Foreigner's Mistake

Book 9: Chapter 189: Demonic Dragon ~ 04

Book 9: Chapter 189: Demonic Dragon ~ 04

A beautiful female swordsman sits on a bearskin laid out, her hand was bounded behind her back with leather straps. Her leather armor was taken off and she is wearing an old shirt on top. On the bottom, she has taken off her trousers and is wearing only underwear that resembles a woman's loincloth.

It is a very erotic composition to the naked eye, but strangely enough, there is no lewdness in it.

This is due, in part, to the woman sitting there tied up.

She feels nothing but frustration when she is bound behind her back. She is not ashamed of being in front of a man, but she is just plainly looking at him without a shred of shame. Her beauty is a waste of her talent. Her sex appeal is dead.

Even if I'm joking about teaching you to masturbate...

Was that a joke? I was quite serious. ......

Satoru was taken aback by Isolde's somewhat sarcastic look. He wondered what she had heard from Liz, although he had thought that she might have changed a little. Even if she heard what Liz had to say, it would be meaningless if she didn't learn anything from her.

......Well, if that's what you want to do, go ahead. But first, you have to understand what sex and lust are.

Isolde was surprised to hear Liz's exact words.

A large Satoru leans on Isolde. Isolde tries to avoid him by backing away a little, but her hands, which are tied behind her back, are not enough to support her, and she is pushed down on the bear's skin. Satoru's hand reaches for her neck, and Isolde twists around.


You don't like it?

Satoru's fingertips gently stroke her neck. Isolde had never really thought about it before, but just the slightest movement made her tingle, probably because of the natural Lust that Satoru exudes.

In other words, Satoru's lust is now directed toward herself. The fact that his Lust is being naturally expressed in this way is proof that Satoru is also in the mood for it.

I ...... I don't hate it. But, mhh,...... it would be correct to say that I am afraid.

Scared of what?

Isolde was gently stroking from the nape of her neck to the area around her face, and she thought to herself, "I've been pointed this out". It is true that she instinctively sensed an unknown fear. Even now, in the deepest corner of her mind, she still wants to escape, and Isolde turns her attention squarely to this feeling.

Well,...... I guess you could call it a feeling as if my body no longer belongs to me. That's what I'm afraid of.

Isolde calmly assessed the sense of fear that ran through her.

Her greatest strength lies in her ability to manipulate magic power in the most efficient and yet explosive. She has reached this level only through blood-soaked training, but compared to her peers, Isolde's talent is overwhelming.

Her strength is brought out by the precise control of her own body. She must have an instinctive fear of her body leaving her control.

It is a kind of defensive instinct as a swordsman.

Perhaps. I am sorry that I feel that way when I entrust myself to Milord. ......

Isolde mutters, sincerely sorry.

Although she may care, this beautiful female swordsman is still not suitable for sexual intercourse. Satoru also thinks so. It is obvious that he is forcing her to do so, and it won't do her any good if he continues to do so.



Solor calls out to Satoru from behind, and Satoru, still leaning on Isolde, turns his head to look at her. Rico and Minerva are curled up in a corner, while Liz, who had just been conversing with them, looks at Solor with a slightly surprised expression.

Solor bent her knees gracefully, her usual expressionless face filled with some peculiar color.

I'd like to join in today. And, hopefully, you will allow me to teach Isolde-sama a sex lesson.


It was Isolde who raised her voice unexpectedly. Satoru raised himself from his perch and half-turned back to Solor.

This is the first time that this Magic Doll has voluntarily asked to be mixed up in sexual intercourse. Even when he was with other women, she would kill any sign of her and never interfere with them.

I can see that she has been growing lately, but I wonder what's got into herSatoru looks at Solor with a slight frown, but her expression is as expressionless as ever. It is impossible to read her innermost thoughts from her complexion.

.......I don't know what you're thinking, but fine.

Without much thought, Satoru agreed. If it bothers her, just let her participate honestly. It probably won't be a negative thing.

Thank you very much. Now, let's get started ...... Bind

Hah ...... gghh!

A leather strap extended like a tentacle from Solor's waist and wrapped around Isolde's wrists, ankles, waist, shoulders, and upper body with a sound. Satoru was surprised at this type of sorcery, which he had not seen before. With a creaking sound, the leather strap from Solor's waist creaked and slowly lifted Isolde's slender body.

Even a swordsman who pretends to be virtuous is now a shambles

The two leather straps that grabbed her ankles split open her crotch mercilessly, exposing her secret parts, which were behind her underwear.

Solor's face is lewd and coercive as he approaches Isolde in mid-air. She has the air of a queen. Solor's expression, which Satoru and Liz do not see very often, was so striking that they could not help but look at her with open mouths., ahh

Isolde screams in agony as the leather straps tighten with a gripping sound. Smiling mockingly, Solor stripped off her underwear, her beautiful face showing a small frown.

Your face is so beautiful. But your female genitalia is so ugly. Disgraceful.

So......Solor-don, wh-what are you....

Isolde manages to move only her head and looks at Solor, her expression colored with impatience and surprise. Even Satoru and Liz were surprised. Isolde's confusion must have been great.

Solor snorted when Isolde turned her gaze on her. The look of mockery on her face, completely different from her usual expressionless face, is frightening.

What am I doing? It's a mockery. I am trying to discipline the junior magical slaves who keep complaining about how they are being used by our beloved Master.

I-I don't mean to complain.

The sound of the wind blowing and a dry crack sounded at the same time.


It was the sound of Isolde's inner thigh being hit with an extra leather strap.

You're talking back to me now, aren't you? How long will you continue to mistake your position?

M-mistaken ......?

Yes. The way you put it, I don't think Master can use you. You are saying, "I will let you use me." Who do you think you are?

Solor's voice clearly contains a hint of anger. I have never seen Solor so openly express her emotions. No, now that I think about it, I think she showed similar signs when she and Vance had a drinking contest at Deligrande.

H-hey Solo ......

Liz grabbed Satoru's arm when he was so startled that he almost shouted. Liz gave a small shake of her head to the left and right as Satoru looked back at her. Satoru's shoulders relaxed a little as if he was told to leave it in Solor's hands.

Solor, who had moved spontaneously without being ordered to, must have a clear idea of what she wanted to do. Because Liz sensed this, she also stopped Satoru's intervention.

After glancing at Satoru and Liz and keeping her eyes down, Solor turned to Isolde and extended her white fish-like fingers to her crotch. Isolde reacted with a jerk.

You've seen how we've been having sex with the Master, haven't you? What did you think?

The sight of another beautiful woman lewdly fingering a panting beauty who is bound all over is incredibly obscene. Solor is carefully tracing around Isolde's vagina.

Shivering with horror at the thought of being touched by a woman in such a lewd manner, Isolde answered Solor's question.

A-about that ....... A-At first, I just thought it was filthy and

And then?

Solor's voice was like a flood of questions, and Isolde's brain began to race. This situation is very strangeShe knows that, but the heat invades her brain. It is weaker than Satoru's Lust, but it is definitely Lust.

The first time Isolde saw Satoru holding someone was with Sheryl.

She was surprised at Sheryl's request to be roughly handled, but she was also horrified at Satoru's violation of Sheryl, even from a distance.

However, when Minerva, the daughter of the Flying Dragon, tells that Satoru was crying inside while holding Sheryl in his arms, Isolde felt a little relieved that his animalistic nature was only superficial but she still felt dirty and scared.

Sexual and carnal desires are dirty and useless. That is what she had been taught and raised to believe. It was not surprising.

The next day, however. Sheryl, who was supposed to have been raped by Satoru, looked as clear as if something had fallen. Not only that. Isolde was surprised to see that the original sex appeal had been further polished and glamorized.

Next, Isolde saw Solor. She was so bewitching that it frightened Isolde, who usually maintains a blank expression.

She was so scared that she cowered in fear, thinking that one day she too would be held like that, a fear that she had never felt even when she was 10 years old and alone with the Great Bear of the beast tribe known as the King of the Mad Bears.

She wonders if she too will become so disordered that she will forget herself.

I am scared.

I'm scared, scared, scared...!!

That's why I tried so hard to pretend to be asleep.

Fortunately, Satoru never once asked Isolde to share the bed with him.

Satoru pulled out his penis near the entrance, and while touching her breast on top of her clothes, he started to gently and painstakingly torture her around the entrance with his hips.

Her breasts were firm and fleshy, and they were covered by her underwear. Although they are called underwear, women's brassieres in this world are not as well-sewn as those in Satoru's world. It is just a piece of cloth wrapped around it. Even so, the softness that he felt on his fingers was superb.

Uwahh......Ah, d-don't tease, me.....

Solor raised her voice as if she was impatient with Satoru, who was only shallowly teased her around the entrance. Actually, this is also unusual. She basically does as she is told and rarely asks what she wants. Perhaps, she was just trying to get at Isolde.

......Are you telling me how to do things?

Satoru leans in a little and kneads her nipples, whispering in her ear in a low voice full of lechery so that Isolde can hear. Perhaps Solor wanted Satoru to say so. So I'll take an honest ride albeit a bit aggravating.

Ah...... ahiyah...... m-my apologies, Masteer......

Solor looks back at Satoru with moist eyes, her breath rasping in her throat like a dog. The appearance of the person who is completely drowned in lust is familiar, but it is always fascinating to look at.

I, I'm the Master's meat slave, ...... so p-please use me as you, like

Satoru's tastelessness was shaken up by the declaration of the doll as a flesh-poisoner. A tingling sensation ran down his spineI wanted to break her, his inner voice said.

She's just a meat slave. Just break her. It won't matter. That's what she wants, no?

Satoru growled at the voice that was rising from deep within his own heart.

Satoru is not sure if this inner voice is really coming from his own heart. However, Satoru has no intention of being carried away by such a voice.

It is up to me to decide what to do.

It was me who decided to embrace Isolde.

After having gained a variety of experiences, Satoru had already made up his mind. There is no hesitation on this point.

That, so!

He took aim and slammed his hip bone into the deepest part of her body at once. The sound of bone colliding with bone squeaks, and the meat stick pushes up the uterus, which has been lowered.

Aghh......kahh, kuagh...... ahhahh.....

The shock of being penetrated to the deepest point in one breath produced such pleasure that Solor forgot how to breathe. Her body trembled slightly as if it had reached its limit.

Solor's light blue hair shook as his hips began to thrust wildly, and more gasps escaped from her mouth.

Aaahhhh, Master, Master! It feels so good, my pussy feels so gooood. ...... aAahhh!

Solor's mouth was open sloppily, drooling, and she was moaning shamelessly. She is usually so expressionless, but when Satoru sees Solor in such a wild state, it is hard to tell which one of them is the real Solor.

Suddenly, Solor's eyes met Isolde. Isolde felt an unexpected embarrassment and averted her gaze.

At that moment, Isolde's cheeks turned red with humiliation when she felt that Solor was laughing fufun at her with her nose. How shameless of Solor to be so flamboyant with her charmIsolde scorned her inwardly, but a sense of inadequacy remained in her heart.

Is that what you really think?

Isolde felt a chill run down her spine at the sound of the voice coming from inside her heart. Jealousy is an emotion that should have been buried deep within her own heart. Did she really think it was voicing itself?

To tell the truth, the voice in her heart was actually Solor's. While having intercourse with Satoru, she kept reading Isolde's mind with her Mind Reading art, and then, after carefully timing her voice, Solor called out to Isolde with her Telepathic voice even imitating her tone of voice.

If Satoru had found out, he would have been furious, but he could only break through Isolde's mental barriers at this moment when his mind was in turmoil from the effects of the Lust.

Confused, Isolde did not recognize Solor's voice.

You're being stubborn and boring, so she took him away from you.

(...... shut up)

Isolde turns away from the voice coming from inside her heart.

But that inner voice mercilessly pokes at Isolde's guilt.

Do you think Milord would like a woman who lies about her own heart?

An unprecedented coldness ran down Isolde's spine.

It was the part she had turned away from.

She was indeed relieved of her responsibility as the head of the Holy Sword Clan. Little by little, she became able to act honestly with her heart. Leia, Solor, Liz, and others pointed out that she was being too lenient, but it was the joy of being freed from the constraints of her mind that made her do so. The freedom that she had not even recognized before was so sweet that Isolde was immersed in the joy from the bottom of her heart.

However, she could not cross the line. The part where she was a mere follower, a magical slave, and Satoru was her Lord.

There is reverence and a hierarchical relationship.

It is unforgivable for her to contradict Satoru, her Lord, with the stagnation of her inner heart.

For Isolde, who has been told that showing her female side is a dirty thing, there is a fear that she will be hated if she reveals her female side.

That is why she cannot expose herself. If she is hated, she will not be able to travel with them.

Of all the women in this group, only one is pretending to be someone she is not.

It is not right to admit that she is attracted to Satoru as a member of the opposite sex.

B-Break me! I-I'm a perverted meat doll, so, aahhhhhhh!!

A gasp similar to a scream is heard.

The waves from Satoru's body must have spread to Isolde, and even though nothing was being done to her, her whole body was burning and her lower abdomen was tingling. Not only that but her heart is also frayed.

We are supposed to be the same magical slaves. She is a doll, not a human being, with very little emotion.

Why is she able to pant so frankly?

How can she unabashedly express her feelings for Satoru?

It's frustrating.

And I'm jealous.


Isolde sees Satoru's face, smiling ferociously and shaking Solor vigorously. The man who defeated her, the man who deserves to be her Lord, is displaying his bestiality as a man to the fullest.

How could this man accept such a doll and remain unconcerned?

I was allowed to be by Milord's side because I am a swordsman. Because I can be a shield to protect Milord's friends. I am not recognized as a woman.

That is what Isolde owes.

Even though she was told that she was an attractive woman, Satoru would not lie, even though she knew he hated lies. She was unable to accept it because it seemed as if she was being denied the person she had been until then, who had lived only as a swordsman.

Kuhh, I'm about cum, Solor!

At Satoru's moan, Isolde looked up as if she had been hit.

AahhDon't let it out, that's, that was supposed let it out inside me...

Aaahhh, let it out, please let it ouuuttt! In me, in my filthy womb! Kuahh, ahh, ahh, noo, I'm cumminnnggggg!!

Why, why do you want what I want so easily...!!

Even though Isolde was listening to them, the sound of flesh colliding with flesh and the sound of water gushing from the joints become more and more intense. She guessed they were close to climaxing. Neither Satoru nor Solor looked at her. That was also frustrating.


NNNnnmmmuaaahhhhh!!! Ahhh! Ahh, aaahhhh...........

Satoru's shoulders jumped, and about two moments later, Solor turned her head away. The sight of Satoru's body trembling with the intoxicating pleasure of climax was both obscene and incredibly beautiful.

Satoru's seed juice is probably pouring into her womb. It was supposed to be poured into Isolde today, but she was deprived of it.

Isolde bit her lower lip.

After shaking her entire body a couple of times, Solor slowly lowered her upper body to the floor. Breathing heavily and panting, she still looks back at her Master who gave her supreme pleasure and gave him a smile that could not have been more sincere.

...... Master. Thank you for your blessings. May I clean up?


Satoru complies and pulls his penis out of her vagina. Isolde could see it, white and sticky with semen and love juice, and she gulped and swallowed hard. Solor glanced at her, but Isolde did not notice. She is just looking at Satoru's crotch.

As if to show off somewhat, Solor's face sucked from the side of his penis. She carefully crawls her tongue under the pole and carefully licks off the sticky liquid.

Isolde looked up a little only when the penis was covered by Solor's head and out of sight. She saw Satoru's face there, and when their gazes collided, Ah! Isolde let out a little cry.

It was then that she realized.

To the presence of that gaze.

Yes, it was the same look that she had seen when he killed Sheryl's father, Edward, with a mixture of pity and contempt.

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