Foreigner's Mistake

Book 9: Chapter 219: Demonic Dragon ~ 34

Book 9: Chapter 219: Demonic Dragon ~ 34

Really, it was a fulfilling time. I thank you, Lwenstadt-dono

It seems that my Warding was a little different. I am glad to have someone who understands that.

Almost trapped by the magic power of Minerva's ample breasts that he slept with last night, Satoru blinked his eyes as soon as he woke up and looked at the two Immortal Kings one of whom was in a conscious body who seemed to have developed a friendship with each other, as if in a state of dismay. Amon's expression is not visible because he is in his conscious body, but Leia can see what appears to be a satisfying look of fatigue.

...... Well, I see you two have gotten along very well.

Well, considering there are only three of us in the world.

Satoru wonders somewhat if there is a sense of kinship among the Immortal Retainers.

I could not tell you everything in just half a day, but it was still fun to talk about what sorcery is all about

I still have the pleasure of studying the unique "Warding" developed by Leia Lwenstadt, which is almost lost. This will keep me occupied for another ten years.

The voice emanating from his conscious body seems slightly more animated.

Hopefully, I would have heard about the physical arts of the woman wielding the sword over there.

Satoru looked in the direction where he felt Amon's gaze was directed, although his body of consciousness was purely spherical and not oriented. A short distance away, Isolde was doing her usual morning workout. Satoru gave a small tilt of his head.

Why don't you just ask her?

She refused. Honestly, how could she not understand my thirst for knowledge?

"Heh," Satoru boasted. Isolde, who had just unwrapped the last remnants of her body, shot Amon a rather hard look. Even though she was in the middle of training, she must have heard the conversation between Satoru and Amon.

Amon was known, even before his manifestation, to not care how many people died or how many countries were destroyed, as long as he could study the art. He was even nicknamed the Mad Seeker.

Underneath her words, she is filled with resentment as to why she must teach the secret arts of the Holy Sword Clan to such a dangerous man. But Isolde's consciousness jumped as if she couldn't understand such a sentiment.

It is only natural. The perfection of art is a noble thing. Those who do not understand it are of no concern to me. Rather, I hope they are proud that they died as an experiment in my art.

......I knew it. You're insane.

Satoru looked at Amon's conscious body in disgust. There are certainly scholars who are so absorbed in their own research that they take no account of the effects of their surroundings. In the world where Satoru lived, such people were called mad scientists mad, in other words, insane.

This Immortal King may have made himself Immortal King because of his madness.

I want to live longer, study the various arts, and leave a legacy for future generations. That is why I have no desire to fight with you, who could destroy me.

I see. That's easy to understand.

Satoru smiled, feeling the irony in the words, "Live longer".

If Amon was destroyed, he won't be able to do research. That's why he won't fight. This Immortal King is indeed insane, but he still seems to have a minimum amount of sense. Even Satoru does not want to fight this mad Immortal King. As long as he doesn't try to fight, that's all that matters.

The conscious body moved happily.

But I am also interested in your body.

Satoru scowled at the conscious body. It is true that Satoru, who possesses a soul that does not seem to belong to this world, is the best research material. However, there is more to it than that.

That has a different meaning, doesn't it?

I don't deny it.

I'm sorry, but I refuse

Satoru also clearly asserts this. At least, Satoru has no interest in male sexuality.

Satoru has a memory of a time when he was asked by a beautiful woman to go out with her, and when he went along with her, a burly man dressed as a woman made fun of him saying, "My, you have a nice guy with you," and the beautiful woman replied, "Shut the fuck up" in a dusky male voice. At that time, Satoru ended up having a light drink at a local tavern and refused to be taken home.

Satoru later became friends with a rather beautiful former male friend after rejecting a male-female(?) relationship once and for all.

.....How regrettable

Amon's conscious body sank to the spot as if he had been dented with a shock.

However Satoru was a little curious.

...... Isn't it a lie that an Immortal King has no sexual desire?

Leia, realizing that Satoru's gaze was directed at her, snapped her teeth at Satoru.

It's humiliating to be looked at the same way as him!

After breakfast.

Everyone is well-prepared before resuming their journey.

Amon said that it would take three kokus (12 hours) at yesterday's pace. Satoru, who wanted to reach the Holy Dragon before the end of the day if possible, gave Rico, who had the lowest soul, one more magic stone, and they were moving at a 20% faster speed than yesterday. By entrusting Solor to take care of Minerva and lightening Rico's burden, they were able to increase their speed.

At this speed, they were sure they would be able to reach the Holy Dragon before the sun went down.

The inside of Nevis is a natural labyrinth, but because it is a natural labyrinth, there are no man-made traps, the monsters have been eliminated by Amon, and there are even guides to guide Satoru and the others.

The cave is large enough that it is not a problem to keep moving in using a Shukuchi. There is no sunlight, and they rely on the light from the two torches that are lit with the Light art, but the rocks reflect the light, so they don't feel so dark. However, in Satoru's case, as usual, the light is adjusted by releasing magic power on his own, so he does not feel the heat or cold as well as the light or dark.

After moving for a little over an hour, Satoru sensed the signs of fatigue in Rico and Minerva and ordered them to stop and take a break. It was nerve-wracking to keep moving at such an impossible speed for such a long time. Aside from Satoru, Isolde, Solor, and Leia, Rico, and Minerva who can keep up with them are also quite good practitioners, Amon thinks.

At the rate, we're going, we have a little over a koku ( 4 hours) to reach there, right?

There are endless questions as to how old the Five Dragons are and whether they have a life span. However, it is certain that they are not beings to which human common sense can be applied.

Only by having a close connection with the Earth Mother Goddess does he know all of the events that have occurred in this world. This would mean that the Holy Dragon knows the truth about Satoru's outburst, the Chalk Tower at the Academy of the Wise in Ares, and the destruction of the Royal Castle Strahltraun. I wondered if he should keep it a secretbut then I thought back to the question of whether it was something that needed to be kept secret.

However, although the Holy Dragon protects the civilization-less beings such as beasts and monsters, he does not deny the act of hunting them. The response is the same whether the Holy Dragon is dealing with humans or, less frequently, dwarves and elves

"However, if it comes to a massacre, it is a different story," Amon added.

While the Holy Dragon Feather Dragon is respected by human society, it is also recognized as the king of the beast, and if humans were to slaughter the beasts, the angry king of the beasts might come out, and because of this judgment, a human cannot carelessly do anything to narrow the living space of the beast more than necessary.

This is the reason why beasts and monsters can roam around in this world.

When civilization advances too far, the number of beasts and monsters that become extinct increases. Even in the world where I live, many animals and plants have disappeared in this way. I guess it's a big deal if there is no one to protect them.

It is not that Satoru has any particular interest in environmental protection. However, he knows that some animals and plants have become extinct as a result of mankind's ego. In a sense, he can't help but feel a little disgusted with the human species itself, since such problems persist even after he has come to a world with a different set of common sense.

......I thought you were a crude and rough person, but you're a quite wise man.

Oh, no, please. I'm not that kind of guy

With a wry smile, Satoru let go of Amon's follow-up.

No, no, no. Surely there are differences in the world's common sense, but your knowledge is quite good. It's been a long time since I became interested in human beings. Even without the sexual aspect.

...... if it weren't for that last word.

Satoru gave a small laugh. Amon's tone was not without a serious component, but ridicule was the main ingredient. I'm sure there is a side of him that is seriously impressed.

Well, as a thank you for showing us around, ask me a question about something you care about. I might be able to answer some of them.

Oh-ho. In that case......Have you ever heard of stink water?

Satoru barely remembered where he had heard those words. It was another name for oil that came out of Leia's mouth when they talked about oil during a one-day basic modern knowledge lesson with Solor.

Uh-oh. It's the water that burns, isn't it?

Mm-hmm. The origin of that water is a mystery. It seems that it has been studied in the Ancient Magical Kingdom, but the results are inconclusive.

In my world, it's called oil. It's called a fossil fuel because of the way it's made...

After muttering that much, Satoru suddenly realized something else. Whether it is oil or coal, it must have taken at least several million years to be created. But has that much time really passed in this world where the Earth Mother became the Earth?

What's the matter?

Leia noticed Satoru's condition and approached him.

...... Just thinking a bit. We don't know how long they have lived, whether they are Earth Mother Goddess or Feather Dragons, do we?

Umu. It could be at least a few thousand years. ......

......It's hard to say, since common sense is different, huh?

Satoru shakes his head lightly and turns to Amon's conscious body.

I'm just talking about the world I was in, and I can't say for sure, but Stinking water is plankton from hundreds of millions to millions of years agoLet's see, it's a pile of dead bodies of very small organisms that have been liquefied by heat and pressure. Coal() uhh, or was it sooty coal()? It is also the result of trees and other things buried in the ground.

Hundreds of millions to millions of years ago, you say.....

A groaning voice. Both Amon and Leia seemed to recognize it immediately.

It is impossible. It is inconceivable that this divine earth could have gone through that many years

......Agree. If the common sense of Satoru-dono's world is transferred to ours, it means that our world has passed through the same number of years.

Satoru nodded.

I am just saying that this is the case in the world where I am from. For example, the stink water may be a transformation of the blood of the Earth Mother Goddess.

I see, then, surely ......

Amon also seems to be deep in thought. For a moment, his body of consciousness almost shook thinly, and then he hurriedly returned to his original form.

My Lord, what kind of thing is that Purankuton?

Basically, they are very small invisible creatures. They are divided into animal and plant types. For example, algae that you can found in swamps. That's a collection of plant-type plankton.


Let's see ...... Food decays over time, doesn't it? Mold floats around. Well, it's a pretty appropriate way of putting it, but in my world, that's the work of plankton and bacteria.

How can you see an object so small that it is invisible to the eye?

Say. You seem pretty enthusiastic. How long are you taking a break?

Rico, who had been annoyed by the fact that Amon and Leia were getting so heated that Satoru was forced to follow along, interrupted them. Well, in effect, Satoru is also an accomplice.

Oh, my bad. Well, I'd better get going.

Ooohhhhh, wa-wait a minute! Just the way you look at that little creatureeeee!!

Amon's conscious body howled.

Satoru chuckled and gave him a knowledge of lenses made of polished glass and a simple microscope made of a combination of these lenses.

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