Foreigner's Mistake

Book 5: Chapter 49: Labyrinth ~ 07

Book 5: Chapter 49: Labyrinth ~ 07l version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

After that, for a while, there was no battle waiting for then when they came down, and the labyrinth was slowly being conquered. Although, it's not a proper strategy because they have to cut a hole in the floor to get downstairs, but no one cares about that. The question is whether or not Leia's mentor, the Immortal King Yarth, is in this labyrinth. They don't have to trudge through all the rooms, picking up items and doing other useless things.

The destruction of the floor by the Disintegration art is also going well. He used a variety of imaginary patterns to destroy the floor and gradually solidify the image.

After descending six layers, they had a battle with a giant-shaped monster, but they won the battle ahead of time, and Satoru's Disintegration just blew its head off and it crumbled away. Leia and Rico both rolled their eyes.

The Disintegration of rijutsu is a art that is easily resisted,......, but it is not so easy to pull off that it is hard to believe.

Hmm, Satoru thought to himself. It believed that if this art is resisted, it won't work, but he never encountered a target like that before.

He took a quick look around every time he went downstairs. He even picked up some money from the corpses of adventurers. Rico and Leia told him that there was nothing wrong with taking the money with them, since they didn't talk about it anyway, but Satoru didn't feel comfortable, because it made him feel like a highway robber. At the very least, he took some ornaments with him that might be their belongings. He could leave them at an inn in a nearby town, where adventurers often stay.

Although Satoru had been able to take care of the enemies by himself, he was useless in the battle at the 43rd layer. The opponent was a Wraith. It was a member of the Immortal Family and had no physical form, so any physical attack, including the Disintegration art, would have no effect on Wraith. However, there was no problem at all, because Leia's Holy Light art easily took care of it.

The Wraith is an opponent of the soul itself, and without the art of holiness, there's nothing you can do about it. So it can't be helped.

I'm not sure what that holy thing is. The rest I can figure out from my imagination.

Ahh........It's a little hard to explain verbally.

The arts that are classified as Holy are recovery arts that are mixed with physical and mental arts, and arts against the Immortal Family. It's a strange twist that the Immortal King, who is the pinnacle of the Immortal Family, uses Holy Art, but in the first place, the Forbidden art to become the Immortal King, Anti-Spirit, is a art that can only be used by those who have mastered the higher levels of Holy Arts.

As for the Holy Arts, they require classroom study and are said to be the most difficult to learn of the eight types. In addition, except for a few ritual magic, chanting is not made for intermediate and higher level magic. This is because of the high risk of misuse.

If I had to describe Holy in my imagination, I would say it is light.

Light, right ......

In the case of someone like Rico, who can only use physically art and not Holy Arts, the only thing she can use magic on is her own body to heal her injuries, and even then, not instantaneously as Leia does. It only stops the bleeding and increases the speed of recovery a little. The Holy Art, however, heals others, and its healing speed is quite fast.

Even if you have the aptitude, Holy Art is difficult because it requires a lot of classroom training and discipline. There are only about thirty practitioners of Holy Art who have mastered the advanced level at any one time. Most of them stop practicing at the beginner level. But it's still useful enough.

What about Leia?

Of course, I'm trained at the advanced level.

Leia said she manifested as a Immortal King at the age of sixteen, but it was a record for her to have mastered the extremely difficult Holy advanced level at that age.

The Regenerative Healing that regenerated Rico's right arm and healed Minerva's broken leg is also an advanced Holy Art, you know. It's not a art that can be used very often.


Satoru didn't feel much gratitude because she had been able to heal so easily, but he hadn't realized how difficult it was to do.

...... But if you die, it's all over.

When the soul is broken, there is no way to hold it together. The collapse of the soul is death. No matter how much the body is destroyed, if the soul is safe, it can be saved by Regenerative HealingBut when most of the body is destroyed, the soul is usually destroyed as well.

Not only people, but all living things become more fragile as they age, not only their bodies, but also their souls. It is said that the size of the soul itself decreases as well. The pattern of deterioration over time differs from person to person, so there is no fixed theory. The lifespan of humans and aquatic races is about 60 years, dwarves double that to 120 years, and elves about 180 years. The Immortal Family has no lifespan and no deterioration, which is why they are both feared and envied. However, it is only because they do not deteriorate over time, and even if you are one of the Immortal Family, it is still the end of your life if your soul is destroyed.

In the modern world, there are conditions such as brain death and vegetative state. When Satoru mentioned this a little, Leia responded with a difficult look. He heard that even in such cases, it is recognized that there is a soul in this world.UppTodated from nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

That concept has been the subject of some controversy, though. There is an advanced spell for the mind called Mental Break. It's a technique that literally breaks the mind of the opponent, like what my Lord calls brain death? Or a Vegetative State?. I know that they have a soul because I can get a number from the Soul Search, but I can't say if they are still considered alive or not.

I see.

Even in modern Japan, the definition of death is vague. Satoru doesn't really believe in the afterlife or ghosts. The idea that the collapse of the soul equals death is easy for Satoru to understand - for a moment he was wondering what the concept of the afterlife was in this world, but he decided not to.

The place where I can be is not in this world. I'll die when I get back to my world.

At the moment, my issue is how to deal with opponents who are completely ineffective against physics.

Hmm, Leia put her hand on her chin.

If I'm is by my Lord's side, you can slaughter them with the Giant Killer by applying the Grant Holy Power to your equipments.

...... I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Can you somehow create a chant for that art?

Leia's expression becomes difficult.

The chanting of the Holy Arts, huh.........I know it's forbidden, but it doesn't matter to me now. I'll see what I can do.

If possible, I'd like to try a Healing art.

I'm afraid that ...... Regenerative Healing is going to be difficult, but normal Healingshould be manageable.

If a chant is created, Satoru will probably be able to use it. It's better to have a way to deal with injuries when Leia is not around due to some unforeseen circumstances. In the end, of course, it would be better if he could get to the point of Regenerative Healing, but even just thinking about the structure of the art in his head can be confusing, and as Leia said, it would certainly be difficult.

I'm sorry I'm always asking for favors.

It's nothing. I told you can use me as you like, didn't I?

He remember that it meant something different, but she said it so well. Satoru couldn't help but laugh.

No amount of gratitude could ever be enough for this little beauty. It was true that Leia was the cause of the problem in the first place, so her devotion was a natural thing to do, but that didn't mean that Satoru could just take advantage of her.

However, what can I really give back to her who is so devoted to me? He asked himself the same question, but no answer came out.

As a rule, the Lost Forest is warded to accept only elves. You don't have to be an elf to enter, but you can't get to the world tree in the middle of the forest, and thanks to this, the elves who live in this forest have been free from foreign enemies for a thousand years.

Just food and drink for me and my men, please.

If they don't have them, it can't be helped, I'm done with my business, Raymond said, tossing and turning in a curt greeting.

The young elf who had led Raymond here, who had been glaring at Raymond's back with an abhorrent look, stuck up for the elder.


I can't believe they sent such a crude person as a messenger. The Academy of the Wise has fallen in quality.

Said the Elder, while let out a sigh. He himself has never been out in the world, but as the head of the village, he is always gathering information and occasionally interacting with outsiders.

Until now, the Academy of the Wise has always been a gentleman's school. The knowledge they possesses is quite impressive, and for that reason the Elves have treated them with respect.

.......Since he's official messenger, you can't be too rough with him. Just leave him to it.

Tsk, this is a dull village.

Led by a young elf, Raymond met up with his companions and was led to a hollow in the World Tree. Raymond agreed with his bandit-like subordinate who was looking at the village from behind the scenes. There are very few money transactions in elven society, and certainly no stores to be seen from here. It's hard for Raymond to believe that this is the most powerful of the elven tribes.

If there are no stores, there is no need or reason to go out in the open. He had no choice but to relax in the room he had been assigned. Or rather, there was nothing else to do.

We've brought your meal.

When they saw the three elves enter the room, Raymond and his party, who had been complaining a lot until just now, suddenly grinned. They were all beautiful young women elves. The form of their body is slender and not as feminine as a human's, but there is something divine about it, and there is no shortage about their charm. The clothes they wears are crude, but they have a certain elegance. The fact that there is no make-up on their face is also intriguing.

The women elves, under the insolent gaze of the men, still put down their plates and bowls and went to leave. They would have preferred to refrain from doing so, but it was a duty bestowed upon them by the Elders, so they had no choice. This was supposed to be the end, but a bandit-like man grabbed the thin wrist of the youngest female elf who had brought the wine.

Hey. It wouldn't be wrong of you to at least pour us a drink. We're official messengers.

I-It it trouble for me

Elves are significantly less physically robust than other races. It is believed for elves that even in physical magic and other forms of magic, the efficiency of activating power-related techniques is extremely poor. The young female elf's expression distorted when the human man grabbed her wrist. The woman elf's expression of anguish, which until now had been somewhat nostalgic, caused Raymond and the others to utter a hail.

Oh, wow. That kind of expression is quite tempting.

The man who looked like a bandit tried to pull the woman elf into a hug, but stopped his movement. From the curtain at the entrance, he saw a young male elf with an arrow in his hand. This was the man who had greeted Raymond and others at the entrance to the village. The tip of the arrow was definitely aimed at the head of the bandit-looking man.

What are you doing, human?


The young female elf's expression brightened. The bandit-like man who grabbed her arm snickered at the unmistakable murderous intent and snapped at the cocky young elf.

What the hell are you doing? I'm the official messenger of the Academy of the Wise. Are you trying to fight with the Academy of the Wise?

That's common sense for humans. For us elves, the authority of that institute is completely useless.

His killing intent increases even more. He doesn't need to draw his bow at this distance, but the young elf's presence is real. He must have a lot of confidence in his skills. A sense of inexplicable tension almost overwhelmed the area, but before the tension could descend, Raymond's small laugh interrupted.

Stop it-Stop it. We're not here to fight.

But ......

Raymond squeezed his chin against the bandit-like man who was still trying to get at him. To be honest, Raymond also feels on the side of his subordinate man. In a village where there's nothing sexy about it, the official messenger should be able to have a little fun, but it seems that this hard-headed elf village won't allow it.

Hey, you, you said your name is Dietta? I apologize for the rudeness of my men. So why don't you put down that bow?

You have to let go Arne first.

No excuses were allowed at all, and the arrow's aim remained unmoved. This man is unmistakably seriousRealizing this, Raymond glanced back at his subordinate, a bandit-looking man.


Tsk......All righty

Reluctantly, the bandit-like man let go of the hand of the female elf known as Arne. Arne hurried to hide behind Dietta. The bowstring, which had been squeezed to the last possible moment, finally loosened. Dietta turned his sharp gaze to Raymond, who was probably the leader of this group.

You'll have to be quiet, human. In this village, the authority of the Academy of the Wise is of no use. The next time you make a problem, my arrow will pierce between your eyes.

Raymond laughed inappropriately without losing his relaxed attitude. However, his back was sweating cold. Dietta finally lowered his bow and looked at Raymond, but there was not a minute to spare. Raymond was filled with the desire to slash Dietta, but he had the good sense not to let his careless actions sour the relationship between the Academy of the Wise and the elven village here.

Tsk. It's not funny.

A bandit-like subordinate threw his voice at the backs of the outgoing elven men and women. They were complaining that this was the Elves attitude toward official messenger, but they were putting aside the fact that they were acting in a manner unbecoming of an official messenger.

Of course, Dietta can hear what he's saying. The only reason he only give them a warning the rude people is because the Elders told him not to be rude at least in the first place. If that wasn't the case, Dietta would have killed them all a long time ago. Originally, lowly humans and half-elves were not allowed under the sacred World Tree. The young Dietta couldn't see the necessity of worrying more than necessary about a tactless person who couldn't even reason with.

That's why humans are.....

After confirming that Arne was safe and sound, Dietta cursed behind the curtain. The Elders would always tell Dietta to enjoy the fact that there are different values, but Dietta could not see the necessity of serving people who were far inferior to him. They are like beasts tribe.

It's clear that Raymond and his team are bored with the situation, as the proud but basically calm elves are killing more than they should and Raymond and co can't do what they want at all. Money, power, and authority have no place here. What a boring society the elves are.

For now, just write on the message tablet, "The messenger to the village has been successfully fulfilled".

Both Raymond and Dietta have the same way of thinking: they believe that their values are absolute, and they try to subjugate each other only with the power of their own beliefs, and they don't even try to understand each other.

That's why elves are.....

Raymond muttered to himself. Just like Dietta, he would not realize that his words were an indication of his own immaturity and narrowness.

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