Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 890: She copied the capture


Suddenly, an afterimage flashed, rushing directly to the side of Xue Xi, and stretched out his hand to give Xue Xi a fatal blow.

But the hand was held by Xue Xi in mid-air.

With just a light grip, the guard's legs weakened, fell to the ground, and looked at his hand in amazement. His ability... disappeared!

The next moment, I heard--


Xue Xi seized the person's teleport ability, and launched a rapid teleport on the scene, just like cutting grass, and directly fell a large group of people.

These people all fell to the ground, staring at their hands in amazement...

Their abilities have been captured!

too fast.

Soon, with just one touch, all abilities were taken away.

At the end, the line of guards all fell to the ground, and she returned to Louise again, curling her lips and chuckles: "Loise, please accompany me to the courtroom!"

Louise sighed heavily and rubbed her temples: "Okay."

Two women came out of the elder's room, a Chinese beauty and a Western beauty. If you ignore the environment at the moment, it is very pleasing to the eye.

The courtroom.

Huaxia's lawyers were rebutted and speechless.

After all, the vulture is the leader of the super power organization, and the super power organization he established has indeed done a lot of bad things in these years.

Especially the last nuclear explosion eventually led to radiation of several rescued ordinary Chinese people.

Speaking out, it is indeed the fault of the vulture.

Ye Lai also readily admitted the guilt.

In the court of the supernaturalists, the judge stood up and finally pronounced: "According to the law of superhumanists, the condor was guilty of deliberate homicide and was sentenced to death, which will be executed immediately!"

As soon as these words came out, several people from China suddenly became anxious.

But Ye Lai seemed to have expected it, and he still smiled gently: "I accept."

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Attorney Huaxia spoke: "Vulture is from Huaxia. We accept the death penalty, but we must bring it back to Huaxia for implementation."

Before coming, this group of people knew that this trip would not have a good result. Xue Xi came here to clear Xiang Huai from the crime.

Even if they have been sentenced to death and the first instance is over, they can still refuse to accept it and come to the second and third instance.

I didn't expect--

"No way."

The judge spoke strongly: "Now, execute it immediately."

Accompanied by his words, several elders with supernatural powers suddenly rushed out from the side and headed directly at Ye Lai!

Qin Shuang, Cen Bai, Gao Yanchen and others all stood in front of Ye Lai, glaring at the judge: "The law of the supernatural actor stipulates that prisoners of various countries are under the custody of various countries, so why should a condor be executed immediately here?"

They have no objection to the death penalty.

But I never expected that the court of supernaturalists would be so overbearing that it would be executed directly here?

Isn't this hitting Huaxia people in the face? !

The other elder smiled disdainfully: "Just with you, you want to stop us?"

As soon as these words fell, I heard a cold voice: "What if I were added?"

Everyone turned their heads, and saw Xue Xi walking in with Louise.

The supreme consul of the Association of Supernaturalists spoke: "You are an ordinary person who has been captured by Xianghuai, what can you do to stop us? Do you really think we dare not kill ordinary people?"

Xue Xi's ability to seize powers is highly confidential in China.

When she did it, only a few trusted people saw it.

As soon as the consul finished saying this, Louise sighed: "She copied the capture."

In a word, the expressions of the elders of the entire association changed drastically!

[As I said long ago, I have one day off every week, plus the New Year, so I took a day off the day before yesterday, not every day, ah ah ah... You can count, I have one day off at most a week! Then the text should be finished within this week. Ask for a monthly pass! 】

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