Foreigner's Mistake

Chapter 7: Departure ~ 1

Chapter 7: Departure ~ 1

The place where the two of them decided to set off on their journey was, according to Leia, the innermost part of the "Deepest Labyrinth," one of the most difficult labyrinths in the world.

Until now, no one has ever come to the deepest part of the labyrinth.

It was inhabited by the "Immortal King", the highest-ranking member of the "Immortal Family", whose monsters, demons, and numerous traps made it impossible to conquer.

It was said that adventurers attempted the challenge two or three times a year, only to be turned away or to have their dreams crushed halfway through and become silent corpses. The large number of weapons and money that Leia kept in her warehouse were some of their belongings.

At first, Satoru had planned to leave the labyrinth on foot, but Leia stopped him. Although monsters are not a problem, the labyrinth has a huge number of vicious traps that even the main person in charge of the labyrinth cannot fully grasp, and it is simply too far away.

So what are we going to do?

Hm-hmm! This is when magic comes into play. I need your help.

With her small chest out, she takes Satoru's hand with her left hand, cuts the mark with her right hand, closes her eyes, and spun a spell.

"Group Transferrence."

His vision distorts lazily, and a moment later, his retinas are burned by a blinding light. Satoru involuntarily closed his eyes and waited for them to adjust and the cold, cool air stung his nose.

Eventually, his eyes become accustomed to the sunlight. He slowly opened his eyes, holding back the glare...

Oh, ...... ohhhhh~!

Satoru let out a loud exclamation.

Woow, ...... this is amazing!

What spreads out below him is the earth.

There is no higher place than here, and it's a 360-degree panoramic view.

The sheer magnificence of it was so captivating that he was speechless.

Below him was a steep, indigo-colored rock face. There must be snow on the ground because he could see the occasional white patches.

The scenery on the right and left-hand sides of the mountain ridge changed drastically.

On the right-hand side, a deep forest spreads out from the foot of the mountain, and it is green in color. Far beyond the yellow carpet is a lake with a blue glow, and beyond that is white smoke. It is a scene of dense water and greenery.

On the left, on the contrary, the landscape is white from the foot of the mountain. Greenery is only occasionally seen. This is probably an arid area, so there are very few signs of blue. The white and yellow dry rocky surface went on and on, and he couldn't see beyond the horizon clearly, probably because of the sand smoke.

It's not every day that you get to see a 360-degree panorama from the highest point.

The horizon looked like a slight arch, and I could see that this world was probably round as well.

Woow, I don't know what else to say.......

He remembered and took out his cell phone. Of course, there was no signal. But that's not the purpose of communication. He gave up on that from the beginning.

He selected the camera function with a familiar motion and started shooting a video. This panoramic scene is difficult to convey in a photograph.

Holding his cell phone at eye level, he takes pictures of his surroundings with slow movements, fascinated by the scenery.

The sunlight is strong. The sun feels close. The wind was not so strong, but he guessed it was because of the altitude. It was a little chilly, but not enough to bother him. Especially since he had just been in a dark labyrinth, even though it was large and had some light. The fresh air outside felt good.


What it is?

What kind of place is this?

...... Dragon's Back. It's the highest peak, the summit of Galmul.


Satoru is not bothered by Leia's tone of voice, which is usually a bit blunt. That's how fascinated Satoru was with this scene.

After showing the top of Leia's head at the bottom of the camera and her whole body, he resumed shooting the other half. Unfortunately, Leia had a scowl on her face, so her charm was reduced by half.

As he continued shooting, Satoru suddenly thought of Leia and looked at her.

Come to think of it, what's the name of this world?

Huh? Does the world even have a name?

When Leia replied, Satoru thought about it.

If you think about it, even the name "Earth" was given to distinguish between the various stars that existed besides the sun and moon. If the people who live in this world perceive this place as if it were the whole world, it is not surprising that the world does not have a name.

What has my Lord been doing for a while?

As expected, Leia did not hide her annoyance and asked Satoru. From her point of view, Satoru's actions made no sense at all.

Is this it?

He finished taking a picture after going around in a circle, saved it, and then played back the video he had just saved, showing the screen to Leia.

Take a look.

...... What the hell is this ......

Leia's eyes widen as she stares at the screen, transfixed. Satoru's cell phone is a bit old, and to be honest, the picture quality isn't very good, but it's still a surprise to someone who doesn't know anything about such things.

The video continues, and Leia hears voices, her eyes black and white as she alternates between the screen and Satoru. Eventually, Leia's eyes widened into a perfect circle as she saw the reflection of Leia's face on the screen.

It's me!! I am here!?

Haha, you reacted just as I expected. It's called a cell phone. It's basically a machine for talking to people at a distance.

What do you mean?

It's a mechanical device, I guess

Satoru was truly satisfied with the reaction of the savages as he had expected.

Satoru didn't think that living in a world where science and technology were not advanced meant that they were a savage, but when people were more surprised and interested than he had imagined, it made him feel as if his nose was rising.

Leia just stared at the cell phone from different angles.

It's like a calling stone ...... when you talk to someone away from you. But it looks like it works differently than that.

This little machine can do a lot of things.

Satoru recognized that there was an item called a calling stone. But what about the idea of numbering each aircraft to keep in touch with each other? He imagines it's like a walkie-talkie.

It's such a small thing that can do so many things.

I don't know how to explain ....... Now I'm recording the scenery as I see it through this thing. I've done it in succession now.

Satoru picked up his cell phone again, turned on the normal camera, pointed it at Leia, and released the shutter. There was a mechanical sound, and Leia reacted with a momentary jolt, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that there was no danger.

He saved the image, closed the camera, and showed Leia the image he had just taken.

In the moment, it looks like this

The one I'm in, ......, this time is not moving.

I don't know if it's the right word to describe the moment I captured........

Satoru twisted his head, trying to figure out how to explain the photo.

There is something similar in magic. The moving one is called an "Illusion" and the stopped picture is called a "Mental Image". ...... I see, you are showing them to me through a machine. Right.

I think showing them is a little different. I'm looking at what I've recorded.

Looking at what that has been recorded ......Houu. Then you can only show me what you've recorded with this machine, right?

Something like that.

Leia nodded with a "Fumu, fumu".

Leia has a rather flexible mind, and it helps Satoru to be able to talk to her quickly. It's not so easy when you're dealing with someone who's obsessed with common sense. Well, it's the same for Satoru.

Just because you're being filmed doesn't mean your soul will be taken away. So don't worry about it.

Once upon a time, there was a time when people would make a fuss about having their souls removed if their picture was taken. Of course, that's not true. For a moment, Leia reacted with trepidation, but the next moment, she looked relieved.

The only difference is that yours is magic and mine is a machine.

I understand. In my Lord's world, machines take the place of magic? But that would be ......

"Umm", Leia groaned.

How does this work? There is no magic in your world, is there?

Leia asked, looking at the phone curiously from various angles. But she doesn't want to touch it.

This Immortal King is highly adaptable and intellectually curious. The longer you live, the more hard-headed you become, but Leia doesn't seem to be that type of person.

There is no magic. Instead, there is a well-developed science. This thing is powered by lightning. It's called electricity.

...... My Lord's world is not so bad.

Leia shrugged her shoulders and gave me a dumbfounded look. He had said that it had crafted through lightning for ease of understanding, but he thought that was so out of the ordinary. However, Satoru could not and would not give a more detailed explanation than that.

On Earth, technology has only advanced in the absence of magic. Satoru thought to himself, "Perhaps in the distant future we will see a fusion of science and magic".

In my world, it's been less than two hundred years since electricity became common, you know?That's how long it's been. Of course, there were countless trials and errors before we got there.

"I see." Leia nodded and thought about it. Satoru folds up his cell phone with a snap.

This is another example of cross-cultural exchange.

But... there's an entrance to the labyrinth in a ridiculous place.

He looks into the gaping hole. It's probably a few dozen meters to the visible floor. It's wide, and the rock surface looks pretty slippery at first glance, so he guesses this entrance is the first trap.

Leia nodded.Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

As human beings, we perceive anything that is unknown to us as a threat. Even if we don't have any harmful intentions, if the other party feels that we are a potential threat, they will try to eliminate us. Since we want to avoid being eliminated, labyrinths naturally exist in places that are difficult to access.

It seems that this way of thinking hasn't changed much even though the world has changed.

Even if you have been friendly with someone, if the person you are dealing with is beyond your understanding, you will feel fear. This is a theme that has been discussed in many stories and movies.

Are you sure you don't want to leave this labyrinth to the messenger?

Leia cowered lightly.

There is no problem. The most important treasure of the tower of magic power, the core stone, has been broken, so the value of the labyrinth as a treasure has been reduced. In addition, it is unlikely that a labyrinth that has been poorly conquered for over 200 years will be conquered tomorrow or the next day just because I'm gone.

If the value of capturing the labyrinth becomes low, there will be fewer adventurers willing to take the risk. It's not worth the risk, after all.

...... I'll ask you just in case. Leia, how old are you?

Hmm, oh, I didn't tell you? 220 and a bit.

Leia's voice echoed in my brain.

As I said before, you are half-unconsciously using advanced physical techniques. For example, My Lord. Is it cold now?

No.......Now that you mention it, it's strange

Satoru twisted his neck. The altitude is not clear, but it is probably 5000 meters above sea level. If it is that high, the air must be thin, and of course, the temperature must be quite low. Even if it was summer, of course.

Despite this, Satoru does not feel suffocated, and although he felt chilly at first, now he feels no discomfort at all. If this is a benefit of Satoru's enormous magical power, it is too convenient.

Satoru once again felt that his own body was in a strange state.

I don't think the current my Lord would have a problem with a fall from a mile high...... there.

Leia came out of Satoru's shadow with a shwip.

As I said when we left, the only way to control your magic is to train and practice it along the way. There is also a way to fly, that is an art called "flying," but it is dangerous if you don't have fine control over it. For now, I will cast the spell on you. Don't resist, just accept it.


Satoru relaxed and accepted Leia's art without any particular preparation. It's only been a few hours since they met, but he thinks that since she is a slave, there can be no attack. The problem was that she had been lied to in the first place, but there was no end to her suspicions.

Leia spun the spell in a whisper without making any particular movement.


There was no change in appearance, not for Satoru, not for Leia. And Satoru tilts his head.

What kind of art is this?

It controls your speed as you fall. Well, watch this... "Glide".

Leia applied the same art to herself and looked around, spotting a small terrace about ten meters down, and nodded.

I think that place is good

She said lightly and jumped down from the edge of the cliff to the terrace.


Satoru hurriedly followed Leia with his eyes and couldn't believe his own eyes. Just before she landed on the terrace, he saw Leia looking back at him with pride, as if she had sprouted a feather or something.

Satoru also jumped towards her with all his might.

The speed of his fall was, of course, commensurate with the gravitational force, but he slowed down a little before he landed, and landed softly on the ground. There was no shock to his body when he fell or when he slowed down.

Heehow convenient it is.

It's like a magic trick to prevent falling. If he was to fall, there would be no damage.

How long will this spell last?

Considering my magic power, it's only a koku.

A koku. ......?

It may be a unit of time in this world, but of course, Satoru couldn't possibly know. Leia looked up at the sky and pointed to the sun at an angle.

The sun is in that position now. It can last until about the zenith.

Leia ran her finger quickly up to the top. I don't know how fast the sun moves, but if it's the same as on Earth, it'll take about three to four hours. Satoru makes a sour face.

Anyway if you think it's time to go, let me know first. But it's a unit, huh ......If I'm going to live in this world, for the time being, I need to understand the currency, weights, and measures, and calendars.

...... I understand the calendar, but what are the other two?

Currency is about money. Weights and measures are the units used to measure the length and weight of things.

Leia blinks her eyes and looks at Satoru, then groaned, "Hou".

I see. ...... My Lord got a very good point there.

The three differences that Satoru just mentioned are quite important in understanding each world. Even on Earth, although the calendar is constant to some extent, currency and weights and measures are not uniform, so it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of them. Satoru grumbled as he took out a notebook from his chest and wrote down some notes.

The text and the words, too. The language is ...... I think the language you use is a bit old-fashioned, but it's understood, right?

You've had no problem with language since we first met. It seems to have been incorporated into the summoning art, so there is no problem. Occasionally, I have trouble understanding my Lord's language, but that's just a cultural difference. You can understand most of my words, except for the magic words, right?

After nodding his head, Satoru put an important part that had been bothering him.

.......Just in case, I'll ask you. Leia. You're actually from a noble family, right

Wh-wh-wh-What makes you think that?

Leia was clearly dismayed. She can't hide it at all.

The way you talk. And I've only ever heard the first person referred to as "warawa1" in a story.

Is that so ......

Leia sagged.

Anyway, he sat down and asked her to teach him.

The year is divided into four sections, just like in old Japan, where spring, summer, fall, and winter, and each section is 85 days long. In other words, a year is 340 days, which is shorter than the rotation of the earth.

A day is divided into six units, called koku.

Below the koku, there is the hour, which is also divided into six units.

Finally, it is divided into 10 parts, and there is no unit below that.

In simple terms, One koku is about four hours on Earth. One hour on earth is 40 minutes here, and one decimal degree is 4 minutes. Basically, the flow of time is very generous. It is said to be the first time of the day, two o'clock, and there is no crossing. In some cities, they ring a bell to tell time except for the sixth koku, which is midnight. (TLN: sorry Im confused here, if it's mistranslated I'm very sorry, basically if 1 day(24 hours earth) = 6 koku = 36 hours = 360 decimal?)2 Here the best explanation Thanks to VeloxNex

If I can measure it later, I'll do it, Satoru thought, not knowing if a day is really 24 hours.

There are three types of monetary units that have been common on this continent since the time of the ancient magic kingdoms.

The gold coin is the Librahm (L). The silver coin is the Shilling (S). Copper coins are called Denari (d). In Satoru's knowledge, he has a faint memory that the same unit existed in medieval Europe, but he is not sure.

One librahm = 20 shillings = 240 denari, but she said that there were not many occasions when librahm were used. Of course, prices fluctuate depending on the time period, and Leia, who hadn't shopped outside the labyrinth in over 200 years, had no idea what the current prices were.

As for weights and measures, there are four units for length: inches, feet, major, and miles. Only pounds are weights.

Satoru's knowledge was that the British used those units, but the real units were very different from the British ones.

As for the length, it turned out that one foot was about thirty centimeters. Leia's wand, which assisted in the activation of magic, was said to be exactly one foot long, and he measured it with a 5.5-meter tape measure he had in his possession. I had a measuring tape with me because I needed it for work, and Leia was very surprised when I took it out.

One tenth of foot is an inch, which is about 3 centimeters, and a major and a mile are a whole bunch of digits away. One major is 9 meters and a mile is 1350 meters. In sum, 1 mile = 150 majors = 4500 feet = 45000 inches. That's 45,000 inches.

As for the weight, it is also the volume. According to Leia, 240 denari (240 copper coins) equals one pound of weight. When he compared it to a 500ml plastic bottle that is now filled with water, and it was roughly the same at 80 coins, so 1 pound is That would be 1.5 kg.

Leia said there was no problem with his language, but she also said that it was a bit vulgar. This could not be helped. Satoru didn't care about etiquette, and he was in an office that didn't require much of it. In addition, his language was quite dirty when dealing with Leia.

The problem, he thought, was the letters. In the book that Hardy's tragedy from the commercial in question was in (it was originally a children's book, it seemed), there was a list of letters. From the sound of it, it turned out to be a kana character with a different shape. This would take him a week or so if he read the book to some extent and got used to it.

After writing down the units in his notebook, Satoru took a look around.

For now, where should we aim?

If we descend the mountain in the direction of the Great Waterfall, we should be able to find a town not too far away.

The Great Waterfall, is that is?

Umu. Can you see the white smoke rising from Lake Raid? That's the Great Waterfall. (TLN: I don't know when she's going to Satoru's shadow again?)

Leia replied to Satoru, who confirmed that the lake was large enough to be seen from a distance and that he could see the direction of the white smoke beyond it. Satoru's vision is the same as Leia's due to their shared senses, so she can't point to the wrong thing.

I am not sure what's going on in the world today, but at least the town hasn't disappeared.

In some cases, towns can disappear in a span of two to three hundred years. When a town is established, it is because there is some advantage to the place. When the advantage is gone, the town declines.

However, Leia added that the water resources provided by the Dragon's Back, the foodstuffs that can be produced because of the temperature difference, and the rocks that can be taken from the mountains will definitely be a source of business, so that town will not disappear.

All right, shall we go?

It was understandable that he was hesitant to take the first step. He leaped toward the next foothold, which was ten meters away.

The effect of the "Glide" on the air was easy to get used to.

It was a little difficult to keep his balance because of the gradual, self-directed deceleration when he landed, but once he got used to it, it was a lot of fun, and his hesitation quickly faded.

Perhaps it is summer now, there is not much snow left on the ground. He knew that he only had to be careful about where he landed, so he ran down the steep mountain at a good speed. He was brave enough to jump down 30 meters in one go and had no problems whatsoever. He ran down in a good rhythm, aiming for the rocky area he could see as his landing spot.

If this had been a snow-covered mountain, he would have had to choose a place to land because of snow caves, the cold would have taken away his strength, and there would have been the danger of avalanches. It would have been a blessing in disguise.

My Lord.

What is it?

Leia's voice echoed in Satoru's head as he descended at a good pace and in a good mood.

I'd like you to take a small detour, either left or right.

That's fine, ......but is there something?

As soon as he was told, he set the next foothold to the left.

I'm sure my Lord may have no problem, but there should be a den of flying dragons. Unless you want to fight, you should spare yourself the trouble, right?


(...... flying dragons?)

If he were to catch it in words alone, it would be a flying dragon with wings. He wanted to see it, but of course, if it was true, it would be highly dangerous.

He chose a route that slanted to the left instead of straight down and skipping over the parts that looked inconvenient for jumping, Satoru found the next foothold that was large enough and jumped off casually.


The next moment, Satoru's eyes were glued to the ground. A large cave had opened up on the rock face, and his eyes met those of a giant lizard-like creature that was about 4-5 meters tall.

And there were more than one.


A huge roar that matched his body size hit Satoru's eardrums. As far as the eye could see, there were about ten monsters that saw Satoru, recognized him as the one who had raided their territory, and attacked him.

1. (TLN: Here Leia uses Warawa / for referring herself (I and my) the kanji here can be translated as concubine or mistress, usually warawa used by women in samurai families. Today, it is used in fictional settings to represent archaic noble characters)

2. 1 day = 24 Earth hours = 6 Isekai koku

1 Isekai koku = 4 Earth hours = 240 Earth minutes

1 Isekai koku = 6 Isekai hours = 240 Earth minutes

1 Isekai hour = 40 Earth minutes

1 Isekai hour = 10 Isekai ____ (degrees)

4 Earth minutes = 1 Isekai ____ (degree)

1 day = 6 Isekai koku = 36 Isekai hours = 360 Isekai ____ (degrees)

Though the smallest Isekai unit provided should probably still be referred to as minute as the term minute comes from a word that meant part as in part of an hour and should describe the first division of an hour. (Thanks VeloxNex)

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