Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 888: Trial!

Xue Xi only touched the bomb, and the energy inside was absorbed, and the whole bomb instantly became quiet and turned into an iron box.

The energy of the bomb rushed in Xue Xi's body, making her feel her heartbeat speeding up. She closed her eyes and tried to suppress it before she felt calm down.

At this moment, Xue Xi suddenly understood what Xiang Huai meant when he had been reading Buddhist scriptures.

Just a bomb made her a little uncomfortable, let alone Xiang Huai?

Suddenly, I felt a distressed feeling in my heart.

What has Xiang Huai carried over the years?

She lowered her eyes and told herself in her heart that he had done too much for Huaxia, and in the end, he could not be ridiculed again!

The helicopter arrived in country M soon.

When entering the International Academy of Supernatural Powers, several people stood at the door: "Please drink the drugs that suppress supernatural powers."

The super powers of the vultures were also discolored back then!

Ye Lai didn't hesitate, picked it up and drank it.

The rest did not drink.

This time it is not to enter the academy, but to go to trial. People from China cannot be at their mercy.

After Ye Lai drank the medicine, someone came over and looked around him:

"Is this the vulture? The vulture is old!"

"He was broken and his wing was fat, so he can't fly!"

"But how come I don't look like it at all, shouldn't it be Huaxia who found it and gave Xiang Huai the blame?"

"That's right, Huaxia is rich in monsters! Xiang Huai is a monster, a public enemy of the whole world! They are like this, do they want to cleanse Xiang Huai?"

"Xiang Huai must be curled up in which corner shivering now, dare not come out!"

A group of people ridiculed unscrupulously, and several people who caused China to clenched their fists.


Although Qin Shuang has no emotions, those words are really hard to listen to. She screamed, and the few people suddenly couldn't make a sound.

Xue Xi pushed Ye Lai with his eyes down. A few people came to the court. Those people didn't waste time and went straight to the trial.

First, I checked Ye Lai's identity, and after seeing that the arrangements he had said were reasonable and reasonable, it was indeed the time and place where the vulture appeared, which confirmed his identity.

Immediately, the judges shouted: "Vulture, please stand up and answer our questions!"

Ye Lai was sitting in a wheelchair: "Sorry, my legs are disabled and I can't stand up."

The judges suddenly looked at me, I looked at you, and sneered: "I didn't expect you to fall into this situation!"

Xue Xi brought a dialectic lawyer to help them fight the lawsuit.

The judge opened his mouth: "Over the years, the super organization has tortured and killed 53 people, and criminals like the condor should be sentenced to death!"

Huaxia’s lawyer said: “The villain who killed 53 people was a villain in the super organization. They have been punished by the special department of Huaxia. As far as I know, the condor did not kill one person, so the judge is asked to deal with it lightly.

The judge sneered: "Those people are just his minions, the accomplices should be dealt with lightly, and the mastermind is the person who should be punished most!"

Lawyer Huaxia lowered his eyes: "Our client has been insane for 15 years. May I ask how he has been insane. How did he instruct his men to kill?"

The judge opened his mouth: "Heh, this is the International Superintendent Court, not your Huaxia!"

The people below listened to a few people talking and talking nervously and raised a heart.

At this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that Sister Xi was gone.

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