Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 892: the truth! ! !

Ye Lai closed his eyes after speaking.

Before he came, he had made plans and couldn't leave.

He is at this age, and he has lived for so many years, long enough.

But after the words fell, feeling that the hand holding his shoulder was slightly tight, Ye Lai sighed silently, and reached out and patted Song Wenman's hand.

When he turned his head, he saw Song Wenman's eyes flushed and he was staring at him.

Xue Xi looked at Ye Lai.

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Before coming, she had said that she would not give up grandpa, but she did not expect grandpa to save his sins.

It's because he killed so many people, he also has regrets.

Xue Xi lowered his eyes, how could she let Grandpa die here without knowing it?

As soon as Ye Lai said this, everyone's reaction was not as fierce as it was just now, and the elder also sighed: "Vulture now knows he was wrong, he wants to open it, Xue Xi, why are you persistent?"

Hearing this, Xue Xi sneered: "Why am I obsessed? It's because I want to make the truth known to the world! I want to invite everyone present to judge my grandfather after knowing the truth."

Someone was stunned: "What's the truth?"

Xue Xi looked at Louise and slowly said, "The truth of the prophecy!"

All of a sudden, the whole scene exploded.

Everyone frowned, "What happened to that prophecy?"

Even Ye Lai opened his eyes, looked at Xue Xi, and was a little puzzled.

The great elder narrowed his eyes and immediately opened his mouth: "Xue Xi, what are you saying here to confuse the crowd, you..."

"What? The elder dare not let me say it?"

Since there was no compensation, Xue Xi's reaction speed has been a bit faster, interrupting the words of the elder, and immediately said: "The prophecy itself is your conspiracy! A conspiracy against China!"

The elder said: "You are talking nonsense!"

"Is it nonsense, let Louise come to help everyone out!"

Xue Xi took a step back and pushed Louise down.

The Grand Elder stood up, stared at Louise warningly, and slowly said: "Louis, you have to think about what you can say and what can't be said!"

Louise sighed: "My ability is a prophecy, but my compensation, do you know that?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Louise opened her mouth: "My compensation is that you can't tell lies after prophesying. Once you say it, you will be backlashed."

She lowered her eyes: "Backlash is spiritual. Over the years, I have been suffering from backlash. Great elder, you said you let me consider country M, but I really had enough."

You can't die if you die.

Because her ability is so useful!

But living is pain.

Every day she had a splitting headache and she couldn't sleep at all, and all the painkillers were useless to her!

Louise sighed: "Now, little friend Xue Xi has cured me, and my illness has healed, although I have also become a useless person."

The great elder stood up abruptly: "Waste?"

Louise looked at Xue Xi.

Just now, when Xue Xi held her down, she had already taken away her power.

She will never have a headache again.

She looked at everyone and slowly opened her mouth: "The so-called person with the ability to copy will destroy all mankind. It is a lie! Twenty years ago, the truth I predicted was..."

"Hua Xia will have two of the best powers in the world, one to copy and one to seize. These two people will lead China to the top!"


The audience was suddenly quiet!

No one thought that this would be the result!

But people from all countries are representatives.

They soon wanted to understand the inside story.

Two powerful abilities will become the masters of abilities in the world, and China’s position may be more stable.

Therefore, the Grand Elder forced Louise to tell a lie, the purpose is to make the two people who copy the ability and seize the ability as enemies!

He is instigating discord!

Imagine if Xiang Huai and Xue Xi were not lovers, and the two had already fought, and China had already been in chaos. How could they reach the peak? !

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