Foreigner's Mistake

Book 8: Chapter 159: Steady Advance ~ 12

Book 8: Chapter 159: Steady Advance ~ 12

Rico is lying face down on the pillow, fainting and in a terrible state of shock. She was drooling from her mouth, cum and love juice from her vagina, and sweating profusely from her pores, breathing hard and gasping for air. Once again, Satoru's sexual prowess made Liz's body tremble with fear, and after patting Rico on the shoulder to see if she responded with a jerk, Liz turned back to Satoru.

Two times, is that, enough?

I'm satisfied.

Satoru, sitting down on the bed, answered immediately. But his gaze is not on them. He is wandering toward the ceilingAh, don't be fooled, Liz's eyes narrowed slightly as she realized this.

Really, are you really satisfied?


Liz asked again, but this time there was no immediate answer. Her Lord is really easy to understand. After sighing, Liz opened her mouth.

Onii-san, isn't not lying the most important virtue? Isn't it that you don't like being lied to the most?

Satoru was silent for a while, his gaze still wandering to the ceiling, and he did not reply to each word she carefully uttered. Onii-san is lying right now, aren't you? Liz did not say so directly, but she was asking him that question.

...... Haah

Satoru sighed as he looked up at the ceiling, having been so easily spotted. Liz was right; honesty is Satoru's highest virtue, and he has an extreme aversion to lying and deception. Hiding things depends on the thing for example, Leia's past is neither a lie nor a deception, so it is not a factor in his dislike of it.

Sighing once more, Satoru let out an honest word.

To tell you the truth, I'm inclined to let it out one more time.


But Rico is like that, and I have a feeling that it would be tough against Liz, who is not gotten used to it yet, and I don't want to interfere with Leia and Solor since they have already written out the chanting.

So I can't say, "Once more,". Satoru's words were taken over.

Minerva-san is pregnant, and you don't want to hold Isolde-san who isn't ready to be held, right?

Liz came close to Satoru, sighing and making the bed creak. She reached out to touch Satoru, who reacted with a jerk and stopped moving. Satoru heard an inarticulate moan and looked down at Liz. Liz's cheeks puffed out cutely.

.......It's inconvenient to be in the position of a magical slave who can't even pinch Onii-san,

Satoru guess Liz was trying to pinch him and it was regarded as an attack on the Lord by the magical slave contract, so she felt pain. This pain is also a strange thing; for example, when you accidentally hit your teeth during a blow job, there is no pain.

For Liz, this must have been her first experience of pain. Ignoring Satoru's hand, Liz sank her face into Satoru's crotch, where he was sitting on the floor.

H-hey, Liz

Pecha, There was a sound of water. The penis and crotch, which was less than semi-erect after two ejaculations in a row, were soaked with his own semen and Liz's and Rico's love juices. Nnmm, Liz moaned, but still tried her best to lick the base of Satoru's penis with her small tongue.

I'll be honest with you. It's honestly tough there. It feels swollen, too.

That's probably true. After all, Satoru's penis was too big for Liz. For a girl who had been a virgin and had hardly had any sexual experience before, it was tough for her to have sex with a man so many times in a row.

But my mouth is fine. I'm not very good at it, but please let me try my best.

Satoru could not reply to Liz's determined voice. Certainly, there is a sense of wanting to do it again. His mind is satisfied, but his body is not fully satisfied, leaving him with a subtle hazy feeling. He can ignore it if he wants to, but according to Leia and others, the accumulation of such feelings is forcing him to do too much.

Without a clear response, Liz falteringly ran her tongue over the base of the penis. In addition to the sour taste and distinctive fishy smell, the distinctly male odor stimulated Liz's nostrils.Upstodatee from n(0)/ve/lbIn/.(co/m

Nnmh, ......ah

As she carefully and painstakingly continued to lick the base of the penis, the penis gradually began to respond. To be honest, Liz doesn't know how to do oral sex, so she does what she can as hard as she can. There was nothing unpleasant about it.

The senior magical slave who was fainting at Liz's feet reacted with a jerk. She moaned a little and slowly woke up. The ceiling is unfamiliar to her, she is one step away from being completely naked, the world outside the window is dark at night, and she hears the sound of water chittering at her feet, and slowly turns her gaze in that direction. Satoru is sitting on his haunches, and she can see her younger sister girl in a one-piece dress with her face buried in his crotch.

Ah, ahh ...... sorry. I was drifting off again.

Not that there's anything wrong with that

Satoru calls out to Rico, who is clearly aware of the situation and shakes her head to raise herself halfway up. Even after so many times of physical intercourse, Rico still skips consciousness once every two times. That is how hard intercourse with Satoru is.

Liz, who had buried her face in Satoru's crotch and was carefully licking and sucking the base of his penis and scrotum, stopped her movement and looked back at Rico.

Rico-san, Onii-san wants to let out one more time. Could you help me?


Rico replied, still a little vague-headed, and slinked up to Satoru on all fours. Her movements were like those of a newborn infant, and it was clear that she must have been physically challenged. Liz pleaded with Rico with a slightly apologetic expression on her face.

I was wondering if you could give me some instruction in oral sex.

I-I'm not that good, you know?

She was modest, but in Satoru's opinion, Rico and Solor are the best when it comes to fellatio skills. However, Solor's skill varies depending on the mode. After giving a small nod to Liz's offer, Rico turned her attention to Satoru as if remembering.

Um, Satoru, do you want to cum in the mouth? Don't you want to cum somewhere else?

No, well, yeah. ......

Unusually, Satoru slurred his words. Ejaculation through fellatio and ejaculation through sex seem the same, but they are completely different. If you just want to ejaculate, you can probably use your fingers, but Satoru thinks that is no different from masturbation.

Onii-san. Please say it clearly. As I told you, my vagina is a little thought, but if you still want to put it in there, I won't refuse you, you know?

Liz leaned forward a little and grabbed Rico's shoulder.

Liz, you're being a little harsh. That's too much neglect for Satoru.

......I'm sorry

Liz suddenly noticed Rico's point and showed a depressed face. Liz did not neglect Satoru, in fact, the truth is the opposite. She is just too conscious that she doesn't care what happens to her and wants Satoru to do what he thinks is best for himHowever dull Satoru may be, he is indeed aware of that much.

No, Liz said it out of concern for my body, no? It's my fault for not saying it clearly.

Normally, Satoru is a man who decides quickly and decisively, but when it comes to sexual intercourse, he tends to feel sorry for the other person and becomes very indecisive. This is the reason he was once rejected by a woman he had dated in his former world, but it is hard to separate the two.

However, what these girls are showing to him is truly free to love. Satoru was so happy about that that he broke into a small smile.

Besides, I'm sure there are things you want to do, and your condition.

I don't want to force you Satoru's kindness, as wrapped as ever, caused Leia, who was watching the situation from outside the bed, to raise her eyebrows.

I'm willing to go along as long as Satoru wants me to.

I'd like to get it in my mouth once. The butt is.......I'm still afraid

Satoru nodded his head. The little girl was making a healthy effort with her mouth. He wants to reward her for her efforts. A shiver of desire ran down Satoru's spine, and he held back for a moment before speaking up loudly.

I'm, going to cum!

A moment later, the hot liquid is released from Satoru's bell mouth and hits the back of Liz's throat.

Nnnnggggg! Nmb, Nnnhhh!!! Gofu!

The sudden ejaculation made her feel like vomiting, and a little drool spurted out of the corner of her mouth. Rico put her hand on Liz's shoulder to stop her head from moving.

You mustn't spit it out! You may cough, but hold it in!

The cum spurts out into her mouth, which has stopped moving, and the sticky liquid takes over Liz's mouth. A strong smell fills her feverish brain, and every breath she takes agitates her brain with it.

You take the tip in your mouth and suck a little harder. Treat it slowly with your fingers three or four times. ......Good

Half unconsciously, Liz followed Rico's instructions and sucked, and the semen that must have remained inside the stem was spurted out. Liz slowly spit out her mouth from Satoru's penis while sucking it up, being careful not to spill even a drop, while keeping it in her mouth.

Finally, Liz's mouth emerged from his penis with a nice chupon sound. The penis, which was covered with a tremendous amount of drool, was steaming hot.

Liz's eyes were teary, but she looked so happy. Rico gently smiles at her as she tries her best to give herself up.

Did you get it all in your mouth?

Liz nodded her head, and then a thought occurred to her.


She opened her mouth and showed it to Rico. She could see a white, sticky liquid pooling on her tongue. Rico smiled and patted Liz's head.

Good girl. And now mix it with the drool in your mouth and gulp it down in one gulp

Liz closed her mouth and nodded her head, then closed her eyes and swallowed vigorously.

Nghh, glug, gulp,......MMhhh!

The sticky liquid caught in her throat and the smell was so strong that it was honestly painful. It wasn't all at once, and the amount of saliva in her mouth was quite large, so she finally swallowed it all in three gulps.

Did you swallow all of it?

Liz nodded with teary eyes while fighting the feeling of vomiting. Satoru felt a sense of conquest and guilt at the same time for having a girl, who had not even reached adulthood yet, drink his semen. But it's not just his imagination that he feels more relaxed after ejaculation than usual.

Then, why don't you open your mouth for me and Satoru to see?

At Rico's request, Liz opened her mouth. First, she shows her mouth to Rico and then to Satoru.

Haa...... haa...... haa...... haa......

There is no semen left in her mouth. Her teeth are well aligned, her tongue is reddish in color, and her breath, which she has finally learned to breathe through her mouth, is still ragged.

Satoru wonders why it is so erotic to see a girl with her mouth gaping open in an appeal to drinking up. The drool marks on the edge of her mouth are also erotic.

......All right, you did a good job, Liz

Satoru put his hand on her cheek and praised her honestly. It is only natural to praise a magical slave who has endured a painful experience and made their Lord cum. Liz closed her mouth and smiled a little, and then lovingly kissed his hand. However, Rico reminded her, saying that it was still too naive.

You have to thank Satoru for letting you drink it.

Liz gulped at Rico's warning and hurriedly bowed her head, though Satoru had no intention of going that far.

Thank, you, very, much. ...... burp

Liz's face turned red as she let out a small burp, perhaps shocked that she had to hold her breath for so long and swallow something she had never swallowed before, such as semen. Her face was probably redder than when she was doing something lewd.

Nfufu, so cute!

Rico gave Liz a small smile and patted her head. She turned her cheerful smile into a joking one.

How was the taste? Please be honest.

Liz pulled her chin back, her face still red.

It is not tasty. It's bitter and fishy. But ...... I was kind of, you know, happy to have it served to me. ......

Is it going to be addictive?

That ...... yes.

Rico laughed at Liz's reply after she had shrunk even more. It is difficult even for Rico to make the durable Satoru cum for the third time in such a short time without pulling it out of her mouth. The spirit of service is also strong in Liz, who accomplished this with a blow job that was practically her first.

Rico believes that this is the most important thing to have as a magical slave, so she shudders and says that she can't afford to lose.

Liz is very talented, too

Somehow ...... it's complicated

Satoru muttered bitterly, and Rico couldn't help but burst out.

Pfft ......*giggle*

Rico understands that there is a sense in Satoru's heart that he should not defile Liz, who resembles his sister. So as Liz becomes more and more sexually uninhibited, it must be a complicated feeling for Satoru. But Rico knows that Satoru is not the one who is defiling her.

However, Rico is not as worried as Satoru thinks he is. She does not believe that Liz will become a sexual maniac. The problem is Rico herself.

Hmmm... ...... I think I need to get a little fitness too.

Rico truly believes that fainting once every two times is still a problem. As it is, it is impossible to do this more than once a day.

At least enough to endure a series of fights with Satoru!

Guhh, Satoru also gave a complicated look at the half-naked brown-skinned girl who clenched her fists.

It would not be good for a man to have his partner faint from the sheer pleasure of having sex with him, but as a man, it would be a blessing in disguise. It makes him feel that he has aroused his partner that much more, and above all, it satisfies his desire for conquest.

...... Well, in moderation, okay?

Whether fainting can be avoided by gaining strength in the first place is another matter.

Since it is rather small for three people to sleep in one bed, while Liz and Rico are changing clothes or asking Solor to arrange laundry, one bed is moved by force, and two beds are put together, and there they are. Liz and Rico are invited and the three of them lie down together.

Satoru, too, slowly drifted off to sleep, blissfully enjoying the pleasure of sleeping with two different types of beautiful girls on either side of him.

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