Foreigner's Mistake

Book 7: Chapter 147: Magic Sword ~ 55

Book 7: Chapter 147: Magic Sword ~ 55

Please. Do what I tell you.

The king stared back at Sheryl, biting his teeth as he chewed on each of Sheryl's words as if he were praying.

This king is no fool. If he were truly foolish, he would have tried to bind Sheryl and Solor here, annihilated all the Kingsguard knights, and then he would have run away and gone crazy, and then time would have come and he would have chosen the path of sharing his fate with the royal castle.

If so, then he understands that Sheryl's words are true.

.......If I don't listen to you, that Satoru will destroy this country?

Yes. It is a child's play to my Lord. I am not saying it is difficult. All you have to do is to forbid any contact with my Lord and think of him as like the Holy Sword Clan.

The Chalk Tower has been destroyed, and this royal castle, the Strahltraun, which had boasted of its prosperity for hundreds of years, was about destroyed, and you still expect me to obey you!?

An angry shout that bordered on a scream echoed through the air.

The king's feelings are a little understandable, but no matter how much he screams, cries, and rants, he can no longer stop Satoru. Sheryl understands. It was the same when he violated her body according to his wishes. Once Satoru makes up his mind, he will not change it. The fact that Sheryl has been given time to come here with Solor is Satoru's maximum concession. It would be impossible to extract anymore.

I thought it would be best if we could only damage the building. It is better than being destroyed like Yorkor used to be. And even if Your Majesty says that you will not flee from this castle, my Lord will not stop you.


The king bit his teeth at Sheryl, who seemed to be making the announcement nonchalantly. If the magic power that destroyed the Chalk Tower is about to strike the Strahltraun, no one will be able to stop it. The highest soul in the city was Graham Coogan, once the High Mentor of the Academy of the Wise, but now he was nothing more than a silent head. There was no way he could prevent an opponent he could not win against until he teamed up with the Holy Sword Clan, which was supposed to be legendaryHis pride was aroused, and although he was upset and agitated, the king calmly assessed the situation.

However, he could not just accept the offer. He did not want to be remembered by future generations as the king who was stupid enough to have his castle destroyed.

Can't you, can't you do something about it? I feel sorry for my ancestors.

There is nothing we can do. Repent for the folly of your haughty contact with our Lord.

Satoru's anger was originally directed at the Academy of the Wise, who was responsible for Reine's death, and the country of Ares was out of bounds. However, the king sent Count Edel Kraut for his own desire, and he wanted Satoru's magical slave Minerva. He did not know that she was actually the mimic form of Nushi(Lord) of the flying dragon, but he had touched something he should not have, and this resulted in the destruction of the royal castle. It is the right course of action to reap what you sow.

It is the result of conceit to think that you can tame my Lord. I thought my grandfather had warned you about that?

Nuh ......

The king was at a loss to respond to Sheryl's words. Sheryl does not know exactly what her grandfather Graham Coogan said in the Senate. But she did not think that the High Mentor had not warned him about the insane enemy, and it seems that she was right.

Oh. Of course, you must be aware that any unintentional contact with me or my family will incur the wrath of my Lord.

As if remembering, Sheryl touched on that point.

Frankly, Sheryl's hand is not that long and does not extend that far. There is no way that Sheryl alone can protect everyone who lives in Maylander's house. Of course, the Senate would reach out that way. Satoru, anticipating such a situation, gave her the ring with the Communication art in it.

She doesn't know if Satoru will really protect her, but considering the fact that he has given her several items that contain sorcery that would be impossible in today's world, she knows that he won't do anything to abandon her. Honestly, if she sold off even one of the things he made for her, it would probably be enough to live on until she dies. She doesn't know where she would be able to sell off such a thing.

To be honest, I don't care what happens to me, but I want to avoid causing trouble to Maylander's family, and my relatives, as much as possible. It would be necessary to at least make a threat to the King first.

Well then, I don't want to get involved in this, so I'll leave you to it.

Sheryl has said what she wants to say. It is up to the king to decide what to do. Whether he values his own pride and joins the fate of the castle or not is irrelevant. He can do as he pleases. With a perfectly civilized but unfeeling bow, Sheryl turned herself around. Solor follows suit.

W-Wait! Can't you wait!?

The king shouted impatiently, but Sheryl did not care. Sheryl turned to the throne, which was just opposite the terrace. For hundreds of years, kings had watched over the nobles and citizens from this spot.

In less than half a koku (2 hours), it too would be destroyed. Behind the throne is a wall, proudly displaying the flag of Ares.

Ignoring the tension in the Kingsguard, Sheryl turned to Solor, who was following her side.

Solor-sama. Could you please destroy this wall?


Solor's reply is a simple word in a whisper. She held his palm out in front of her, and at the moment she released the word, the wall behind the throne exploded with a thundering sound. The tremendous power of the sorcery blindsided everyone except Sheryl and Solor. Technically, Solor did not use sorcery, but magic, but no one noticed that.

A warm breeze blew in from outside, scattering the dust. The view from the terrace was of the city of Ares. Just on the opposite side of the terrace is a panoramic view of the city. Two levels down is a hall where balls and other events are held. Sheryl remembers that before her father Edward was disgraced, he used to take her to social gatherings and she never got tired of looking at the scenery from there.

Ah, is this the last time I will be able to view the city from this spot? It's been a while since I've seen the town from here, but it's always a wonderful view ......

Since Edward made a great blunder and his downfall, Sheryl has been ostracized from the nobles, and of course, she can no longer look out over the city from the Strahltraun. The view she had not seen in about 10 years seemed more magnificent and glittering than she remembered, and the city has indeed become even larger in 10 years. The view from two stories higher than where she was looking down is probably one of the reasons.

Ten years. It feels like a long time, but it also feels like a short time.

The fall of her father Edward due to his great blunder. Sheryl doesn't think that in itself was a bad thing. At the time, Sheryl herself was immersed in aristocratic society and had no understanding of life on the street.

Her late mother's family extended a helping hand, and through her grandfather's arrangement, she began working at the Academy of the Wise, and as she came into contact with the lives of ordinary people, she realized how privileged she had been. She was well educated, so she started out by writing letters and reading aloud to them. She had been familiar with swords since she was a child, so she swung a sword as a habit. There, she realized how much she was a frog in a well (a person who is ignorant of the real world), and she began to work hard every dayThat's a definite difference from her father Edward.

Satoru described Sheryl's feelings as noblesse oblige. The word was handed down in Satoru's world, meaning "High rank requires High virtue."

I had thought that my duty would be completed upon my death, but since the message said that Satoru would destroy Ares if I died on my own, I could no longer die with impunitySheryl was upset, smiling bitterly.

Besides, when she was being fucked in her butthole, a half-elf girl named Liz told her.

You will live and bear this humiliation for the rest of your life! That is what I want for you!!

I knew what she meant...I couldn't die from this.

To be honest, my vagina and butthole are still tingling.

Don't forget this pain, death is not the end, I won't allow you to forget, that's what the girl said.

Sheryl looked up at the sky, sighed heavily, and smiled mischievously when she noticed the silver eyes staring back at her.

Solor-sama. Can you give a message to my Lord?

Solor nodded.

Understood, idiot

Solor's expression shifted for a moment. Sheryl has been told that she is close to the doll, but she wonders if Solor was thinking about the irony of Sheryl's words.

.......I received your message. Also, here.

Solor took out a piece of parchment from her pocket and handed it to Sheryl. Sheryl received it curiously.

It is the mask that Isolde-sama used to wear. Since it is no longer needed, I was told to give it to Sheryl-sama. If you give this mask to the Academy of the Wise, it will be worth a fortune in itself.

I seeSheryl received the mask with a clear understanding. The essence of the Academy of the Wise is the study of sorcery. The mask, which had sealed the curse placed by an Ancient Demon King with restrictions, could certainly be sold at a high price as research material. Since this is the case, she will have to quit patrolling. Since her income would be cut off, there was nothing better than to have something that would become her fortune.

On the other hand, it would also be the best proof that the Holy Sword Clan had been defeated.

Sheryl makes a small self-mockery, "I've been taken care of in every way".

Well, I'll leave you now. Please take care.

Yeah. Thank you. I'll see you, eventually.

Sheryl held out her right hand to Solor, hoping to see her again, and Solor responded by shaking Sheryl's hand, bowing politely once more, and disappearing. She must have returned to Satoru's place using the Transfer art.

Sheryl takes a breath and thinks, "Now I'm all alone."

She still has some work to do as a patrolwoman at the Academy of the Wise before she can start working as Satoru's slave. The Academy of the Wise, which had taken care of her for a little over a decade, would probably be in a lot of trouble after the sudden loss of its High Mentor, but that was none of Sheryl's business. That place is not a clean space as it is known to the public, but it is a sea of rottenness where muddy intrigues and schemes stir as in a royal palace. Sheryl knows well that her late grandfather had a hard time because of this.

It's about time.

Sheryl turned and looked up at the hill where the royal castle stood. It happened as the citizens watched the destruction of the Chalk Tower and the chaos that ensued at the castle.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared on the hill.

On top of the hill where the royal castle is located, suddenly a huge bedrock appeared. The huge flat bedrock, measuring about 20 majors wide, 50 majors long, and 10 majors thick, appeared quickly, and then, suddenly, it fell with a tremendous thud according to gravity. It fell with a tremendous noise to the location where the royal castle used to be.

The royal castle Strahltraun, which had boasted of its prosperity, was no match for a rock of such tremendous mass, and it must have been crushed to the ground.

......That's a bit much, you idiot

Sheryl, feeling the earth's tremor and magical vibrations herself, gazed in dismay at the place where the royal castle had been just a few moments before. It is of course impossible for an ordinary person to make a bedrock of that size appear by sorcery. Once again, Satoru's other-dimensionality is frightening.

Following the destruction of the Chalk Tower, the citizens of Ares again screamed in shock at the destruction of the Royal Castle, the symbol of this country, the Strahltraun. The collapse of the Royal Castle, which is the residence and symbol of the ruling power, has little impact on the lives of ordinary citizens.

Well, they could rebuild anew on that bedrock, or hollow out the rock and build a new royal castle. Originally, Strahltraun was built on top of a small hill. The original elevation of the site, excluding the mountain range, gave a panoramic view of the city, and the addition of about 10 majors of bedrock height would have increased the degree of the panoramic view. There are many ways to do this.

Sheryl wondered if Satoru had thought that far ahead when he made the choice to drop the rock. She doesn't know how much human suffering there would have been, but she hopes it would have been small, if possible. Otherwise, there would be no point for her to pour her energy into the project.

Sheryl stretched out. Her back made a sound, and she felt a strange sensation as if her heart would be lightened in response to each sound.

All right. Then, let's get started.

Thus, the woman who had been tossed about by the aristocratic society of Ares began a new life. Escaping from the yoke of all these things, she became a magical slave of the Demon King Satoru, and her strange fate will continue to roll on for a little longer.

Author Note: Volume 7 is now finished. The next chapter will be Volume 8.

Please continue to enjoy the Foreigner's Mistake.

TLN: Wheew, finally finished volume 7, I didn't expect can translate this novel until volume 7.

If you can spare a buck or two please consider giving me a donation. Thank you

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