Foreigner's Mistake

Book 8: Chapter 157: Steady Advance ~ 10

Book 8: Chapter 157: Steady Advance ~ 10

After casting a spell on Isolde's equipment, Satoru prepared Communication ornaments for everyone, just in case. Of course, there were magical tremors, but the town was apparently so small that there was no sign of a disturbance. Of course, there are probably people who are aware of it and will report it to the sorcery guild or the royal castle, but as long as they don't identify Satoru as the one who caused it, there is no problem.

After that, Satoru unpacked a cookbook he had bought earlier, but he quickly became lazy.

Not good ...... I'm bored.

Leia looks on with a wry smile as Satoru rolls around on the bed. Liz, Minerva, and Isolde have gone out to choose a horse, Rico and Solor have gone to continue gathering information, and Satoru and Leia are the only ones inside the inn room.

Satoru had no hobbies while he was in his original world. The things he did in his private life outside of work in his original world, other than housework, were usually things that did not require money, such as borrowing books from the public library and playing games on his cell phone. He also made some furniture and toys out of scrap wood he got from the construction site.

I had a knife, so I thought that if I had some scrap wood, I could make somethingSatoru was about to reach for the knife to ask Rico to buy some scrap wood for him, but he stopped. He remembered something he had been planning to do.

Oh, that reminds me. Leia, give me some paper and a pen. Preferably with good quality paper.

Ah. No problem, but. Can't my Lord use the Yachou (Field notebook) and the pen you have?

The field notebook is too small. Also, my pen would probably lose on this level of the paper. ...... Oh, there are colored pencils. I think that would be fine.

The paper that Leia has is called paper, but it is basically parchment. There are other paper-like materials, such as papyrus, but they are easily lost by ordinary mechanical pencils or ballpoint pens because they get caught in the fibers. Wooden pulp paper has not yet been made in this world. Satoru turned to the table, choosing a piece of paper that he thought he could manage with a colored pencil that didn't have a sharp point.

...... what did you write on it?

Intrigued, Leia came up and sat down across from Satoru.

It's an image of an airship. Not so much a drawing as a drawing, though.

The next morning they'll head to Liese, and beyond that, Arsweta, the land of the dwarves. The purpose of going to Arsweta is to have the main body of the airship built. It does not necessarily have to be the same as the ones used in ancient times, so Satoru sketched it out while recalling airplanes and other objects in his own knowledge.

If they presented several variations and asked the dwarves to make them considering the ease of balancing, they could make something more efficient. This reminded Satoru of what he had thought of when Solor told him about the airship. Satoru's hand, which had been humming as he drew, suddenly stopped.

......Say. Would you be so kind not to peek at me that much? It makes me nervous.

Oh, I'm sorry.

But Leia's eyes were glued to Satoru's hand. Satoru smiles bitterly and draws various things as he thinks of them.

In this world, there is no need to think about power and fuel. It's a relief that he doesn't have to consider fuel in particular. However, that only means that the options are endless. While drawing monoplane types and biplanes, Satoru gives thought to a variety of things.

Satoru's artistic ability is quite good. When Alice was a little girl, she used to stay with him sometimes, and the experience of drawing together on a doodle book helped them to sublimate their artistic sense to a certain level.

Eventually, Satoru even drew a fighter plane that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie, which made Leia groan.

Does this kind of thing fly in the sky in my Lord's world?

This one is different. Like this one, I drew at the beginning.

Satoru shows monoplanes, biplanes, fighter planes, and airliners with propellers, and also draws a rocket-like plane. He added that he also drew a balloon and a helicopter, and when he gave a brief explanation, Leia was surprised.

Satoru grunts Hmmm, at the messy sketches while instructing Leia to write out the chant to put on the airship.

No need to think about fuel space. Since the thrust will be from wind sorcery and assuming not much speed, all that is needed is balance and cargo capacity (cargo space). As long as the lift can be obtained separately with the amethyst, the part that corresponds to the wings should be balanced, so it will necessarily be small.

As expected, it would have to be box-shaped, right? Satoru deepened his thoughts. Although it is an extreme theory, it would be most reasonable for a unit house, which is used for storage or as a construction site office or a staffing station, to fly in the sky, but that would require balanceSatoru groaned as he drew the shapes he thought of on paper with red colored pencils. The image of an airship without air sacs occupied Satoru's mind.

After about 15 sheets of paper have been drawn, there is a knock at the door.

I'm back.

Liz's voice Rico's voice can be heard, so it seems they've returned together. Satoru looks up hurriedly and realizes that the sun has set quite a bit. Fortunately, it seems he was able to kill some time.

I have selected two horses by packhorse. They are tied up outside the inn. The carriage was covered, right?

Oohh, Satoru nodded and looked downstairs through the window. At a quick glance, a carriage of sufficient size is visible. It would also be enough to sleep in. The horses were two deer-haired horses, as they are generally called. They were probably two sizes smaller than the thoroughbreds Satoru knew.

And, you see, both of them, you know, are kind and hardworking.

Oh, you're doing a good job, Minerva

Heh heh heh heh.

Satoru patted Minerva on the head and she broke into a smile. Minerva is used to her human form, but her true identity is that of a flying dragon, the king of the sky of the beast tribe. Even if it is not strictly true, she is probably able to communicate with other beasts. Minerva is not mistaken in her assessment.

Speaking of which, Milord...

Rico looked back at Satoru with a big smile on her face.

Now then, who would you like to be today?

Well, when you put it like that, it's hard to answer.

Satoru returns with a wry smile. Rico makes a small smile with a slightly frightened look.

My recommendation is this me.

Satoru's wry smile deepens. Rico has changed, too, come to think of it. He can say without a doubt that she has become more solid than before. Rico's presence has become irreplaceable.

Then, I guess I'll follow your recommendation.

Oh, it's taken. ......

Liz was the one who raised her voice from the side. This girl is also changing. Her shyness has gradually subsided and she is now able to express her opinions.

I'm not running away. See?

Satoru recalled that, of all the members who had sexual intercourse with Satoru except Minerva, Liz is the most spaced out of all of them. Liz, who showed a wistful face, was not only willing to have sexual intercourse with Satoru but also seemed to be looking forward to it. Of course, it doesn't mean that he's completely over his feelings about Liz, who resembles his sister, but with a face like this, Satoru can't just leave her alone.

Come here. Liz will be joining us today.


Liz's face, which had been depressed, brightens up with a flash. Satoru is in a position where he is required to ejaculate at least twice a day, and Liz admits that it could be not one, but two people. As a result, others may see her having intercourse, but Liz agreed. She is more concerned about Satoru's peace of mind than her own. That is the first priority.

It's a luxury when you think about it. I never thought I would be suitable for a harem protagonist, worrying about how to get and keep women, but it's no wonder I'm getting scolded for this.

Ugh, even though I was aiming for "me" both of his ejaculation.

Rico's cheeks puffed out with a pout, to which Leia responded with a laugh.

It must be hard for Rico to do it twice in one day when you were exhausted after just one

That was a different story.

It was Isolde who showed an indescribable expression in reply with a straight face. The sight of a girl younger than herself exchanging a request for intercourse with Satoru is nothing but foreign.

S-somehow ...... it's amazing.

That's just it, if My Lord's sexual desire is amazing, his activities are also supreme.

Isolde has only been a member of the group for six days, and although she has been watching Satoru embrace his magical slave women for a long time now, she has not been involved. Isolde, of course, has never had sexual intercourse, and she is afraid of sexual intercourse itself, so she is unable to interfere in any way. The fact that Satoru is also concerned about Isolde's state of being spoiled because he doesn't speak to her is something that Isolde herself is more concerned about than anyone else.

However, Isolde has a strong feeling that she herself is not the kind of woman that Satoru likes, and she has a background of not being able to say anything.

Leia also sensed this from Isolde's attitude.

Well, I won't force you.

That's the word


Leia let go of Isolde, who began to groan and tapped Minerva on the shoulder, who was sitting on the bed looking a little sad. Minerva's large eyes rolled back to look back at Leia. Leia smiled softly at Minerva.

Go to bed first. When you see and hear, you really want to do it, don't you? I'll put a Silence Ward around your bed. Okay?

Realizing that Leia was being considerate, Minerva thought for a moment and then nodded her head.

Auuhhhh ...... yes, Minerva'll do that. Minerva says sorry, Leia.

Don't worry about it. No need to apologize.

The means of forcing someone to sleep by surprise, as was the case yesterday, is not something that can be repeated many times. No matter how insensitive Minerva may be, she will surely realize that she is an outcast. If that happens, how sad Minerva will be. And Satoru would not want Minerva to feel that way.

So while I can be considerate, I will be considerate.

Sensing Leia's attentiveness, Satoru signaled her with his eyes, which Leia returned with a light wave of her hand.

This gathering is, as a matter of fact, delicately balanced.

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