Foreigner's Mistake

Book 4: Chapter 37: Discovery ~ 11

Book 4: Chapter 37: Discovery ~ 11

The next morning after four sex in a row, the color of the sun looked slightly yellow. It was almost the usual time when he woke up.

As soon as he woke up, Leia was giving Minerva a lecture. She understood Minerva's greed, but she was angry at the way she had neglected Satoru's needs. Minerva knew that she was in the wrong, but she was also disheartened. Satoru was about to interrupt to offer a helping hand, but Leia's sharp gaze prevented him from doing so. As a slave, it was her job to take care of Satoru's personal affairs, and Leia was very self-conscious about that.

I'm sorry. ......

Minerva got down on her knees and bowed her head with three fingers, but Satoru nodded his head and decided to forgive her. Minerva was only following Satoru, and her position was different from that of Leia and Rico, who were magical slaves. Minerva's ego is less mature than that of a ten-year-old. She understands that it is basically unfair to ask her to put up with so much indulgence, but it is not in Minerva's best interest to leave her like this.

Rico also seemed to be slightly relieved that Leia was lecturing Minerva. In some ways, it is because she takes the initiative in taking care of Minerva, but in fact, it is Rico who is most troubled by Minerva's actions.

If you can't control your greed, I won't allow you to follow us in the future.

Leia told her, still very angry, and Minerva nodded, looking very mysterious indeed.

Minerva is helping him on his journey, but her position is that she is only following him with Satoru's permission. If Satoru rejects her, it's over.

Well, be careful. Leia's not the kind of person you want to piss off, okay?

My Lord!

Leia pouted. It's strange that such an expression doesn't diminish Leia's cuteness in the slightest. Leia was only angry at Minerva for the sake of Satoru, and she was prepared to be disliked, but her treatment was terrible. Satoru understands this, so he pats Leia on the head to put her in a good mood.

Minerva will be careful. ......

The four of them ate breakfast together, making sure she bowed her head again. However, Leia only had water again today. Leia told him that she has almost no sense of taste, and no matter what she eats, it doesn't taste good.

In the meantime, I'm going to gather some information. ...... Are you really going to hit the academy?

I don't mean to beat them up, but ......, well, it's similar.

Satoru chuckled at Rico's muttering, shrugged his shoulders. He's not trying to pick a fight. He was just going to warn the other side that they had acted carelessly. But if that results in a fight, then so be it. It's not out of arrogance. It's just that he doesn't want to be disturbed.

Just in case, let's leave at different times. I'll leave a little after Satoru does. What about Minerva?

Minerva's with Danna-sama.

Minerva puffed out her chest as if it were a matter of course. Leia looks at her as if to say, "Don't get carried away," and Minerva shrinks a little. Satoru smiles a little at the exchange.

The patrolwoman who said she was Sheryl yesterday is watching Minerva, too. I think we should go together.

Rico's eyes narrowed.

Then, do you know the name of that patrolwoman? I'll go check that out too.

She said her name was Sheryl Maylander, I think?

Satoru didn't remember the exact details of her name, but Leia added it as an external memory. Riko nodded and began to organize the replenishment supplies. Depending on the situation, they might have to leave the inn, so they needed to be ready to leave right away.

Satoru also got his gear ready. With the Giant Killer at his back, he puts on his usual cloak.

Well, I guess I'll just have to go and beat them to the punch.

...... I knew it was a beat up them

Rico pouted in exasperation.

The Academy of the Wise occupies a vast site at the foot of a small hill where the royal castle of Ares, Storaltrone, stands.

Although its symbolic Chalk Tower is not as tall as the royal castle of Storaltrone, it is so majestic that it stands out from the rest of the city and has become a symbol of the city. It is said that there is no shortage of people from all over the world knocking on the door of the academy, as it is indeed the best school in the world.

There is also the history that the country of Ares was formed from the gathering of magicians around the Chalk Tower, which is the legacy of the ancient magic kingdom, and the words that are not spoken, "Ares is only possible because of the Academy of the Wise," are also criticized by neighboring countries. Still, it's one of the top five simple cities in the world, so I'm a bit jealous.

The entrance to the academy was rather open. It seemed that anyone could enter with just a residence permit, but it was not just for the purpose of entering. Satoru spotted a gate guard and casually called out to him.Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

Is there a patrolwoman named Sheryl Maylander?

Who are you?

Satoru showed his residence permit to the guard, who looked at him suspiciously as if licking him from top to bottom. This is the only identification he have at the moment.

You know that adventurer she met yesterday, Satoru. Can you connect me to her?

Give me a minute.

The gate guard who entered the hut at the back is talking to a large, shiny blue gem. He wondered if it was a calling stone.

He can see the expression on the face of the half-believing soldier change to something more serious. Satoru became more and more convinced that yesterday's "Distant Vision" was the work of these people, or more technically, their superiors.

In this world, Satoru was only an adventurer and a traveler. In spite of this, the sudden, swarthy, panicked response was something he would only do to someone he suspected of having something to do with it.

With the word "Suspicion" plastered on his face, the gatekeeper returned to Satoru's side. In his hand, he held a silver plate.

She said, "Come to the first floor of the Chalk Tower". Here, this is your permission slip. Give it back to me on your way out. ...... Who are you people?

We're just adventurers.

Satoru returned with a shrug of his shoulders.

The Chalk Tower is the central facility of the Academy of the Wise. It's not a facility that the average person can just walk into, and It's not a place where a casual adventurer can casually enter, Leia added, although high-profile adventurers and knights occasionally enter with special permission.

He wandered around the academy, making appropriate responses. The building he is looking for is big enough to be seen no matter where he is, so he can't get lost. But to be honest, Satoru felt uncomfortable, as if he had mistakenly walked into a university for no reason. Moreover, Minerva was still clinging to his left arm. She looked as if she was on a date. In fact, a young man who looked like a magician and a withered man who looked like a researcher were looking at Satoru and Minerva with a mixture of envy.

Satoru felt uncomfortable, but not nervous, even though he was plunging into the heart of an enemy - an enemy that had not yet been determined to be so. If he believes Leia's words up to now, it's hard to believe that Satoru, who couldn't even attacked by Leila's magic, who should be one of the best in the world, could handle the magic power of an ordinary person, even in the highest school.

The problem is that the flow of the conversation is not led by the other party. He's not very good at using his head, especially in negotiations. He need to relax and watch the other person's every move.


When he reached the bottom, Satoru looked up at the white tower. It must have been roughly 100 meters high. As a man-made structure, it was quite large considering the historical background. But for Satoru, who has seen a lot of high-rise buildings in modern Japan, it was not overwhelming. However, it is too avant-garde to be called an architectural structure, so he had to tilt his head to look at it.

At the entrance of the tower, there were no guards in sight. He wondered if the security was too lax for such a central facility, but then he relaxed his shoulders and stood in front of the large door, thinking that it might be that way, since the person Satoru was meeting was a patrolwoman.

Pardon me!

He opened the door with a bang. Inside was a lobby with a surprisingly calm atmosphere, and at first glance it looked like a high-class hotel. It looks like the lobby of a tourist hotel in Southeast Asia or Europe, but Satoru has never been to such a place. When he saw a woman coming down the large spiral staircase in the center of the atrium with a wry smile on her face, he glared at her a little harder.

Hey, good to see you.

It's Sheryl, who he met yesterday. She has flaxen wavy hair and blue eyes. Her height is smaller than Minerva's, but she is probably taller than most women in this world. She had the same white sheet metal with golden edges that he had seen yesterday. She was wearing a red cloak, which she hadn't worn yesterday, and a sword was hanging from her waist. It was easy to see that she was fully equipped. Perhaps it's some kind of patrol uniform. On the surface, she is cheerful and friendly.

The Chalk Tower was as white on the outside as it was on the inside. The walls were not plastered, but seemed to have been cut out of a large rock. As he thought when he saw the outside, it seemed to be an extremely unusual structure for a building. Even so, the large windows allowed sunlight to pour in, creating a calm atmosphere.

Sheryl led Satoru and Minerva to a sofa near the entrance to what seemed to be the lobby, and Sheryl sat down gracefully across from them. She removed her sword from her waist and placed it beside her. Satoru's big sword is just strapped to his back, so of course he can't sit with it. He placed it so that it was standing next to him.

I'll get the golem to prepare you some tea. So, what do you want?

While looking at Sheryl's expression, which was as light as it could be, Satoru took on a big attitude. He slumped down on the couch, crossed his knees, and hugged Minerva's shoulders in a dignified manner.

Frankly, why have you been spying on us? It's annoying, so stop it.

A small white wooden golem about half a man's height, probably a familiar of this Chalk Tower, brought a teapot and three cups on a tray. Instead of answering the question directly, she elegantly poured three cups of what looked like tea and placed it in front of each of them before finally turning to Satoru.

...... That's very frank indeed. Do you have any reason to believe that we are doing this?

He called himself a "Foreigner".

The High Mentor sighed heavily while caring for the limp Sheryl.

I was wondering if that was the case.

The High Mentor pondered, cutting off his words for a moment. There are various magical wards in this Chalk Tower. Of course, he was making full use of them to make observations in the next room, but the High Mentor had noticed a small crack that he had felt during his observations.

I can't help it, but there's something I haven't noticed. In that young man's shadow. Someone was lurking in the shadows.

In the shadows, ...... "Shadow Diving"!? Don't tell me it's the [Immortal Family]!?

The art of letting someone lurk in the shadows is an exclusive art of the Immortal Family. Of course, ordinary people can't see through it. This is a very advanced art that he was able to learn only because he was able to visit this Chalk Tower.

Probably. And it's not just vampire level either. The Founder class ...... I have a hunch that it's the Immortal King, Leia Lwenstadt.

Sheryl was truly surprised by that name.

The Fallen Sacrifice Princess of the lore!? If so, then it must have something to do with the magical tremors in the "Deepest Labyrinth" where she is believed to have been.

Satoru's concern in the town of Aletta was the detection of magical tremors in the vicinity. Of course, this information had reached the Academy of the Wise. Although it was quite a distance away, there were still many who were here and felt the tremors. It was a magic tremor of such a level.

The High Mentor shakes his head slightly.

I'm just guessing, though. In the archives of the Academy of the Wise, there is a forbidden art called "Another World Summoning" that is just lying around as information. I suspect he's an otherworlder summoned by that art, ...

That kind of art is ......

Although it is called a prediction or he's just guessing, the person who is considered to be the most knowledgeable person in this world next to the Feather Dragon had a pretty accurate grasp of the situation.

The existence of the Immortal Family in the shadows, a young man with an overly huge soul that was just out of the ordinary, and the magical tremor that occurred 20 days ago that was on the level of a disaster. If everything is connected, it can only be thought that way.

The only people who really know this to be true are the people themselves.

All I know is that such an art existed in the days of the ancient magic kingdoms, and that the cost was the loss of the core of the magic tower. It's a magical tremor at that level after all. You have to have used the core of the tower of magic power to feel it.

The old man groaned as he rubbed his luxurious beard. Of course, this old man was one of those who felt the magic tremor. He turns his gaze to the unfortunate female patrolwoman who was facing a being with a soul capable of destroying the world.

How does Sheryl see it?

Sheryl doesn't respond to the omission of the honorific title, and twists her head as she sits up a bit, still feeling tired.

I don't know if he's from another world or not, but if the immeasurable soul that he possesses is true, then I think he's a very dangerous being. I think he could be a demon king.


The term "Demon King" is a fairy tale. The name is known as the king who controls the demon race, but there are not enough demon races in this world today to form a society.

In terms of classification, the "Immortal Family" are also demons, but the "Immortal King", the pinnacle of the "Immortal Family", only exists when humans and elves are "Reborn" with their enormous magical power. In other words, they are the former existence of this side.

In the beginning, before the formation of the ancient magic kingdoms, there was a battle between the demons and humans, and the demon king was defeated by the hands of the heroes, according to mythology, but no one knows if this is true except the Feather Dragon. And that Feather Dragon is keeping its mouth shut about it, too.

Satoru said that he would reduce not only the academy but also the city to ashes if anyone tried to interfere him. The High Mentor doesn't think he was just talking big. Perhaps he has the power to really do it. There is only one way in this world that can counter such an impossible power.

.......I guess we'll have to contact the Holy Sword Clan

The Supreme Leader's small murmur made Sheryl's face pale.

High Mentor, that's ......!

It's up to them whether they accept our request or not. However it would be better to do what we can to keep them informed.

The High Mentor quickly blocked Sheryl's objections and gave a small shake of his head. As the head of the highest school in the world, he has a mission to protect and guide the world. Any danger that is beyond his control must be eliminated. It is difficult to eliminate them unless the Holy Sword Clan, which is known only to the royal class of each country, wields its power according to its tradition. The High Mentor judged that.

In any case, that soul is too dangerous. He may have said so, but you never know where he might turn.

There are very few examples of people with more than five hundred souls who have lived out their lives. The High Mentor is one of those few, but he has endured many temptations with the strength of his mind. These temptations were so sweet, so nectar-like, that even with his mental strength, they were extremely difficult to overcome.

There was no telling when that young man, Satoru, would become intoxicated with his own huge soul and wield his deadly blade against many people and the entire world.

Should we buy time anyway? Even if the Holy Sword Clan accepts, they can't move immediately. We don't know the whereabouts of the [Immortal King] Yarth that the young man mentioned. ...... In this suburb, "The Labyrinth of No Return" is doubtful.

Or is he at the Labyrinth of the World Tree, which is said to be located in the Deep Green Forest?

The two of them mentioned the name of a famous giant labyrinth in the suburbs. These two labyrinths, which are said to have existed for a long time, have yet to be cleared by the hands of the people of this time. Both are extremely nasty places that produce demons and crazy beasts.

Indeed. ....... I'll have to think about monitoring him. The "Distant Vision" was noticed and crushed, but the "Detection" didn't seem to be a problem. However, if the truth is that the person lurking in his shadow is the "Fallen Sacrifice Princess", it would be a disaster if her warding art hides the Giant Killer.

During her lifetime, Leia Lwenstadt was renowned for her unique warding arts. She fell without completing the chanting and words of those techniques, and even now, more than 200 years later, the chanting and words of he unique warding techniques she used have not been completed.

For now, I have to give him the information about the labyrinth and win his trust. Behind the scenes, I will communicate with the Holy Sword Clan and think about how to defeat this person.

Is it me, after all, who is the negotiator......

Sheryl looked disheartened, but the High Mentor showed a caring expression, but took a firm stance.

We can't afford to send out any other new personnel. We should keep this discussion as small as possible.

Cheryl gave a small nod, as if she understood.

This situation, which had taken an unexpected turn from a chance encounter, was not something that could be spread easily. It's okay if you think Satoru is dangerous. There is no guarantee that there will not be people who will try to take advantage of his enormous power. It is a danger that could seriously upset the balance of the world. So, if it can be handled in secret, it is better to do so.

The High Mentor's gaze was filled with affection as he looked at Cheryl, who was carrying the burden of her hardship.

I'm sorry to trouble you. You should not have to do this kind of dirty work.

Please don't say that, High Mentor. I'm better suited to being in the field like this.

Sheryl laughed. She took advantage of her position this time and skipped several steps to bring Satoru's case to the High Mentor. In modern Japan, it would be like the chief of a company with tens of thousands of employees bringing the matter directly to the president. Of course, there is a reason for that as well...

Anyway, ...... I'll make arrangements to follow him with "Detection".

The first time she went after them with "Detection", it was not destroyed. When the target entered the inn and was trapped inside the ward, the "Detection" was blocked, so this time she put the "Distant Vision" on it, and they noticed and crushed it. In the end, she was one step closer to detected. However, since there was no sign of it being crushed during the "Detection" alone, there's a good chance that it won't be noticed if the "Detection" is used to track the Giant Killer. This was the view shared by Sheryl and the High Mentor.

If at all possible, I'd like to ambush them before or after they enter the Dark Green Forest.

Sheryl looked down at the reckless High Mentor's words.

It is true that Satoru has a dangerously large soul, and that his crude human nature seems to be drowned in power and easily carried away. But even if that is the case, is it really a good idea to get in touch with the Holy Sword Clan, which is also an extremely dangerous existence? As she herself warned, the best thing to do is to stay out of itFears are coiled in her mind.

Sheryl shook her head to get rid of her thoughts. The only thing she can do is to work as the hands and feet of the old man who is the head of the Supreme School and the arbiter of this world.

Speaking of which, High Mentor. The girl of the flying dragon who was given the "Mimicry" art. Didn't she speak a human language?

...... Oh, that's right. I see, so that's where the books about dragons is he asked for.

He had almost forgotten about it in the face of Satoru's enormous stellar size, but it's impossible for a "Mimicry" flying dragon to speak human.

Something was bugging him. He pondered for a while, but eventually gave up and sighed.

....... Can't remember, huh? I'm an old geezer, you know. If I do remember at some point, I might be able to use it to gain his trust.

Sheryl stared in awe at the High Mentor, who spoke with a blackness that was unimaginable from his good-natured appearance.

Thus, a conspiracy began to unfold without Satoru's knowledge.

At this point, no one realizes that this conspiracy will lead to various tragedies

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