Foreigner's Mistake

Book 8: Chapter 150: Steady Advance ~ 03

Book 8: Chapter 150: Steady Advance ~ 03

After hearing some of the stories from Isolde, Satoru left the shack and began to resume his journey.

Still, it was a big group before he realized it. Leia and Solor are hiding in Satoru's shadow, but just walking together are Rico, Minerva, Liz, and Isolde. Strangely, they are traveling together like this.

Rico's pants have changed to a three-quarter length. The other day, she was wearing hot pants with her thighs bare, so it might be better, but Satoru thinks it might be cold in the mornings and evenings. The upper half of her body is still the same as before, with a large armpit, tube-top underwear, and a poncho. The poncho was made of thick leather, so it would be impossible for her to wear it in the severe winter. Even so, she seems to be exposing as much skin as possible, prioritizing ease of movement and sensing ability. She is walking at the front of the line with her short amber hair swaying in the wind.

Minerva has changed from a fluffy one-piece dress to pants, and her upper body consists of a short tunic with a slightly open chest and a leather vest, which was made by Leia, the first person to order a jacket for Satoru. She wears a cloak on top of it, but whether it is a cloak or a vest, the front is open, saying she does not want it to be too tight on her chest. Her slightly quirky, fluffy indigo hair is braided into a honeycomb by Liz's hand. Minerva seems to like her current style. She walks leisurely at the back of the line, humming a tune.

Liz is wearing a one-piece dress fastened around the waist with a leather belt and a cloak over her backpack, and unlike the other members of the group, her hood is completely covered, as if she is worried about the strong sunlight. Her hair, which was originally the color of raven wet feathers, had been turned emerald green by sorcery in her equipment, and after being cut off with a knife, her hair had also been trimmed with scissors by Rico's hand. Her hair was longer than Rico's, but it looked very different from the first time Satoru saw her. Liz also wears laced boots, but the skin seems to be wearing a little thin and it may be time for a replacement.

Isolde, the newest addition to the group, wears pants for ease of movement. Her jacket is a short coat and leather armor, again prioritizing practicality and not sex appeal. The leather armor also prioritizes ease of movement rather than defensive capabilities. The belt around her waist is rather thick and is said to be used to hold concealed weapons. She carries a long sword at her waist, which Sheryl gave her, and her cloak does not cover the front. This is to make it easier to draw the sword. She is walking diagonally behind Rico with some nervousness.

People on the street repeatedly look at Satoru surrounded by such beautiful women with a sigh of irritation. It is as if he is standing out from the crowd in a different way.

Satoru and the group are now walking in a southeasterly direction across the continent. Although the density of people is thin ahead, there is a fair amount of traffic on the road to the 13 city-states and Raid country, so they can't just use the Shukuchi to move. If they did so, they would stand out. Although it is sometimes possible for soldiers to move in this way, it is almost impossible for a party of this size to make full use of the physical arts of movement.

In this world, horses are the main means of transportation, with the occasional donkey or camel-like creature. Domestic animals are also classified as a beast tribe, but Flying Dragons and Gryphon still seem to be quite rare.

A rattling two-horse cart passed Satoru and slowed its speed. A small, good-natured-looking old man peeks out from the driver's stand.

Would you like a ride, brothers?

Satoru was puzzled. It was the first time he had ever been asked such a question by a passerby.

Is it okay?

The old man laughed at Satoru's question.

It's heartbreaking to see a young lady walking. Get in, get in. There's plenty of room in the back anyway. I'll give you a ride to the town of Clatta if you want.

Satoru hesitated for a moment but then decided to accept the offer. Because he sensed that Liz was tired. Liz is the youngest and smallest of the three, so it must be difficult for her to keep up with Satoru's pace. Although she does not speak out, he can sense it.

The town of Clatta is the capital of a small country just up the road, but at this pace, it would take two or three days to get there on foot, and the next shack that would aid in the journey is unlikely to arrive in time at this pace.

Besides, there were several of them in Satoru's group and the old man was alone. Even if the good-natured old man had a devious plan in his mind, Satoru and others would be able to handle it without any problem although it wouldn't be a problem even if the ratio was reversed.

Are you an adventurer, brother?

Satoru, with the woman in the back of the cart, sits down next to the old man in the driver's seat, and the old man gives him a friendly smile. Satoru is dressed in his familiar traveling clothes and has a big sword on his back. He is not wearing heavy armor and does not carry a shield, so he does not look like a knight.

I don't make a living at it, but that's about it.

That's a strange thing to say. Do you have a purpose for your journey?

Yeah. Well, it's not something I can say to strangers so easily.

Is there a reason? Well, of course you do.

The old man laughs. Satoru can't help but look at the good-natured old man's meaningful voice.

What makes you think so?

Well, I guess I'd think so when you have so many women, even beautiful women, and beautiful girls, in your group.

Satoru smiles bitterly as he realizes that his and his companions' outfits are not the problems.

Sometimes I see a man who pretends to be the leader of adventurers, and he has all these girls with him to make him look good, but I don't see you guys as being like them. I can see that you are all friends who trust each other.

Satoru, without making fun of the situation, responded with a "Hee" in response. It seems that no matter where they are in the world, men always want to look good and dress well in order to be popular with women.

When we found out you were pregnant, Rico-san told you, right, "Minerva's child is like the child of all the members of the magical slave".

S-she did say that.

As Liz spins her words slowly, Minerva's voice gradually becomes smaller and smaller. Liz also seems to be getting a grasp of the necessary distance from her peers.

We also want to hold Minerva-san and Onii-san's child in our arms. But what if Minerva-san, the real mother, can't endure having sex?

It's not good for the child in your belly if the mother is feeling sexual pleasure. I ask you, too, Minerva. Please put up with it.

Liz's reasoned rebuke persuaded Satoru to join her. Minerva, with tears in the corner of her eyes, was reluctant, really reluctant.

Euuhhhhh... I-I'll put up with it.

Pheeew, With a sigh of relief, Satoru hugs Minerva lightly and pats her on the back. The travelers around him, including the old man, look at him reproachfully, but he ignores them.

Leia's voice echoed in Satoru's mind as he asked Rico to bring out his own bedding leather and lay down with Minerva in his arms.

I knew it was going to happen,......, as I had feared it.

At first, for Minerva, the intercourse was for making a child, but not only Satoru but also Leia had always felt that Minerva was becoming addicted to intercourse itself. Leia once gave a sermon to Minerva, who had asked for too much.

Minerva had been told that she would not be able to have sex for a while when she was pregnant, and she knew this, but she still could not bear to be the only one forced to endure it.

(This is all a bit of a mess. And we don't even know how the "Dragon People" grow in their bellies. It's best to minimize the risk.)

Satoru was thinking calmly as he stroked the back of Minerva's head, which was still grumbling. While a normal pregnancy and normal sex would be a good thing, Minerva's pregnancy is unique and her intercourse with Satoru is not a normal one.

Somehow, I have to think of a way to relieve Minerva's frustration. By the way...


What do you mean when you say that a mother feeling sexually aroused is not good for the child in her belly?

(Ah, you see. A child is nurtured in the mother's womb. When a woman is sexually aroused, her uterus is lowered to facilitate fertilization. That's not good for the baby.)

Hoo...... well, I can't ask for a more detailed explanation than that, can I?


Even Satoru's knowledge was based on what he had heard. When a friend of Satoru and his friend's wife found out she was pregnant, the wife complained that the husband still wanted to have sexual intercourse with her, and the husband asked her why we can't have sex? When he asked, the wife angrily told him. The husband can't explain more than that to Satoru.

So is it the same for butthole intercourse? ...... hmmm. I'll give it some thought, but it's difficult.


Minerva sobbed into Satoru's chest, not that she heard Leia's murmur. If satisfying Satoru would lower Minerva's pent-up desire, there is the option of drinking it from fellatio, but that is also a difficult proposition because Minerva does not prefer to drink it and tends to seek her own physical pleasure.

It's an ordeal until you give birth to a baby, I know it's hard, but be patient, okay?

Uhhh...... ay

Minerva nodded grudgingly at his whisper while hugging her.

Satoru sighed as he thought of what lay ahead. It's okay now, but it's impossible to travel with a newborn baby, even if she's in the last month of pregnancy or has a normal birth.

The question of what to do if one really does conceive a child has been postponed(?). The time when I have to turn my attention to that is probably not far away, Satoru thinks.

While cherishing the warmth of the fleshy beauty in his arms, Satoru was honestly unsure.

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