Foreigner's Mistake

Book 9: Chapter 192: Demonic Dragon ~ 07

Book 9: Chapter 192: Demonic Dragon ~ 07

Pain shot up his right thigh, and Satoru's consciousness was suddenly lifted from sleep to wakefulness. He felt like he had been having a bad dream, but the memory of the dream seemed to have vanished with the instantaneous awakening. With a click of his tongue, he opens his eyes and searches for the cause of the pain.


There she is, Isolde, in all her glory. Her upper body was covered by a dowdy shirt, but she was sleeping soundly, exposing her thin, toned lower body. It seems that by turning over in her sleep, she accidentally kneecapped Satoru in the thigh.

When the subject bound by the magical-slave contract injures his or her Lord, the magical slave may feel pain, depending on the degree of the injury, but this is not the case when it is unconscious and completely accidental. The current knee kick was probably also an accident. There was no sign of pain in Isolde.

Rubbing his aching right thigh, Satoru half-risen. The sky seen through the lighted window was probably a little before sunrise. Satoru, half-awake and dozing a little, looked down at the slender female swordsman with whom he had shared the bed last night.

She was sleeping soundly, which was unusual for Isolde, who is usually a light sleeper. For an inexperienced woman, last night's torture must have been too much for her.

But that's not all, Satoru stroked his chin. There is no one here to attack Isolde now. She can sleep soundly because she feels safe.

He crawled out on the floor, careful not to wake Isolde, who was sound asleep and stretched out with all his might. His back muscles made a pleasant sound as he stretched.

Ah, good morning

Satoru gets a morning greeting from Rico, who was up earlier than usual in a whisper. "Ouh," he replies and then scratches his head apparently, he is more sleepy than usual.

As per his instructions, they are now down in the mountains somewhere, the door is open, and Liz and Solor are nowhere to be seen. Leia is in the pilot's seat, and Minerva is awake but drowsy, wobbling her upper body.

......Did you get any sleep?

Rico cowered a little at Satoru's question.

A little. I was feeling a little uncomfortable. Maybe it's because it's a different environment than usual, though

You'll get used to it. Yaawwnn......

Satoru himself is a good sleeper. The long-furred bearskin is soft and of high quality. Vance must have put a lot of work into it.

I should think about getting a bed.

Satoru muttered to himself. This bear fur is comfortable, but he doesn't feel at home in the place where he usually lives and sleeps together.

If there are enough beds for everyone, won't they be pretty full?

Rico looks around the interior of the Yamato. It is spacious enough, about 18 feet (4.4 m - 1 foot is 30 cm) across and 25 feet long, but even if you omit Solor's bed for Leia, who never sleeps, you can still have five beds in the room. With five beds, nearly one-third of the floor would be occupied by beds.

I have a few ideas. I'm thinking of putting a bracket on top of it and putting a board through it to make a second floor.

Taking Satoru's height into consideration, Vance had the ceiling made to be about 12 feet high. A mezzanine floor six to seven feet above the floor would certainly be an effective use of space.

The master craftsman is thinking about how to make the most of the high space.

Oh. That sounds good. It would be even better if we make the upper space ours and put a bigger bed for Satoru on the lower floor.

Of course, the bed for Satoru was made larger than the other beds, probably in consideration of their sex activities. Rico chuckles at Satoru, who reacts with an unintentional twitch.

You should also take the weight distribution into consideration, right? It's holding up for now, but a bad modification will upset the equilibrium.

Leia peeks out from the pilot's seat. Of course, the master craftsman from another world has taken this into account.

I know, I know. ...... By the way, where are Liz and Solor?

Solor escorts Liz to the bathroom. What was that Solor was talking to Liz about?

Uh ...... a bit, it's about Isolde.

Satoru muttered and glanced at Isolde, who seemed to have just woken up. Isolde seemed to be quite sleepy, looking here and there blankly.Điscover new chapters at

He beckoned Rico over to him and gave her a whisper.

Isolde is so flawed, I told Solor to train her in consultation with Liz.

Rico chuckled. At a quick glance, Isolde is a slender, sharp, and beautiful woman, but inside she is unreliable. The unreliable female swordsman, who was said to be full of flaws, finally realized what was going on and panicked.

Ah, aaaaah! I can't believe I oversleep!!

Ma, mazohi?...... sorry, I don't know

I learned it from the dictionary on my master's cell phone. It is a sexual perversion in which satisfaction is obtained through physical or mental abuse or suffering

Hm ...... eehh?

There are more words in Satoru's world dictionary that are not of this world. Blinking her eyes, Liz examines the word Solor says very carefully.

It's also called "taste for the oppressed". Of course, each person has his or her own preferences, but the point is that being bullied makes you more sexually aroused.

"Ah," Liz nodded.

Liz also has a desire to be conquered by Satoru. It is easy to understand that being sexually tormented is a way to be conquered.

Liz put her hand to her chin and think for a moment. It seems that I am not alone in this desire. The same tendency exists, albeit in different forms, in Leia, Rico, Minerva, and other magical slaves, so perhaps Satoru has something to make that side of women blossom?

......Err, Isolde-san is that kind of person?

Yes. It was the same as last night's action. Isolde-sama is a woman who is sexually aroused by being abused and subjugated. I have that tendency as well, but ......

Liz's face broke at the unexpected murmur. I guess this is in addition to the two basic types (modes). That would mean that it is the basis of this doll. I have a small doubt.

I also think that making her cum 10 times a day is necessary to get her used to the hard vaginal walls and to make her understand what carnal desire is. If that is all, I can use my Lust as well, though not as much as the master, so there is no problem.

But that is not enough.

Solor nodded her head. Liz let out a big sigh and looked up at the sky.

Fundamentally, she lacks a sense of shame. She seems to have an idea of shame, but it's not connected to sexuality. ......Hmmm, I didn't think three days or so would do anything about it. ......

Even if we try to educate her about shame, I don't think we can do anything about it in three days or so. No, it definitely won't. If that is the case, we need to think of a different way to start the process.

Liz's body, which was about to enter the sea of thoughts, trembled a little. The reason she left Yamato was to go to the bathroom. She felt a little queasy after all this time.

...... let me think about it for a little bit. I'm sorry, I'm going to go now.

Yes. Take care.

The grass and trees are so low in the mountains here that they do not serve to hide you. In the middle of autumn, the morning air in the mountains is chilly.

Fuhh. ......

About a major away, Liz hides herself in the shadow of a rock face and sits down, easily removing her underwear. Soon, golden water flows out from her secret place. Liz rests her elbows on her knees and rests her chin on her hands in thought, shivering reflexively as the heat leaves her body due to her urination.

Hmmm ...... that's a hard one. ......

Of course, that trouble is Isolde.

Solor didn't mention that there would be a spanking if things didn't go well.

Satoru does not scold or raise his voice unnecessarily, but Liz thinks that she would like to be praised anyway. How could I educate that difficult-to-handle female swordsman.

Liz turned around in a hurry when she heard the sound of rustling grass. Was there a monster or something coming, or was it the female swordsman who was on the chopping block?

Oh, Liz-dono!

Liz's expression froze. Liz was now dressed with her buttocks fully exposed and still dripping. She shuddered and her face turned red.

...... Kyaaaah!!

She grabs grass, pebbles, sand, and other things around there and throws them at Isolde.

I-Is this the reaction due to shame?

Isolde, who is dodging pebbles and other objects with her light hand, sounds impressed

That's not the point! J-just get away from me a little bit!!

I-I'm sorry!

It is impossible to teach a sense of shame to this female swordsman, who does not understand what she is talking about at all. Liz was thinking about it all the time as she stared at Isolde's back, who had honestly moved away a little bit.

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