Foreigner's Mistake

Book 9: Chapter 201: Demonic Dragon ~ 16

Book 9: Chapter 201: Demonic Dragon ~ 16

The Gray Crow Pavilion is empty, huh?

Sheryl stroked her chin with a cautious expression as she overheard Derek's report. Since moving into her late grandfather's mansion, Sheryl has not left the grounds of this mansion. She relies on the eye and ear of Derek, her confidant, and only subordinate. Fortunately, Derek has a much wider information network than most people.

There have been no reports of the man being seen recently. He has probably left the country.

Since the last contact, Derek has not received any reports of seeing the swordsman, who seems to be from the East. Although they are not exerting pressure as they did when arranging for a criminal to commit a crime, information will be received in a short period of time if a reasonably prominent swordsman makes a move.

The innkeeper says that swordsman was going by the name of Kylas. ...... Well, I'm sure it's a false name, though

Sheryl nodded silently. That swordsman may have been a little short as a counter-intelligence agent, but he was definitely capable. She doesn't believe he told the innkeeper his real name. The pass was from a state called Haumaier, north of the continent, but that is also suspicious.

Since that swordsman withdrew the day after Derek made contact, at least the contact would have been meaningful. This side had given a warning, and the other side had complied and retreated. Sheryl thought that this was fine, although it was no longer possible for this side to know who those swordsmen were. Whoever they were, if they had left Ares, Sheryl should assume that there would be no further inquiries.

In the middle of her meeting with Derek, there is a knock at the office. The old butler shows his face.

Milady, you have a visitor. ......

A visitor?

Sheryl raised one eyebrow in response to the old butler who approached her fearfully. Not many people know that Sheryl is in this mansion. And when it comes to someone that this butler is so revered, there are two choices.

Mentor Areus, milady

Her prediction was correct. Sheryl thought it would be either her uncle, Viscount Maylander, or Mentor Areus, but the butler mentioned the more probable name. She responded by asking him to invite him into her office and to prepare tea for the visitors.

Mentor Areus entered the office shortly after, and Sheryl stood up and bowed to him.

Why, Mentor. Thank you for coming all the way here.

No problem.

Mentor Areus was not dressed in his usual long robe but in a thick leather cloak. He looks more like a well-traveled merchant than a sorcerer belonging to the Academy of the Wise. Sheryl feels a small sense of discomfort as the mighty sorcerer stares at her with his usual soft expression.

......What is it?

Mentor Areus, who had returned Sheryl's head tilt without changing his expression, took off his cloak and entrusted it to the butler.

The reason he was looking at Sheryl in a daze was simple.

He was just fascinated.

Is it my imagination, or does this woman seem to be getting more beautiful and sexy every time I see her? For various reasons, she remains unmarried, but the sight of her unbelievably sexy figure, which made it hard to believe that she was unmarried, momentarily captured Mentor Areus' soul.

When asked the reason for his visit, Mentor Areus did not hide the reason, but sipped a cup of tea before saying,

Actually, the Academy of the Wise is taking a turn for the worse

Sheryl gulped at the words he uttered with his usual smiling expression.

Sheryl, who had been staring thoughtfully at the surface of the amber tea, looked up and stared at Areus.

What do you think about this, Mentor Areus?

What, Sheryl did not say. She was asking whether or not he was going to go with the flow of the High Mentor Parcell.

Areus had already come to a conclusion.

I've read Maylander-sama's report about Satoru-dono's unusual ability. If we can't beat him even if we make full use of the reversal magic circle and deploy the Holy Sword Clan there, I don't think we can win no matter how much magic power we gather. In addition, the Academy of the Wise is not a group that fights, but a group that is dedicated to the study of sorcery.

After speaking out of turn, Areus tilted his head slightly, as if to say that he had said too much.

Anyway. I would like to remain on good terms with Maylander-sama so that we do not have to fight.

......I appreciate your offer.

Sheryl bowed her head. Mentor Areus said that he would continue to cooperate with them. The two peaks that form Ares, are the Royal Palace and the Academy of the Wise. It would be great to not be in a hostile relationship with one of them, a man of ability who is said to be the next High Mentor of the Academy of the Wise.

Let me give you some information. Some time ago, in Clatta, east of Ares. A little later, Arsweta reported through the guild that a large magical tremor was triggered in Deligrande.

Magical tremor?

Sheryl narrowed her eyes. Areus takes one look at Sheryl and smiles a little.

Is it Satoru-sama?

Perhaps. With his powerful soul in the background, he can use various granting arts based on the knowledge of Leia Lwenstadt-sama. Perhaps that is it.

Sheryl thinks that hiding information in this area is not a good idea. The magical tremor is something that can't be hidden in any way, and it happens when Satoru uses his mighty magic power. It would be foolish to fight with someone who could easily cause a magical tremor on a scale that is impossible for a normal person to cause.

Sheryl realized that Satoru might have anticipated this and caused a magical tremor to continue to warn the Academy of the Wise.

Sheryl's statement was a bombshell. Areus towers over his shoulder, more than halfheartedly dismayed.

Mentor Parcell,......, the High Mentor, knows he can't win in a fight with Satoru-dono, doesn't he? I wonder if he has some secret plan.

......Maybe he just doesn't want to believe. In any case, Satoru-sama's power is too out of the ordinary.

Derek's mutterings made Areus ponder the mind of High Mentor Parcell. When you have an ability that is so out of the ordinary, it's tempting to think it's a mistake. We only think of it as a dream or an illusion. The first time we see reality, it's too late

You two, please take care of yourselves.


Both Derek and Sheryl nodded at Areus' advice. Even Areus, one of the Mentors, was being watched, and of course, Satoru's subordinate, Sheryl, was sure to be too.

At this time, Sheryl, Derek, and Areus were not saying it out loud, but one possibility was on their minds.

The possibility of abandoning the current Academy of the Wise.

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