Foreigner's Mistake

Book 5: Chapter 44: Labyrinth ~ 02

Book 5: Chapter 44: Labyrinth ~ 02

As soon as they landed on the appropriate ground for their lunch break, Minerva used her ornaments to change into her human form. Leia controls Minerva, who hugs Satoru, who is frustrated to get dressed and wants him to do it with her. Buu~, He smiled at Minerva, who puffed out her cheeks with a smile mixed with about 30 percent bitterness.

I want to talk to all of you. I'm not saying we won't do it, so don't worry about it.

At Satoru's urging, Minerva reluctantly sat down beside him. As usual, she was completely naked, though her large, soft breasts were pressed against Satoru's arm.

I haven't come to any conclusions yet, but I've learned a few things since we got Rico and Minerva, the magical slaves.

Leia declared solemnly. Ahem, And with one coughing fit in between.

Since my Lord summoned me to this land, Rico has been poured 14 times, and Minerva 13 times. By the way, I counted 18 times from the beginning. Of those, I was made to drink once, Rico was made to drink orally twice, and only me was sprayed in the ass once. The rest of us were all sprayed once.

You've been counting ......?

He wondered what she was talking about, but she was talking about the number of times they had been with Satoru.

Leia is a very diligent person - although she can be a bit lax at times. It is true that this may be an important matter, but Satoru is slightly uncomfortable with the fact that she was counting the number of times he had intercourse.

Indeed. So, you see, the rising of the soul was also confirmed by Minerva.

Leia had said that her soul had increased after intercourse with Satoru. Since then, Rico and Minerva have been used "Soul-Search" after intercourse or the next morning. Leia had been collecting and analyzing the data from each of them. The investigation was left in Leia's hands, and he doesn't know the current status of the souls of either Rico or Minerva.

In addition, it is known that intercourse with my Lord is extremely effective not only in strengthening the soul, but also in restoring physical strength.

In some cases, I am even fainting. Why is that

Rico is the most common case of fainting from the comfort of pleasure. She must be putting all of her energy into a single session of sex. It was not a good idea to fall asleep after fainting during sex, and of course the act of putting all your energy into it wasted a lot of energy, but it didn't make sense to Satoru that it would restore their energy.

However, Rico came up with an idea that refuted Satoru's idea.

Ah......But I think I know what you mean. The day after I do it with Satoru ...... , Umm, my body feels really in great shape, you know?

I think so.

Nod-nod, Leia nodded.

The reason why she thought it might be possible to recover their physical strength was because of Rico. Rico's current right arm has been restored using mi"Regenerative Healing". Her original arm, along with the scars on her fingers, a sign of her guilt, was cut off and eaten by a saber tiger when she left the town of Galhassan. Even with the "Regenerative Healing", Leia expected it would take three to four days for Rico's freshly recovered right arm to work properly, but the next day Rico's arm was already healed. Seeing this, Leia focused on the physical aspect as well.

In fact, when she weakened Minerva by absorbing her life force, she had to weaken her more than Leia had expected, even though Minerva was at the peak of her physical strength. This is also a benefit that Satoru provides.

...... By the way, Rico, you'd be surprised to hear the number of souls you have now.

How much souls I have now?

Over 160.

The time stopped for Rico when Leia's voice said simply.

It was too unrealistic a number for Leia's words to penetrate her brain.

..................Huh? Sorry, can you repeat that?

It's over 160. That's a pretty good number for a human being.

No way ......

They say for a human they have a soul minimum of 6 and a maximum of 1200, but the average person's soul is usually regrouping between 50 and 150. There are some mutations that cause the number to exceed 200, but the odds are not great. It is only the royalty and some of the nobility that have over 200, and only one in tens of thousands of people have over 500.

As a result of taking the numbers, it was probably 70 right after birth, and up to double that, it went up easily by 10 at a time. Since then, it's been slowing down, but it's still showing signs of going up.

Rico stares at her palms in disbelief. Before she met Satoru, her soul was barely eighty, but now it was twice that. It's not possible. Nevertheless, there is no mistake about the number that came out of the "Soul-Search".

.........My soul really up that much? Come to think of it, I haven't used magic in a while.

Rico has an intermediate level of talent in the physical arts and an elementary level of talent in the rational and spiritual arts. She doesn't have many opportunities to use magic in her normal life in the city. She hadn't had the chance to check her growing magical power.

You need to be careful, because your senses are probably out of whack.

Yeah ......

After regrasping her hand several times, Rico nodded cautiously. It's not simply a matter of doubling your soul and halving your imagination about the art.

Minerva, on the other hand. I regret that I failed to pick up the numbers before the first time, but her current numbers are around 17001 . It's different from Rico's, but it's going up by about 50 at a time.

50 a-at a time ......

Rico felt depressed. It only took Minerva two tries to get the number that it took Rico 14 tries to get, so she was depressed. Satoru gently patted Rico's head, not wanting to hassle her just because she hadn't gained enough souls in one try. At Satoru's concern, Rico regained some of her energy and looked up.

Perhaps noticing Rico's depression, Leia also chuckled and added a supplement.

I think it's the difference in basic values. I suppose that a Rico with basic value 70 and Minerva with basic value 1000 would have different levels of growth. Perhaps it will continue to rise like this until about 2000, and then slow down after 2000. In any case, we haven't seen the bottom yet.

It seems that Minerva is not familiar with the topic of souls and magic power. She listened in silence, but she kept nodding her head.

I don't have to tell you, but I can't let on that the information about intercourse with my Lord strengthens the soul is leaking out. It's too dangerous for the Lord.

...... Yes, you're right.

Riko responded cautiously. As Leia had pointed out before, if such a fact were to leak out, people of all ages, men and women, would rush to Satoru's door.

In addition, Rico serviced my Lord with your mouth once. It was a little slower rising than pouring into your womb, but it was rising. ...... Unfortunately, the only asshole my Lord ever had was me. There is no way to measure it.

Minerva tilted her head curiously at Leia's report.

I mean, with a butt hole, does that still feel good too?

There was a comeback from Minerva, Leia's gaze tweaked her, but Minerva couldn't care less. Rico cowered her head.

...... I think it depends on the person.

Rico had never had anal sex either. She's been teased a little bit, but she's never had Satoru dick in there yet. In Satoru's opinion, she may have some talent, but she will need to get used to it over time. He doesn't want to push it too far.

"Hmm," Minerva replied, looking back at Satoru and smiling.

Danna-sama, will you do it next time?

Leia couldn't help but laugh as well. Minerva's overly open behavior was the complete opposite of Rico's reticence. Satoru made a frown.

If you think you can't do it, stop, okay? It's dangerous.

Now, I think I can manage to escape even against the herd of saber tigers that attacked me just outside the town of GalhassanRico had made that judgment.

Do you think you can do it?

Yes, It's okay.

At Satoru's worried look, Rico replied with a carefree smile. It was true that Rico's senses were out of whack. But as she was running around, she realized that she just had to be careful with her leaps and speed, and she got used to it pretty quickly. As for Rico, she was quite grateful for the simple fact that her duration had been greatly extended.

Which remind me, Rico, have you thought about what kind of art you want to apply to your ornaments?

Ah, that's right. I was thinking that it would be nice to have some kind of flying art.

Flying in the air on the Minerva is certainly comfortable, but even Minerva can't always become a flying dragon. Although its use will be limited, for example, if you want to get away from a monster or a beast, having the option of being in the air will give you more places to run.That's what Rico was thinking.

She can easily imagine that she will be a hindrance to Satoru and Leia in their upcoming battle against the monsters in the labyrinth. At least, what should I do to avoid being a hindrance to them? In order to create an environment where Satoru and Leia can fight without worrying about Rico, it would be more convenient for Rico to be able to escape in any situation.

"Flight." Rico has an excellent sense of balance, so that may be a possibility.

Leia, who had finished cleaning Satoru's penis, looked up. Her cheeks are slightly flushed, but it's not imagination.

What about the rest?

The magic resistance is applied together with Leia's "Life Force Absorption" countermeasure, right?

Leia nodded.

Then maybe a enchance physical fitness or poison resistance system. ...... I couldn't think of anything else after that.

Shrugged her shoulders, Rico smiled bitterly. For the time being, she should not become a burden to Satoru and the others. That's the only thing Rico is thinking about. The only thing she can think of is to increase her defensive capabilities.

Even Satoru, who is not very knowledgeable about magic, thought that the arts Riko mentioned was still much more effective than the arts used on Minerva's ornaments.

Ah, then, something that we can still in contact even when we're apart?

He looked back at Leia and said something he had been thinking about for a while. "Hmm" Leia nodded

I've heard of Keitai Denwa. Is it the same function as that, right? [TLN: Cellphone]

In my opinion, Rico tends to be the most independent.

He always thought it would be useful to have one. Rico does all the information gathering and shopping in town. Satoru is grateful for this, but on the other hand, Rico can't contact Satoru and the others in case something happens. There are ways to find out where she is, but having a way to contact her would change the situation.

Leia groaned.

"Telepathy" may be the base, but ...... it has an extremely narrow range of effectiveness. "Distant hearing" ...... hmm.

I thought you said this world had a tool called a calling stone?

Leia gave a small shake of her head from side to side, though she pulled out Satoru's little knowledge.

.......I'm sure there is, but I haven't been able to analyze that tool yet. It may be impossible to use magic. The real thing is extremely valuable, and even if it were sold, it would fetch a tremendous price.

Satoru breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that nothing like a telephone function has been developed by magic. If Leia had the opportunity, she could research and create a new magic. In order to do so, Satoru would have to explain the concept of a cell phone.

I don't know where to start. ......

Satoru twisted his head. Not only was he hesitant to explain the concept of radio waves, but he also stumbled over how to explain radio waves. After much deliberation, he decided to abandon the explanation of radio waves.

You know the art of "Transfer". That's the art of transporting the body, right?


I wonder if it's possible to "Transfer" the sound only. Or is it "Distant Hearing"? Or maybe we could use a specific tool as a marker or landmark to "Call each other".

I see. ...... I also have to prepare a tool for my Lord to receive and use against him.

"Hou," Leia groaned. She has lived for more than two hundred years and has accumulated a good amount of knowledge, although there are occasional lapses. She has lived for more than 200 years and has accumulated a good amount of knowledge, and not only has she accumulated it, but she has also put it to good use.

The "Distant Hearing" art that picks up sounds within the range of vision, and when combined with "Distant Vision," it is possible to hear distant sounds, but picking up sounds by identifying individuals is a different art.

After a moment's thought, Leia chose her words carefully before opening her mouth.

Then, it might be possible. But it's not in the existing arts, so I have to think about the composition of the arts and then think about the chanting. ...... Give me a little time.

After nodding yes, Satoru stares at the [Immortal King], who is the smallest of them, yet has a large soul.

Leia ......, if you're so smart, how come you're a dumb kid?

Don't call me dumb kid!

Then you are Miss careless.


Leia, who was also aware that she was careless, was at a loss for a response. She has made many careless mistakes that could have been fatal, such as failing to notice the possibility of magical tremors when Satoru was putting magic into ornaments in the city of Ares.

The reason for this carelessness is that she focus so much on the art itself that she neglect to pay attention to other factors such as the magic tremor.

So, Leia, do you have any arts that you want to combine?

In response to Satoru's question, Leia showed a somewhat reluctant expression.

This is a difficult one, you know. I can basically do it myself. I'd like to incorporate the "Distant Hearing" art that my Lord just showed me, and the art of using specific tools as landmarks, but other than that, I'm not sure.

The options for magic are almost limitless, but that also means that there are many ways to use it. Leia is undoubtedly one of the best in terms of her ability to choose from a large number of magic methods and use them as needed. Basically, she can take care of herself, so she doesn't immediately come up with new options when asked. The conversations she has had with Satoru have given her hints, and she has a hunch that something will come to her, but it's still vague and not clear.

Why don't you think about it in terms of your weaknesses? I thought your weaknesses were the physical and the earth.

Advanced physical arts are usually arts that apply intermediate arts to others......Earth?.....Hmmm

Leia's head twisted in thought, but she couldn't seem to come to a conclusion fast enough.

Sorry, I still need more time.


Satoru shrugged his shoulder and nodded.

1. Before on chapter 32 Minerva soul is 1200, after she had sex twice with Satoru, her soul should be around 1300 with each sex increased her soul about 50, I don't know if it's author mistake or not so I'll explain this here

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