Foreigner's Mistake

Book 4: Chapter 31: Discovery ~ 05

Book 4: Chapter 31: Discovery ~ 05

Danna-sama, Danna-samaa!

There was a sensual beauty who rubbed her face into Satoru's chest. Her height was smaller than Satoru's, but she was probably one of the tallest women in the world. Leia, of course, was much taller than Rico. Above all, Minerva twin fleshy mounds overwhelmed the others. Without any shame, this beautiful woman presses her ample breasts against Satoru without hesitation and rubs her cheeks with a happy face.

Th-They are huge ......, and what? That sexyness.

Rico was stunned as she compared her own breasts with Minerva's. Rico was not small, but Minerva's were too big.

Satoru, who had been dumbfounded by the unexpected turn of events, finally came to his senses.

Hey, you, Ricoo! Don't just look at her, do something about it!

Aahh, I'm sorry!

Rico hurriedly approached her. Minerva had been complaining a lot, but after some persuasion from Satoru, she reluctantly leaves. Minerva, temporarily wearing Satoru's cloak, sits down on the flattened leather.

Her skin is slightly yellowish-white, and her rich indigo hair is wavy. Her eyes are indigo, the same color as her hair. She looks like a beautiful woman with a calm impression, not much older than Satoru, but there is a hint of innocence in her eyes.

U-uhh......Minerva, is that correct?

Minerva nodded.

I see. I'd heard it was a female, but ......

However, he never expected her to be such a sensual beauty. Her height is quite tall for a woman in this world, probably around 170cm. Her body is well-fleshed, but her breasts are tight where they need to be tightened, which makes them look even bigger than they already are. And to her horror, her breasts didn't sag, but kept their shape even though she had no underwear on. They are probably G or H. It's the kind of thing that would make a gravure idol proud of their big tits.

You know what, Danna-sama


Minerva, want to have a baby with Danna-sama.


At Minerva's happy words, Satoru spat out the water he had been drinking and choked on it.

You know, Minerva have been watching you make babies with Leia and with Rico. Minerva want a strong baby. A baby with a Danna-sama would be strong.

Come to think of it, he have never hidden sex from Minerva. Leia knew that her fears were correct when she saw Minerva talking to Satoru in a faltering but happy manner.

Aahh~aahh.....I didn't think it was going to be what I thought it was.

Wait, what? Eh? What do you mean?

Leia tells Rico, who still doesn't understand what's going on, that she has no choice.

As soon as we left the labyrinth where the I was, we accidentally jumped into the flying dragon's nest. My Lord seized Minerva, the nest's Nushi, with his mighty arm. Ever since then, she's been following us here because she adores my Lord, but......

Minerva, who was completely defeated by Satoru at that time, chose to follow him, even abandoning her flock. Right, the supposedly less intelligent flying dragon chose herself.

In the flying dragon tribe, the absolute number of females is small. The females want to have children with strong males. Normally, they surround themselves with a large number of males, mate with the strongest of them, and lay eggs once a year. ......

What then? Minerva felt that Satoru was a strong male, and wanted to have a child with him?

Leia sighs in response to Rico's question with a slight blush.

I think that's probably true. It was as I feared. The only thing is that ...... flying dragons are not supposed to understand human language, but for some reason, this one was able to communicate with my Lord perfectly. This is the first time I've heard of a flying dragon that can speak human, even with the art of "Mimicry".

It is common knowledge that the flying dragons have the intelligence of ordinary beasts and do not understand human language. There is no evidence that any of the flying dragons that have been subjected to the "Mimicry" art have ever spoken a human language. That's why Leia was surprised when Minerva suddenly started talking.

Minerva gets down on all fours, her big tits swaying as she leans in close to Satoru.

I want a baby. Danna-sama's penis, right here in Minerva.

Minerva suddenly spreads her legs and opens her labia with her fingers, causing Rico to panic.

Waaaaahhhh! No, you can't do that Minerva!

Why? Both Rico and Leia were being fucked a lot. Only Minerva didn't.

Th-That's not what you should be doing right now!

Flying dragons have no sense of morality. It is natural for them to openly seek out males. With Rico and Minerva screaming at each others, Satoru turned back to Leia, holding his head.

......Hey, Leia

What is it?

Is it possible for me and Minerva to have a child ......?

Normally, this would be impossible. After all, they are different species. Now that she looked human, she could probably reproduce, but whether or not she could bear a child would be a different matter. But Leia did not immediately deny it.

Who knows. I've never heard of this before. The truth is, if Minerva is a flying dragon......


Satoru replied to Leia's voice in a quizzical tone. If Minerva is not a flying dragon, then what is she?

Hey, Minerva.


Minerva looked at Leia's face as she tried to push Rico away and close in on Satoru. Although Rico is a mere human, Minerva knows that Leia is a member of the Immortal Family. Perhaps because of her instincts as a beast, she was a little afraid of Leia.

You know who your father or mother is?

I don't know my mother, but I know my father.

Minerva replies, shaking her head to the side. Eh? Rico raised her voice in question. Normally, the mother dragon lays the eggs, and the rest is raised by the entire flock. A flock of flying dragons consists of one female and several to several dozen males. That's why it's strange for her to know her father without knowing her mother.

Do you have a name for your father?

Erude Ede


Suddenly, Leia's complexion changed. The dangerous's atmosphere made Rico look at Minerva and Leia alternately.

Ueh? What? What does that mean?

Leia put her hands on her hips and sighed at Rico, who was flustered.

You don't know, Rico? I know of only one other dragon that bears the name Erude Ade.

I-I don't know.

In fact, it was not in Rico's knowledge that the dragon race had a name. The dragon race, represented by the flying dragons, does not understand human language, so even if they had names, they would not be understood.

Without blaming Rico for her ignorance, Leia told her.

Earth Dragon, Lord of the West. That's his name.

At that moment, Rico's time stopped. She flapped her hands strangely, then finally understood and started to panic.

Oh, Earth Dragon is ...... one of the five dragons!?

The earth-colored dragon that rules the western side of this land. One of the five dragons, the Earth Dragon is the Lord of the west. It is said that if you are lucky, you can sometimes see it dancing gracefully in the western part of its domain. Rico had seen it only once, but even from a distance, she could feel its size and elegance, and it was legendary.

That's right. I've heard of four dragons other than the King Feather Dragon occasionally having children with flying dragons for fun. ...... Now I know why she's so intelligent.

If one parent is a one of the five dragons, it is no wonder that she have intelligence. The intelligence of the five dragons is well known. In addition to the Feather Dragon, the four holy dragons also have a higher level of intelligence than humans.

In other words, Minerva is not a normal flying dragon. Leia made a difficult face and thought about it, then looked back at Satoru.

My Lord. I can't say for sure, but there is possibility. We're on our way to Ares right now, and there's a lot of old literature in that town, though not as much as in Rothforts. Let's check it out.

Make babies, can I do it?

We're staying here, do you have a room for three?

I'm sorry, we don't have rooms for 3 people, only double-room or 4-person room.

The girl's ears twitched, and Satoru finally noticed something strange. Her ears. The pointed ears were reacting between her green hair.

Then, for four people.

Suure, please wait a moment. Otou-saaan!

A cheerful girl's voice echoed through the bustling crowd.

She's a half-elf. It's rare.

Satoru understood when he heard Leia's voice coming from the shadows. He have heard of elves and dwarves, but this is the first time he had actually seen one in person. At the sound of the half-elf girl's voice, a good-natured-looking father appeared. He's just a human.

Welcome. Are you sure you want to stay in a room for four?

Yes, it's for one night only. I'd like to have dinner today and a meal tomorrow morning.

If that's the case, the meal for three people will be 30d, and the room charge will be 50d. Is that okay with you?

The more people they have, the more the cost of accommodation and food will increase. However, Leia still has a considerable amount of money left in her pocket.

I don't mind. Just bring the food to our room.

Thank you.

Satoru took out seven silver coins from his sachet. And the Innkeeper took four copper coins from his apron pocket and returned the change. With a smile, he called the girl from earlier. She was going to show them to their room.

Your room is on the third floor.

The girl walking ahead of them was cute. She looks like she's in the upper grades of elementary school, but she has a well-developed face for someone her age.

Are you a half-elf, little girl?

Yes, I am. I'm changeling, you know

The unfamiliar words made Satoru wonder, but an explanation immediately came from within the shadows.

A changeling is a person whose parents are of the same race, but who was born as a different race. This girl must have human parents, after all.

Satoru nodded, "Hmm".

I see. Aren't you going through a lot of trouble?

No, not at all. Everyone who comes to the store is kind, and my father and mother are also kind.

The girl smiled cheerfully, and Satoru smiled too. There is a considerable height difference between them, and Satoru has a wild face, but she doesn't seem intimidated by him. He wonder if it's a skill she's developed over the years working with customers.

Your room is this way. The bathroom is by the stairs. Is it okay if you have dinner at the fourth bell?

Sure. I'll have breakfast on the first and half koku.

Okaay. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Nothing in particular. If there's anything you can do, I'll ask.. ...... Oh, here's a tip. Keep it.

Satoru gave the girl a copper coin to hold. The girl was puzzled for a moment, but smiled and said, "Thank you," and clutched the coin. He doesn't know if there is a tipping system in this world, but he just felt like giving.

In the shadows, Leia was whispering to him, but it was too quiet, so he ignored her. It was probably just a complaint anyway.

Satoru entered the room, leaving the girl behind with a standard greeting, "Take your time". It was a rather large room with four beds. The beds are also large. There was a large table with six chairs. The room is carefully cleaned with a jug of water and a goblet.

It's a nice room. I guess 50d for this is cheap.


Putting her backpack on the bed closest to the entrance, Rico immediately poured water from the jug into the goblet and took a sip. Would you like a drink too, Satoru? Satoru nodded his head, indicating the goblet.

As soon as Leia came out of the shadows, she applied the "Silence warding" art as usual. It was basically a way to keep the noise inside, but it did reduce the noise of the party downstairs a bit.

He took the goblet from Rico and took a sip of water. The water is warm, but soft, and it quenches his thirst. Minerva scurries over and sits on the bed, looking uncomfortable. Rico asked Minerva if she wanted some water. But Minerva just shook her head from side to side. She seemed uncomfortable being in such a place with a human body.

Satoru also put down his backpack and removed the small bag of money from his pants.



He threw it at Rico. Rico carefully accepted the sachet, which weighed quite a bit.

I want you to buy me some leather goods to use as bedding, clothes for you and Minerva, and shoes for Minerva.

Eh, but...

Satoru gave a soft smile to Rico, who raised her voice in confusion as she held the sack full of money in her hand.

Just do it. You don't have to worry about the price, just go buy something decent.

You don't need to know how to preserve it.

Leia added, but Rico's confusion did not abate.

I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the fact that it's okay to entrust me with such a large amount of money?

Leia exhaled in exasperation.

You forgot, Rico. You're a magical slave. Even if you were to disappear with that money, your whereabouts would be immediately known by the "Search" art.

Not really, said Satoru, shaking his head from side to side.

Well, I'm sure Rico won't waste money. That's what I trust. I'm sure you has a good eye for things. Just don't be too stingy.

Rico's business is thievery. In addition, she met Satoru as a pickpocket. There is a clear sense of guilt in her.

It's important to show her that he trust her, and not just give her a bag of money on the assumption that she'll run away. Satoru's words made Rico chuckle. It tickled her to know that she was trusted.

Thanks, Satoru. I'm off then. I'll cross the street to the guild in this town.

Yeah, I'm counting on you.

I'll ask for information about the labyrinth. Depending on the situation, I might have to pay for information.

Satoru nodded, "I know".

I trust you. Go ahead.


No matter what world you live in, information is valuable. There are probably times when information is charged for. They must avoid the folly of missing out on valuable information by sparing money for the moment.

Satoru watched Rico leave the room, and opened the wooden window to look out at the town. It seemed that the weather had been fine lately, and the dust flying around the town was dry.

From a distance, he could hear the sounds of children playing. No matter where you are in the world, the sound of children at play always evokes a sense of tranquility. Looking at the scenery alone, it looked like a country town in the Middle East or Southeast Asia. However, like the innkeeper's daughter, there are people that you would only see in stories in his original world. This is a different world after all, Satoru thought vaguely.

Come to think of it, are half-elves rare?

There aren't too many of them. Especially if it's a changeling.

Normally, half-elves tend to be born when the parents are of different races. It's a genetic law. The elven factor is recessive, so even if a child is born to a human and an elf, a human child is often born. The probability of a half-elf child being born from human parents is about one in two thousand.

Fortunately, the girl's parents were strong, so she didn't have any problems, but she was often suspected of infidelity and persecuted for being neither Elf nor human.

I see.

Genetic mutations, like albinos, can occur even in his original world. It seems that the consciousness of discrimination and persecution of such mutants is the same in every world.

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