Foreigner's Mistake

Chapter 3: Summoning - 3

Chapter 3: Summoning - 3

After the rape as punishment, and after some awkward moments, Satoru heard from Leia about what had happened. The more he listened, the deeper his reluctance became.

After sorting out his thoughts, digesting them, and putting them together in his own way, Satoru asked Leia again.

Ah... in other words. You said this is a world where magic exists, and your summoning magic brought me here.

She nodded her head and sat down on the floor.

Her clothes are arranged, but as usual, the front of the cloak is not closed, so he can catch a glimpse of her pale skin on the thighs or around the navelTo be honest, it's a little glossy and he's having a little trouble keeping his eyes on it.

Even so.

In the first place, he thought that magic was a setting in games, movies, stories and fairy tales. So even though it was a summoning, he actually thought it was just an abduction and confinement.

However, he never thought that he was a good enough man to be chosen by the beautiful girl in front of him. So, as an excuse for himself and the event, it was quite unreasonable.

However, Satoru has already witnessed three of Leia's magic arts: the "Burning Hell Way," the "Flaming Wind Blade," and the "Slavery.

As a result, none of them worked at all, and when it came to "Slavery," it seemed to have been reversed and applied to Leia, so it was hard to really feel it. However, from Leia's reaction, he can see that it was strange that it didn't work.

In addition, Satoru himself was not so inflexible as to make a fuss about them being cheats, tricks, or plasmas, so at this stage he accepted that such things existed in the world.

It was just a coincidence that I was chosen. Perhaps we were on the same wavelength.

In other words, she was not summoning with Satoru in mind from the beginning - it was just an accident.

However, from the point of view of the person who was chosen, it was a huge annoyance.

In addition, it interfered with his once-a-month enjoyment of visiting with Alice and the Christmas special dessert buffet.

When he think of Alice's shock at her brother's disappearance in front of her eyes, he hate Leia 100 times more.

It's not that I had a noble goal, like defeating the demon king, but that I wanted to try out the summoning magic I had in my hands.

It would have been better if she had a higher purpose, because she had a clear sense of purpose. If that had been the case, Satoru might have been able to accept it with some degree of preparedness. In the case of the otherworldly summoning and reincarnation stories that are so common these days, the position is usually that of a hero or a demon king, so that would have been understandable.

The fact is completely different.

She just happened to see a art that she wanted to try, and after a long period of ritual, she succeededFrankly, it's a bit aimless.

As the one who was involved, he was very angry, but he was also aware that it would be very unfair to take it out on Leia, who had worked so hard for so many years. He can't seem to control his feelings, but he persevere by scratching his head.

He understood the situation.

*siiighhh* He sighed heavily, twisted his neck, and after a moment of silent consideration, he hit his knees with a pan.

All right, I understand. I guess you're done. Then get me back to my world.

Leia was stunned by the obvious demand that was thrust upon her.

A bad premonition immediately flashed through Satoru's mind.

(......, Oi-oi, no way, right?)

Satoru became impatient.

Of course.

Above all, His sister is over there who is waiting for Satoru's return. Praying that the reason for her hesitation was something other than his imagination, Satoru waited for Leia's response. After many hesitations, Leia finally decided to open her mouth, urged by the strong gaze.

...... I'm sorry, I can't.

The words that were finally squeezed out were a declaration of despair. Satoru felt as if his eyes were going to go black.

(...... can't do it? I can't go home?)

Wait, oi, ....... What doo you mean? Give me an explanation!

Satoru's strong tone of questioning made Leia turn her head and not look at him.

I don't know how to do it in the first place. The summoning art itself is something I've learned because my teacher left it as a forbidden art, and the repatriation art isn't in the library. I had an idea that there would be conditions, but I didn't realize it was a problem before that.

Leia still spun her words.

Even if I could figure it out, it would take all of the magic power in the Tower of Magic that I've accumulated over the past several hundred years to summon you. The core of the tower of magic power was also destroyed during the summoning. If you think about the amount of magic power it took to summon you, I can't just say I can do it.

Leia's confession was straightforward, with no intention of deceiving or hiding. Unlike her previous words, they were filled with truth, and there was no room for doubt.

Her understanding of proper nouns was questionable, but he still did his best to sort out the situation, grasp it - and hold his head in his hands.

......this sucks.

He muttered to himself.

To make a poison, you need to prepare an antidote. Leia had not done the obvious thing. Maybe it's just her nature.

She's hasty and careless.

If you look at her favorably, she's a screw-up. If you fill her with malice, she's just a stupid girl.

As a person who was caught up in the grand curiosity of such an idiot child, he couldn't just laugh it off. The situation was far more serious than he had imagined.

Even the dumbest of children would feel guilty, and Leia would be devastated.

As if consumed by an endless sense of despair, Satoru looked up at the ceiling and thought. No matter how hopeless it is, you can't give up so easily.

...... For now, I guess I'll have to go to your master. You know where he is, right?

Leia was at a loss for a response again.

He wonder how many times he had this bad feeling. Satoru's bad feeling so far had been more than 100% accurate. The "more than" part is the part that says it was worse.

Leia shook her head from side to side, as if she had given up.

Hey, you.........That's enough, okay?

Satoru's tone of voice was choked with an air of frustration.

It would be too much of a game if he couldn't even get the first clue.

Leia understood her position, and was able to endure Satoru's strong tone, but after a while, she couldn't take it anymore and finally exploded with emotion.

I can't help it, you know! Master has only left after seeing the reincarnation of me as the Immortal King!

It was an upsetting situation, but Satoru didn't get angry. If Leia is right, then she is not to blame.

It's a force majeure, ....... Then it can't be helped. My bad, I'm a little hot myself.

Leia was caught off guard by Satoru, who changed his attitude and bowed his hands on his broad knees. Although Leia was described as a stupid child by Satoru's inner self, she knows exactly where she stands at present.

In this case, Satoru was the victim.

The assault as a punishment may have been a bit excessive, but it was Leia's fault in the first place. She had unleashed the spell with the intention of killing him.

Now, he could have been angry with Leia for throwing a tantrum, but he didn't. Instead, he admitted that he was just taking it out on her and bowed his head. Towards Leia, the perpetrator, who could not complain no matter what was done to her. He was also kind to her during their sex, once he found out that she was really a virgin. His language is coarse, but he oozes sincerity, and you can tell he's not a bad guy.

Although it was somewhat inappropriate, Leia also thought this.

(I'm glad it was him who was summoned. ......)

Leia said

.......Don't you have any means of communication?

Leia shakes her head from side to side, easily shattering any hope that was left.

There is no such thing. I haven't seen master since we broke up. The only bright spot is that my master is also an Immortal King like me.

Satoru tilted his head at the mention of the only bright spot.

Being the [Immortal King] is a bright spot?

Now that she mention it, what kind of person is the [Immortal King]? He can guess, but it could be different from the reality. Curious, Satoru decided to ask honestly for a change.

Well.......I've heard a lot the [Immortal King]. What is it like? Is my perception correct?

By the way, Satoru's perception is only what he got from a game that a slightly older colleague at work lent him with a whole machine.

So you ask, what is your perception of the Immortal King?

It's that thing, isn't it? It's like the master of vampires. Immortal, strong.

At Satoru's rather silly reply, Leia gave a small smile.

Well, you're not wrong in your perception. They are the top of the immortal family, including vampires. As my Lord said, they are immortal, and they also have the ability to regenerate, absorb life force, and possess powerful magical powers.

There is no difference with Satoru's knowledge.

While he was relieved, the point of immortality stuck in his mind.

He wondered how old the beautiful girl in front of him really was. To be honest, he was curious.

However, Satoru couldn't ask her because he thought it was taboo to ask a woman her age. He does have a bit of delicacy in him.

The difference with vampires is that the [Immortal King] doesn't need to eat. They live purely on magic power. However, they have abilities that are incomparable to the other members of the Immortal Family.

There was a slight air of pride in her words.

However, the reason why the [Immortal King] is the king is because they "voluntarily became so" by using the secret art of "anti-soul". This is something that cannot be done with half-hearted ability. ......

Said Leia, in a hurry, after she had given him an explanation. There was a sign of remorse in his expression that she had said unnecessary things.

(......They did it because they wanted to.)

In other words, there was a part of her that wanted to become one.

She decided to deviate from the path of humanity and become an immortal magical life form... How much conflict was there in that decision? Satoru cannot understand. There is no doubt that there was an abominable event in the past, and it contains content related to itand Satoru, who guessed so, stroked Leia's head with an exaggerated snort.

You can tell me about your past if you want to. I'm not going to say anything about it.

Leia smiled apologetically as she surrendered herself to Satoru's hands, moving her entire head, but still looking comfortable.

It's okay. Don't worry about it.

Satoru laughed, deliberately replying lightly.

Everyone has a past they don't want to talk about. At this point, there's no need to feel bad about talking about it. He thought she was an idiot, but he could sense that she had an appropriate past.

He doesn't want to pry into it at the moment.

Anyway. It is a being that lives by magic, that has abandoned its humanity and completely replaced its soul with magic. The ability to regenerate, absorb life force, powerful magic power, and an immortal body. They don't need sleep, and can recover their magic power in a quarter of an hour of meditation. Since the body is more than half dead, it doesn't need to eat, so there is no reproductive activity, no excretion, etc.

That's quite a feat.

"Hm-hmm~" Leia said.

Let's go back to the story. Did I tell you about my master?

Leia sits down next to Satoru. Satoru's height is not a problem, but Leia's feet barely reach the ground when she sits on the altar.

Strictly speaking, in order for me to return to my world, right?

Leia nodded in response to Satoru's supplement and showed a rather mysterious face.

It was my master, Yarth, who possessed the forbidden art of summoning the other world. He knows a lot of things. There is a good chance that he knows the art of repatriation.

The argument is correct. However, it is only a high possibility, and of course, there is a good chance that he does not know.

Satoru was well aware of this fact.

He must have switched. Leia shrugged her shoulders at Satoru, who asked her in an unconcerned manner.

Yeah ......, this is a coat of arms. It's a sign that me had become a slave to my lord.

Leia quickly replied. Satoru paused for a moment when she replied, "Slave".

Leia turned her gaze to the ceiling as if she was thinking back, and smiled a small smile of self-mockery.

It is true that at that time, I tried to deceive my lord. It was a shallow attempt. For some reason, my art was reversed, and I became a slave.

Leia twisted her head while replying nonchalantly.

You know the word slave, don't you?

It is essential to reconcile the common sense of their two worlds.

Ahh. In my world, it's a word that's only heard in eroge at best.


...... It's nothing. Keep going then

He wondered if he had said something unnecessary, but as if to cover it up, Satoru urged her to go on. Leia felt uncomfortable at the fact that for the first time, Satoru, who had basically answered all her questions, was deceiving her. He was just trying to avoid unnecessary and useless explanations.

With a small shake of her head, she pushed the thought away.

Oh well. There is a principle for slaves in this world.

A slaves may not harm their master.

A slaves must obey their master's commands.

A slaves must protect themselves

These are the three principles.

Satoru searched his memory, feeling that what she had said while counting her fingers sounded familiar. The answer came quickly.

Oh, was it ......, the Three Robotic Principles? It's close to that.


Ah, ......, that's right. Karakuri Dolls or Golems, you know what I mean?

I know them both.

Leia nodded.

In the first place, the world they are in now is also a fantasy, but the [Immortal King] was the same, and it seems that the common sense of earth-made fantasy is the same to some extent. Satoru breathed a sigh of relief and searched his memory for some relief.

The Three Robotic Principles were a concept proposed by Dr. Isaac Asimov, but Satoru didn't know the exact details. He only remembers reading about it in a manga or something.

If you're right, ......, that is, slaves die when their masters tell them to die?

Well, yes.

Life is too light, Satoru recalled in his mind.

And after all this time, he's still horrified.

If Leia's art had succeeded, Satoru would have become Leia's slave. It's not clear if it was by accident or for some other reason, but it's a good thing that it failed.

On the other hand, Leia's attitude when she declared that she had become Satoru's slave was not one of concern. It wasn't that she hadn't thought about it, but that she had made up her mind and wasn't upset about it.

What would happen if you acted against those three principles?

A terrible pain hit me. If I try to harm my Lord, I will feel crazy pain on the spot. If I disobeyed my Lord's orders, depending on the nature and extent of the orders, I would still be in extreme pain.

The last one is, well, natural. Perhaps that's why, as far as he know, there are no cases of this being applied, but it's said that it's considered 'giving up on life' and you die.

Depending on your point of view, if you no longer do anything to protect yourself, it could be the same as suicide. For a moment, the word "death" scared him, but when he thought about it, it might be natural.

So, with that in mind. "Slavery" is the art of making a slave contract with a demon slave. However, there are conditions for this.


I asked you before the ceremony. "Do you want to make a contract?" You need both parties' consent.

Strictly speaking, at that time, he was only made to say yes. He's not sure if it's because he didn't really agree with it in his heart, or if it's because the magic flowed backwards.

And you failed.

Don't say that. ......

Leia cowered with a bitter smile, but tilted her head again.

I'm still curious. Why did it fail? It's not like I made a mistake with my art.

I think it's because you tricked me into agreeing to something I didn't know about?

He presented the idea he had just thought of, but Leia shook her head left and right.

It's a little difficult to explain, so I'll tell you the details later, but the word "consent" said in the ceremony carries magic power. It doesn't matter if the person knows it or not.

Satoru feels a little sad at being denied so quickly.

And by the way, even before the contract was made, my magic was completely ineffective, and the "life force absorption" had no effect.

Hell if I know ...... What is "life force absorption" anyway?

The "Life Force Absorption" is a unique ability of the "Immortal King". ...... It is literally the ability to absorb the life force of the opponent. If you are a normal human being, you will die in a matter of seconds. ......

If it had been properly activated at the time of the first chastisement, then Satoru would have become a dejected when she caught him.

He was relieved that he was okay after all this time.

Come to think of it, when they had sex, she had asked him why he was okay with touching her. He didn't know why, so he said he didn't know, but thinking about it, it could have been important. But later, he was able to not only touch her, but also shove his penis into her vagina, and it didn't hurt, so maybe she had a tolerance for it.


Leia chanted the art.

A soft light dwelled in Leia's right hand, and she held it up to various parts of her body. Satoru watched in fascination as she performed a strange scene that resembled a rare magic trick.

The soft light eventually subsided, and Leia nodded her head, then twisted her head.

There is nothing unusual about my body. If that's the case, ......

Leia climbed down from the altar and opened a small door that was built underneath the altar.

Let's see, where is ......

She pulled out a wooden box from underneath the pedestal and began rummaging through the box.

She turned her hips toward Satoru, and although her hips were a little fleshy through the cloak, they swayed cutely, and Satoru averted his gaze. He had just a moment ago buried his rage in the depths of that thing and laid waste to it, but that didn't stop him from feeling embarrassed. Of course, Leia doesn't realize it - she's a stupid girl.

...... Oh, it's here

Eventually, she took out from the box a round, light pink crystal ball the size of a softball. She put it in her palm and held it out to Satoru.

My Lord, will you touch this pearl?

He was about to extend his hand when she said that, but then he thought better of it. Satoru was not sure if he should touch it honestly, given the previous incident of "Slavery".

Noticing Satoru's hesitation, Leia laughed carelessly.

...... Oh, there is no danger at all. I'm already a slave to my lord. As I said before, I can not hurt my lord.

After saying that, Leia's smile twisted into a sad face and she muttered in a low voice.

It's mostly my fault, but it's sad to have someone I've been in contact with not believe in me. ......

Leia's sad expression made Satoru's hearts ache.

Ever since the terrible breakup with his previous girlfriend, he has been distrustful of women, and there is a part of him that just can't trust them. As far as the explanation of "slavery" was concerned, Leia could certainly cannot harm Satoru, but to be honest, the part that was not in the three principles was bothering him.

Even if they follow the three principles, slaves can actually lie.

Of course, if that lie resulted in an act that harmed their master, the contract seal would react. He's sure there's no danger, but there's no end to his suspicions.

But even though he distrust women, he's not devilish enough to put up with a beautiful girl showing a sad face.

Phew, he let out a single breath.

He made up his mind and grabbed the pearl from above.

Leia gave a small nod and left the pearl with Satoru, stroking it with her index finger.

"Soul Search".

In response to Leia's spell, a high-pitched squeal sounded.

There was no change in Satoru's body.

The pearl shone brightly in Satoru's hand, and then cracked with a scream.

Leia looks at the cracked pearl with a stunned expression and gulps down a mouthful of saliva.

...... Unbelievable

...... What was that?

He wondered as he held the broken pearl in his palm.

Of course, he hadn't exerted much force, and judging from the broken pieces, the pearl was a mineral. There was no way it could be broken by a human grip.

Let's see, it's hard to explain, but ...... this pearl is called a measuring pearl, and it's used to measure the amount of magic power.

And then he thought of a possibility.

Sometimes. I haven't checked, but is my Lord a famous sorcerer in your former life?

Not at all. In the first place, magic doesn't exist in the world I was in.

A world without magic. Leia wondered. What kind of world is that?

Leia put aside the question she felt and looked for other possibilities.

Then, a king, perhaps?

Not much more. I'm just a hired security guard.


Leia tilted her head at the unfamiliar word.

Every her gesture was adorable.

Ah........Watchmans, or, um, guards?

I see......In other words, My Lord said that in the original world, you were not a special person.

Well, yes.

Satoru patted his chest, thankfully that she understood so quickly.

Leia made a frown, pondered, and then slowly looked up.

I understand the reason for the failure. It's vessel of the soul.

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