Foreigner's Mistake

Chapter 12: Disturbance ~ 01

Chapter 12: Disturbance ~ 01

Welcome to the town of Aletta! Are you traveling alone?

The closest town to the Dragon's Back is also the last town on the road. Even the small town, surrounded by a ragged wooden fence, has its own guard ......, though it is only one. a tired man in his late thirties smiles cheerfully at the traveler.

The traveler appeared to be a young man dressed in a thick cloak with a hood. The thickness of the cloak made it seem unseasonable, but the man was not sweating. He was carrying a small flying dragon on his shoulder. He's a big man with a tall, slightly bulky face, but he doesn't seem to be offended by it, and he smiles and shows me the flying dragon on his shoulder.

I'm with this guy.

The man stroked the dragon's neck with the back of his fingers, and the dragon chirped and closed its eyes as if it was enjoying itself.

A flying dragon chick? Haha, they're cute when they're this small.

If it's this small, it's probably only a few months old. The guards almost reached out to touch it, but the man stopped them.

She's not used to anyone but me yet. If you touch her carelessly, she'll bite off your fingers.


The guard hurriedly withdrew his hands. It's a small town like this. There are people who can use light healing, but if you're bitten off, you'll need regenerative healing. There is no way anyone can use such advanced arts, so you can't get seriously injured.

The guard waved his hand in thanks to the young man - Satoru - and prepared a wooden tag, saying the standard line.

If you want to stay longer than ten days, you'll have to go to the town hall and apply separately.

According to the guard who handed him the wooden bill after branding it with today's date, 50 denari would be collected as tax and 10 denari would be charged for each day of stay. In other words, if he stayed for three days and left, he would be refunded 70 denari.

However, Satoru did not intend to stay in this town for long. It was a small town with a population of about three to four hundred people. He wanted to buy some clothes and food for himself, although he didn't know if they were for sale, and at least gather some information about the labyrinth. In any case, even if he were to gather information about the labyrinth here, it would probably only be about the deepest labyrinth.

I'd appreciate it if you could introduce me to a reasonably good inn here.

He'd like to spend the night first and get some rest. For the past two days, he has been sleeping in a simple bed made of leather. The level is probably not that great, but he still like to rest in a bed if he can.

The guard twisted his head in response to Satoru's question.

Well, even if you tell me to guide you. There's only one inn in this town, the one you'll be staying at, and it's called "Hina Pavilion of the Flying Dragon".

Satoru relaxed his shoulders, wondering if that was it.

Not many people would visit such a small town at the end of the road. There is an inn there as a base for conquering the world-famous "Deepest Labyrinth," but since it is extremely difficult to reach the labyrinth and the level of difficulty is extremely high, it is not a place where adventurers always stop.

If you go down the main street of the town, you'll see a wooden sign with a dragon motif on the left. You'll find it easily.

The guard politely told him where it was. He thanked the guard briefly and entered the town.

The buildings seemed to be made mainly of clay. Wood is also used, but only for the framework. It was within the range of Satoru's expectation, as it was the type of construction seen in many Asian countries other than Japan.

There was hardly any activity. Judging from the number of buildings, the population is at most three to four hundred people. Most of them were probably engaged in primary industries such as agriculture. It was just after noon. Most of the people still seemed to be working.

Satoru stretched as he gazed at the town with few signs of life.

First of all, food, and I miss my bed.

You need to take a break and do some shopping. It's a small town, after all. Don't expect too much..

Leia's voice could be heard in the shadows. The Immortal King, who summoned Satoru to this world, is the king of the Immortal Family, the mortal enemy of all living things. Normally, she lurks in Satoru's shadow, out of sight, sharing his senses with her and giving him advice.

No hope for shopping, huh? I'd like to do something about the seasoning, clothes and shoes....... So, is there such a thing as a bath in this world?

I've heard of public baths in big towns, but that would be hard to do in a rural area like this.

Tsk. ......

As you can imagine, after three days of not having a bath, Satoru, a modern Japanese man, would be very uncomfortable. He asked for hot water at the inn and walked around the town to at least wipe himself off.

The inn was soon found. It was a three-story building decorated with a crude wooden relief of a dragon.

When he opened the sturdy door, the bald-headed old man at the counter raised his sleepy face as if he had been hit. The inn was of a modest size, with four round tables and a few chairs at the counter. There was a separate room in the back, separated from the rest by a piece of cloth. In the front was a staircase.


Is the room vacant?

As you can see, the place is deserted. Only a couple of guests so far.

"They'll be leaving tomorrow morning," said the old man, shrugging his shoulders. As Satoru does not want to be seen, it is difficult for him to interact with other travelers, so he is thankful that the place is deserted. He feel bad for the inn, though.

I would like to stay here for a couple of days. The fee is....

20d per night if you pay in advance for one day in a shared room. If you want to eat breakfast and dinner, it's 4d for breakfast and 6d for dinner, and drinks are extra.

Do you have a private room?

He want to have a normal conversation with Leia, so sleeping in a shared room is not an option. He doesn't know what the security situation is, so he won't be able to stay in such a room while his own backpack is visible. It's a good thing he's hiding under his cloak for now.

If it was for one person, I'd say another 20d...but 15 is fine. I said a room for sleeping together, but the other guests are currently using separate rooms, so you can use it by yourself.

No, I won't take that room. I don't feel comfortable being alone in such a large room.

Yeah, I can kind of see why.

The old man smiles at me. He has a bald head and a grim face, but his mood is rather friendly.

I'll pay 45d for breakfast and dinner today.

He coughed lightly at the old man, who added that he would give Satoru a discount if he stayed longer, and offered him four silver coins. He got three copper coins for change. The conversion rate for silver and copper coins seems to be the same as Leia had said.

Thank you for your continued patronage. I'll show you to your room.

The old man took the key out from under the counter and led Satoru to the stairs. The private room must be on a different floor. He pointed to the corner room right after the stairs.

This is it. Here's the key. You can also bolt the door from the inside.

He took the key and went inside. There is a bed, a closet, a small desk, and two chairs. On the desk, there was a jug of water and two wooden mugs. In Japanese terms, the room is about six tatami mats. Nodding with satisfaction, Satoru looked back at the old man as if he had just remembered.

Can you make hot water?

It's 2d for a tub.

I'll ask for that too, please.

I understand. You can pay for the hot water when you bring me the tub. Should I prepare the basin, too?

Satoru nodded back.

Also, if you have laundry, I'll take care of it for 1d each.

Leia responded to Satoru's answer with a sigh.

If you had told me earlier, I could have prepared hot water with magic.

...... Oof!

Satoru nodded his head in disappointment.

Being the first person other than Leia to come into contact with the world's society, he must have felt quite nervous. Leia and Satoru had just talked about the need for a mutual understanding between the two of them, and yet, before the root of his tongue was dry, he made this mistake.

Even though it was a small thing, he couldn't laugh at Leia in the slightest.

The tub would have been necessary anyway, but that was not the point.

Satoru regretted his mistake and patted Leia on the head to show her appreciation, then punched himself in the temple.

(Good grief, what the hell am I going to do now that we're in such a mess!)

He traveled with a beautiful girl named Leia, albeit in an unexpected wayand she allowed him to do whatever he wanted with her skinHe drives a flying dragon named Minerva through the sky. He has the most powerful magic power in the world, according to Leia, and he can use all the cheat abilities he wants.

It is a precious experience that cannot be had in the real world. That's why I think I was getting carried away without realizing it.

He reminded himself of the purpose of the trip in the first place.

I'm going back to my world, back to Alice.

Of course, being on edge all the time is not good for the body and mind. It's okay to have fun, but don't get carried away, he reminded himself.

I'll ask you one while I'm being dumb. Is there any magic that can make the clothes you're wearing look nicer?

Leia was slightly relieved by Satoru's question. She could tell that her Lord had switched.

Laundry?......It's not impossible to make it, but I don't have the skills to do so. But it's easy enough to dry them.

Oh, that's very helpful.

Even if you wipe your body, it won't help if your clothes smell. To be honest, underwear is the limit for modern Japanese people. Even if you don't have any detergent, just rinse your clothes in the remaining hot water, wring them out, and dry them will make a big difference.

Satoru took out a hand towel from his backpack, soaked it in hot water, and wrung it out. He thought that if he squeezed it with all his strength, it would activate its own magic power and tear off, so he carefully put all his strength into it.

He gave the wrung out towel to Leia.

Can you wipe me?

As quickly as he could say it, Satoru took off his top half of his clothes and sat down on the bed.

...... I don't mind, but..

After receiving the towel, removing her cloak, and carefully folding it, Leia's expression was somewhat unhappy.

She had a bad feeling about this.

When you're done, I'll wipe you down this time.

So that's what it's all about... Satoru grinned and waved his hands in the air, and she pulled away lightly.

However, even though it was a small thing, it was a good thing if it could cheer up Satoru, who had been feeling depressed after a series of mistakes.

Oh, my Lord ......the way you touch me .......

I know.

Where was the self-consciousness of the previous moment? Leia was dismayed at his attitude, as if he had already thrown himself 5.67 billion light years away, but she climbed onto the bed and turned to face Satoru's broad back.

Even looking at him like this, he still had a big, broad back, after all. It's not like he's working out, but he's got a body that's not loose. Leia felt the difference between men and women again as she carefully wiped his back, arms, and armpits.

Of course, she had never done anything like this before. In fact, she had been the one who had had it done to him. However, she doesn't feel disgusted.

After wiping his back, Leia breathed a sigh of relief.

Is your back feel good?

Yes. Continue with the front and legs, please.

Satoru unfastens his belt with a click, takes off his pants, and proudly lies on the bed on his back.

Leia immediately noticed his presence and averted her gaze, her cheeks reddening.

The towering erection between his legs was too large to fit in his boxer shorts, and he insisted on its existence.

Wh-Why are you getting so hard ......

It's physiological phenomenon

Leia looks at Satoru with a furtive glance.

(Aahh, so you're enjoying my reaction like that, huh?)

It's really mean... But Leia didn't dislike that kind of thing either. but Leia didn't dislike such things either. Above all, because her Lord wants it. And it's certainly embarrassing.


She wiped his neck, shoulders, and chest with the towel, without looking at his towering erection.

She could see that Satoru was watching silently, not making a sound.

After wiping down his stomach, she carefully wipe up his legs from underneath, bypassing the important parts. Although it was a humiliating task, Leia felt that she was enjoying it somewhere inside. She felt a thrilling sense of immorality. Even though she was not touched, and it was not cold, the area at the nape of her neck was buzzing with excitement.

I see. ...... I can't laugh at my Lord. I seems to be quite pervert as well.)

Her gaze becomes lascivious, and her hand stroking the inside of his thigh with a towel becomes lustful. She inserted the towel through the gap in his stretchy pants and ran it from his ball sack to the perineum and then to the base of his rod.


At some point, Leia brought her mouth to the tip of the towering head. But she didn't put her mouth on it. She was just blowing on it, that's all. She puts her hands in between his pants, wraps Satoru's penis in a towel, and grips it fluffily with both of her hands.

Leia's eyes are like those of a naughty child who enjoys watching his reactions.

She was enjoying the game - Satoru grinned as he realized this fact.

She carefully toweled off his penis, and at the last moment Leia lightly kissed the top of his towering erection. She pulled the towel off with a slurp.

Satoru gave a small snort at her attitude, and then took the towel. He washed it in hot water, wrung it out, and turned to Leia.

Then, it's your turns.

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