Foreigner's Mistake

Book 7: Chapter 132: Magic Sword ~ 40

Book 7: Chapter 132: Magic Sword ~ 40

Rico sprints around the circle with her full strength as well as her magic power. The objective is to exterminate the practitioners who created this circle and destroy it.

*pant pant* ...... *pant pant*!

She gasps. Her magic power had been taken away while she was inside the circle. The magic power of the magic stone on her waist has been sublimated, and it is now empty. The only thing she can rely on is her own magic power contained in her soul. But it is only a sensation.

(My magic power, about one-third, I think?).

But it is better than when she chased after Satoru in Galhassan. That time when she was attacked by a swarm of saber tigers and her magic power was reduced to almost zero. She thinks she is still able to move now because her own soul has increased dramatically since then due to the many times she and Satoru have sex.

The magic sword that Satoru gave her in the Labyrinth of No Return, where Solor was sleeping, and which is said to be filled with water magic, seems to have sublimated its magic power in this circle and has become a mere small sword. The ornaments that Satoru had put his own magic power into were probably just ornaments. The only weapons Rico has left are a knife at her waist and five long needles that serve as hidden weapons. Even Solor, who had been a strong force, stayed behind to hold off the men who were trying to stall them in the circle. Honestly, I was not very confident.

(But if I don't do it here, everyone else will ......!)

Her hand shakes as she grips her small sword. Satoru, Leia, Minerva, and Liz are all waiting for her to destroy the circle. Solor also let Rico go, using herself as a shield I must live up to that expectation!

Rico runs, her strong will rebuking her weakening heart.

She sees a man in a long robe praying before a small box in her path, and Rico holds a small sword at her waist.

There he is! Yaaaah!!


Perhaps because he was concentrating on the ritual, the man in the long robe did not notice Rico until just before he was about to strike. It was also fortunate that Rico maintained the momentum of her Shukuchi high-speed movement as she charged into the man. Her small sword, held in a waist-high stance, was thrust into the man's body.


The unpleasant sensation of the blade thrust into the flesh remained on Rico's arm. Blood gushes from the wound and returns to wet Rico's clothes. The man who was stabbed with the small sword was apparently killed instantly sorry, Rico mutters in her mouth.

Rico has never killed anyone in her life. There are assassins in the dark side of the Thieves' Guild, but the previous master of the Galhassan Thieves' Guild, Threnody, who raised Rico, did not want her to go down that path, and she had no experience killing people and now, for the first time, she had killed someone.

The man falls down, and the small sword Rico had thrust at him slips out of his body. It was a horrible feeling a memory that will probably never go away. After closing her eyes and saying the man's peace of mind and apologies in her mouth, Rico looked up and was aghast.

It won't disappear!? Are there still other practitioners?

The circle still left a shimmering pillar of light. Rico was unaware of this, but once activated, this circle would not disappear unless the main practitioner was defeated.

Rico glanced at the fallen man. The man's face was frozen in a state of shock. Blood is still gushing from the wound, and a small fountain of fresh blood is sinking into the earth.

It was no wonder.

The head of the men was wounded and struggling against Satoru. The four men who had been sent to stop two of Satoru's companions from going out to destroy the circle had just knocked out the second man.

It is an unbelievable scene. The head of the Holy Sword Clan, which has reigned for thousands of years, is forced to fight a one-sided battle. Their companions who were supposed to be the best in the world are being defeated one after another by a female sorcerer whose name is unknown to them.

Sa-Sayasute-sama ......

Zelphys stopped his Farsightedness and looked back at the mature man standing by his side, the leader of the western clan. Zelphys' face was completely pale. He had been ordered to watch the battle, but he could not stand still in the face of his clan's predicament.

But Sayasute, bow in hand, fists clenched tightly, staring at the battle situation, replied in a trembling voice,

Don't move.

B-but ......

Sayasute's hands are clenched tightly. Zelphys was ashamed of himself when he saw blood trickling down from between his knuckles as if his nails had pierced his palms from gripping them too tightly. This man (Sayasute) also cursed his own helplessness and endured this situation that he had to watch over.

Your job is to see it through. Isn't it?

...... yes

In the distance, a tremendous pillar of lightning, different from the pillar of light of the reversal magic circle, shot up. Fighting there were four clan members. Two of them had already been defeated, and the remaining two had probably been defeated by the current art. Now only Sayasute and Zelphys were left in the region.

Gritting his teeth, Zelphys looked at the remaining battlefield from a distance. The battlefield is in the center of the circle.

We can't get inside that circle.. ...... It's frustrating.

It would be suicidal for a person with no means of countering the reversed magic circle to go to that circle. Of course, it would be possible to reach them with a bow and arrow or a throwing weapon from this distance.

But that would be unacceptable because of their pride. While the head of the clan is fighting for her pride, it is unacceptable to interfere with her from the outside with a projectile weapon. Even if Satoru had a big gap and the head of the clan's sword reached Satoru and made her win, such a victory would not be allowed as a member of a proud clan.

Therefore, believing in the victory of the head of the clan, Sayasute watches to make sure that the hands of the outside world do not get in the way. Zelphys will continue to watch over this battlefield in order to pass it on.

The head of our Holy Sword Clan will not be defeated so easily!

Sayasute's roar must have been something he had told himself.

But then the situation changed.

and unexpectedly

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