback, but then smiled: "Yes, it's just a cat. What's the use of kneeling? Xue Xi, I want you to kneel down for me!"

Xue Xi lowered his eyes and walked to Fang Yi's side.

Fang Yi mocked: "What? You are an ordinary person, you still want to fight with me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xue Xi suddenly pressing her shoulders, and then whispered: "Capture!"


The people in the whole room were dumbfounded.

Even Fang Yi was stunned. After she felt the power in her body disappear, she suddenly woke up, and she exclaimed, "How can it be, how is it possible!"

When Xue Xi pressed her shoulders and seized her powers, he slowly opened his mouth: "You really think he didn't leave me anything?"

Her ability is to copy!

When Xiang Huai presses on her and uses the capture ability, she will automatically copy the capture!

Xiang Huai could have captured her copied ability first when she was unconscious, but he didn't, so he just left the copying ability at the end...

This also resulted in that when all the abilities were captured, she would also be captured!

This is the gentleness Xiang Huai left for her.

She doesn't cry or make trouble because she trusts Xiang Huai. She understands that there must be a reason for Xiang Huai to do that!

How could he be a vulture.

For China, he can give his life!

The reason he said that was to get her out of the relationship with the super power organization before the super power organization was whitened!

After all... he has captured the copy and has become a public enemy of the world.

He wants to leave the special department and the task of guarding China to her.

The special department and the super organization are mortal enemies, and Ji Silin's group of people will help her, and the special department will definitely be dissatisfied.

Everything he does is meaningful!

He used the most tender gesture and said such cruel words.

He left everything about Huaxia and the special department to her. While letting her guard Huaxia, he also asked Huaxia and the special department to guard her! !

Xue Xi's dark eyes were stained with water mist.

From then on, she was no longer afraid of compensation, because she had no compensation.

[Two in one ha~~ How could Xiang Shuai betray Sister Xi! I really dare not abuse it at all! Ahhh! Xiao Bai is resurrected, and Xiang Shuai has clearly explained the reason, the monthly pass! Then continue to support my new book! 】

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