Zhou Jin's big palm pinched her weak wrist and answered, "not bad."

"Tell me all about your experiences these days." Jun Zilin found that the clues she got were too few. Besides, it was OK to ask a question. If she asked too many questions, Zhou Jin had to be bored. Then she couldn't hold him.

Zhou Jin pursed her lips and didn't seem to like it very much.

"Won't you?" Jun Zilin wronged Bala said.

"Well, all right."

The prince of Jin can't really accept the princess who suddenly becomes a crying bag, but this "crying bag" is caused by his own heavy hand. Helpless, he had to "recruit from the facts.".

"I heard you went to Ya county, so I came here. Zhang Jia, who found out you were investigating, is an excellent hiding place. Unexpectedly, on the day when the second young master Zhang died, he was recognized by you. But Zhang Jia is too chaotic. For a moment, I don't want to show up. I'm lurking in the dark. "

"What did you find out?" Jun Zilin is very happy. It seems that Zhou Jin has gained something.

But Jun Zilin was held by Zhou Jin and thrown on the chair. The man looked a little unhappy and said, "princess, it's not the king who blames you, but Mr. Zhang colludes with others. It's so obvious that you don't have any evidence. It's really slow to do things because you've wasted all this time!"

After being lectured by him, Jun Zilin is silent, but her eyes are shining. She grabs his arm and nestles up to him. She says in a coquettish way: "you are the one. I will definitely improve in the future. Wang Ye, Wang Ye will give us some advice. We will work hand in hand in the future, and we will surely make great progress!"

Her words, Zhou Jin listen is very polite, but how can he be fooled by her.

The king of Jin grabbed Jun Zilin's hand and pushed her away. He said coldly, "I'm still saying that. If you want to investigate a case, I can't interfere. But I don't need you to intervene in my business. " His affairs are extremely dangerous. Sometimes he can't even protect himself, so she can't get involved. This is his only request.

"Lord, can't I sell myself?" Jun Zilin is playing snake with stick, face added a smile, tenderness extremely and together up, want to move the man.

"You can ask me anything, but it doesn't work." Zhou Jin was not moved by beauty, even though the little woman beside him was always what he wanted.

Junzilin repeatedly offered herself. As a result, Zhou Jin didn't waver at all, but she had to step back and ask for the second place. "That young master Zhang is in collusion with the mysterious man. Can you find some useful clues?"

About Mr. Zhang, Jun Zilin doubted him for a long time.

However, when Zhou Jin comes to the conclusion that she is not good at her work, Jun Zilin doesn't intend to argue any more. She thinks that we should work together to handle the case well, and it doesn't need to be too serious.

"Mr. Zhang is a merchant. Although his business is not big, he manages a batch of medicinal materials in private. I found out that these medicinal materials can be circulated in plain noodles, but he stole them. This is very suspicious. After investigation, it was found that they used some very rare herbs under ordinary herbs, which are very rare and expensive on the market. These herbs have great wealth. I couldn't figure out why. At last, I found that these herbs can make some pills, but they are poisonous. They want to use this pill to control some people

After Zhou Jin finished, Jun Zilin nodded, and then asked about the classification of those drugs.

And one of them is the white nectarine.

"Don't you think it's suspicious that this young master Zhang was suddenly seriously injured while all his brothers died?" Zhou Jin tilted his head and squinted at the woman beside him.

Jun Zilin looked at her husband with a smile on her face. Her eyes were full of admiration, but her voice echoed, "I suddenly feel suspicious when you say that, Lord!"

Men need to be worshipped. Junzilin doesn't want to be a strong woman to block her husband.

Jun Zilin is smart, but Zhou Jin is not stupid.

When he saw the color of the little woman, he immediately understood that the other party had already speculated on this, and his words just confirmed her conjecture.

For a moment, Zhou Jin's face was hot, and he felt that he would be defeated by the little woman in front of him.

This kind of taste, a little damage the face of a man, but think of their own woman so powerful, he felt very happy. Contradictory emotions rise in the heart, but there is no emotional exposure on the surface.

At the beginning of arriving at Ya county, Zhou Jin even wanted to abolish the magistrate of Qiao County directly. He was so incompetent that he knew how to make some strange things. He said that Zhang Fu had been cheated of his corpse, and he even pasted some Rune paper. It was really stupid. And Jun Zilin and his party are also very inefficient.

As a result, after chatting with her, Zhou Jin knew that maybe her idea was too naive!

Perhaps in this case, there are more serious secrets.

Because Zhou Jin didn't believe it. In the past, Aifei was very experienced in handling cases, but this time, she was not accurate.

"These mysterious people are very good at martial arts." Hum, it's time for Princess Ai to signal.Jun Zi Lin is to see him, show the expression of expectation, obviously also want to continue to listen to.

"That's all I know." Zhou Jin spread out his hand and said that he had no further comment.

"Then you go to the border, to Hengzhou things -" Jun Zilin is not satisfied to ask him.

Zhou Jin put his arms around his chest and went to the door with his big body, facing her with his back.

The man didn't wear clothes, but he stood at the door in such a natural way. Did he really think that she wouldn't look at him!

Jun Zilin saw that she couldn't get any more information from Zhou Jin. She changed her mind and kept still behind. She felt her chin and began to appreciate his fruit.

Anyway, he wanted to show it. She also made money.

As a result, Jun Zilin looked up and down three times, and Zhou Jin was still standing there.

Helpless, she came forward, small hands open, a slap "pa" sound hit on his ass!

"Hey Zhou Jin twisted her eyebrows and looked at the little woman running over. She was naughty. She dared to beat him.

Jun Zilin spat out the Pink Lilac tongue to Zhou Jin and made a face, "you slap me, I slap you again. Everyone is even. It's fair!"

"Isn't that what I said just now for the sake of paying back that slap?" Zhou Jin's lips were tightly pressed into a shape, and he was very worried. The little woman in front of him lied to him, lied to him to say it, and then spanked him. It doesn't hurt, but it's a matter of faith.

She is so unreasonable

Jun Zilin directly picked his eyelids, eyes up, made an ugly face, really mischievous with him in the end, as if to say, I don't reason, don't reason, how can you, you hit me!

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