All the people went almost the same way. Zheng Puyi said the result of his trip, "he has already used the jade card to transfer out Zhang Shizi's Secret bodyguards. There are fifty masters!" He had a rich expression, and his eyes lit up. "These people obey Yupai's orders and have surrounded YAXIAN county. I believe that the mysterious people can't get out at all."

"Do you have any news?"

When he asked, there was silence.

"It doesn't matter, just wait!" Zheng Puyi patted her sister's arm and comforted her in a soft voice. "Lin haojunji has his own natural appearance. He is smart and won't make a big deal."

"Do you think that group of mysterious people will escape?" Zheng Puyi asked coldly.

"Not likely. They have a stronghold here. If I guess correctly, Shen fu'er and Shen Feng are both members of that group, which means that they have roots in Ya county and can't leave so soon. In addition, these people also went to Lingzhou, but they didn't have their stronghold in Lingzhou, because Zhang Ruiyuan has already turned over the city of Lingzhou. " Jun Zilin's sharp eyes flashed like a wave light, followed by a flash, and then squinted lazily.

After she finished, there was a long silence in the room.

After pouring two pots of tea, Zheng Puyi eliminated the rush back and forth on the road.

He noticed that his sister's hands were dyed black. He could smell the smell of herbs on her. Before he left, she was not idle. Maybe she was worried about the illness of young master Lin?

At this point, Zheng Pu pursed his lips and looked cold.

Although he is not good at regret, if he could keep Lin Haojun at that time, maybe he would not spend so much effort now.

Now remorse doesn't work. We have to grasp the present.

"Second brother, I need you to arrange the Yamen now. If those people rush into the yamen, we need to resist it. " Jun Zilin plans for the worst.


Zheng Puyi nodded, took the people out, and called the bridge stall to him by the way. He said the current affairs, but he was scared, "Mr. Zheng, why didn't you say it earlier? Our yamen is not good. It's better to find a strong city. It's easier to defend than to attack... "

"It's too late to run." Zheng Puyi waved to him impatiently, "not to mention we are officials, where can officials escape?"

A word to block the bridge to gray face, dare not say more.

All the useful people in the Yamen are called to guard the entrances and exits of the Yamen and the walled houses. Because some people in Loudi are cruel and have excellent lightness skills, it's no matter to turn over the walls and fly into the houses. Rao is such that the Yamen is really short of manpower, and the force value of Yamen and others is not good.

As soon as the people at the bottom heard that there might be a villain coming in, they thought that the rebels would come in, and they were not easily frightened.

At the end of the day, they all know that they don't think much of it.

They are officials and those people are thieves. It's natural for officials to arrest thieves. I don't believe they will not be afraid!

When Zheng Puyi is ready, he goes back to the house to find his sister.

The house turned out to be so quiet.

Instinctively, Zheng Puyi felt something was wrong. He hurried in, only to see that Zhui's face was ugly. There was a bright red blood mark on Luo tou's cheek, which was now forming a scab. He turned to his sister and found her looking down at the note in her hand.

The note gave Zheng Puyi an inexplicable sense of horror. He rushed forward and grabbed it, "who gave it?" He asked harshly, but his eyes were full of concern.

Luo tou put out his hand to wipe the wound on his face, and answered on behalf of the princess, "Mr. Zheng Er, the mysterious man has been here. He took the note with a sleeve arrow and stabbed me in the face. There is nothing wrong with the note. The words on it can still be read!"

Hearing this, Zheng Puyi felt a chill in his heart.

He has arranged the Yamen so that the mysterious man can come in??

"I'm going to chase you, but you're like an arrow from the string, and there's no trace." Don't open your face. I'm a little ashamed.

Zheng Puyi with a complex mood read the note, found no traces of poison and so on, just relieved, and then look at the words above.

The other side said clearly, go to Yafu to exchange Lin Xiaozi.

But it is to use the princess to exchange for the safety of little Lin.

At this time, Zheng Puyi understood why his sister was so silent.

"You are the target of those mysterious people." Zheng Puyi said quietly, as if he had exhausted his strength.

Jun Zi Lin nodded and stood up slowly. "It seems that they want to play the game of striking the West with the East. It all depends on how we choose."

"What do you mean?" Zheng Puyi didn't turn the corner for a moment.

Jun Zilin thought for a while before. Seeing the elder brother's question, he said directly, "those mysterious people want to leave ya County, so they used this move. They expect that we will use the jade card to transfer all the people to Yafu, exchange Lin Haojun there, and at the same time evacuate the siege of Yaxian County, so they can leave here easily. ""Why didn't my sister think that they really wanted you?" Zheng Puyi doesn't understand. My sister's consideration is too far from the mark, and she doesn't take her seriously.

Jun Zilin laughed, "what do they want me to do? If you tie me up, can you threaten the court? " This is a joke.

"Although it can't threaten the imperial court, it can definitely threaten the king of Jin, the hundreds of thousands of troops under the king of Jin!" Zheng Puyi gritted his teeth and was angry that his sister ignored him. She should have realized the importance of herself, but she ignored it again and again. How stupid!


Jun Zilin was speechless for the first time in her life. The same words seemed to have been heard somewhere.

By the way, diduli, she was kidnapped.

At that time, she heard this, because you are Jun Zilin, so it is the most important. Your safety affects King Jin.

Jun Zilin didn't believe it at that time, and didn't think it would really threaten the king of Jin.

Things have changed. Junzilin has forgotten all about it.

What's more, Zhou Jin didn't make any amazing move, and she didn't think it would be so. Two people get along with life, has long been annihilated in those long time, but do not feel how.

Now being reminded by my elder brother, Jun Zilin is stunned.

Luo tou coughed next to him. He felt that the Lords could not stop talking. But now he stood up and said in a loud voice, "princess, what Zheng Er Zi said is very true. If the empress doesn't care for herself, it is to let us who follow the Lord's side fall to the ground. "

Behind the small seven and others is to pounce on for a while, knelt one ground.

Lotto was the last one to kneel down with a hard face.

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